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INC Report to the NANC March 2001 Norman Epstein INC Moderator

Get insights on upcoming INC meetings, facilities readiness determination, and imminent exhaust updates. Learn about FCC NRO Order 00-104 and INC guidelines incorporation.

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INC Report to the NANC March 2001 Norman Epstein INC Moderator

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INC Report to the NANCMarch 2001Norman EpsteinINC Moderator

  2. Report Overview • Upcoming INC Meetings • Facilities Readiness Determination • Imminent Exhaust Update

  3. Upcoming INC Meetings • April 4-6: Interim Meeting • April 23-27: INC 56 • June 11-15 : INC 57 • August 6-10: INC 58

  4. Facilities Readiness Determination • FCC NRO Order 00-104 (paragraph 97) provided examples of evidence of facilities readiness. • To help clarify the order to service providers, an INC task force has developed additional proof of facilities readiness for initial codes. • INC is notifying the FCC of the incorporation of the information into the Guidelines.

  5. Imminent Exhaust Update • The CO/NXX Workshop agreed to proceed with the potential development of national imminent exhaust procedures in a more comprehensive context to include other emergency requests for central office codes.

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