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It’s Research!

It’s Research!. Find the article: “Fighting Quakers: The 1950s Battle Between Richard Nixon and Drew Pearson”. ProQuest. It’s Research!. Find the text of the Warren Commission’s conclusions about the assassination of President Kennedy. Annals of American History. It’s Research!.

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It’s Research!

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  1. It’s Research! Find the article: “Fighting Quakers: The 1950s Battle Between Richard Nixon and Drew Pearson” ProQuest

  2. It’s Research! Find the text of the Warren Commission’s conclusions about the assassination of President Kennedy Annals of American History

  3. It’s Research! Find the article: “The Fight at Bull’s Run”  New York Times Historical

  4. It’s Research! Find the article: “The Dilemma of Popular History”by Beik published in 1993 JSTOR

  5. It’s Research! What is the earliest use of the word “freshman” ? OED

  6. It’s Research! When was the last time the earth reversed its magnetic field? Access Science

  7. It’s Research! Find the article “To Make the Wheels Revolve We Must Have Grease": Barrel Politics in the Gilded Age” by Mark Summers Project Muse

  8. It’s Research! Find out what year the Bonus Army converged at the Nation’s capital 1932 – Encyclopedia Britannica

  9. It’s Research! Find the historical map “World War II in Asia, 1941-1945” History Study Center

  10. It’s Research! Find a copy of the book: “Mr. Sidwell's school: a centennial history 1883-1983” SFS Library Catalog

  11. It’s Research! Find the book: Barbed wire : an ecology of modernity by Reviel Netz American University

  12. It’s Research! Find two locations that have the book: The Greenwood guide to American popular culture, edited by M. Thomas Inge and Dennis Hall SFS Library and AU

  13. It’s Research! Find the article: “Women and public drinking, 1890-1920” History Study Center & ProQuest

  14. It’s Research! Find two sources that give the full text of Nixon’s resignation speech Annals of American History, History Study Center

  15. It’s Research! Find 2 references to a resource written by Ellis Turner that concerns Texas Ebrary and JSTOR

  16. It’s Research! Name two court cases involving euthanasia and the states where the right to die was challenged. Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society (ABC-Clio)

  17. It’s Research! What river serves as the boundary between Oregon and Washington? How many dams have been built on it? State Geography (ABC-Clio)

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