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Explore the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's budget request focusing on advancing scientific discoveries, promoting clean energy solutions, and supporting research excellence. Learn about the agency's priorities in science, energy, economic prosperity, national security, and climate change.
OFFICE OFSCIENCE DOE Office of Science FY 2010 Budget Request Briefing for the Energy Sciences Coalition 19 May 2009 Patricia Dehmer Deputy Director for Science Programs & Acting Director Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy Download this talk at http://www.science.doe.gov/SC-2/Deputy_Director-speeches-presentations.htm
“… a historic commitment to basic science and applied research …” “Science is more essential for our prosperity, our security, our health, our environment, and our quality of life than it has ever been.” President Barack Obama Address to the National Academy of Sciences, 27 April 2009 • The Office of Science supports: • Science for discovery; • Unraveling Nature’s deepest mysteries—from the study of subatomic particles; to atoms and molecules that make up the materials of our everyday world; and to DNA, proteins, cells, and entire natural ecosystems • Science for national need; and • Advancing a clean energy agenda through basic research on energy production, storage, transmission, and use • Advancing our understanding of the Earth’s climate through basic research in atmospheric and environmental sciences and in climate modeling • National scientific user facilities, the 21st century tools of science. • Providing the Nation’s researchers with the most advanced tools of modern science including accelerators, colliders, supercomputers, light sources and neutron sources, and facilities for studying the nanoworld • The FY 2010 Budget request continues the 10-year doubling of SC and supports DOE’s initiatives in the directed pursuit of energy solutions through the establishment of two Energy Innovation Hubs and in education through the establishment of a Graduate Fellowship Program. 2
DOE’s Priorities and Goals Priority: Science and Discovery: Invest in science to achieve transformational discoveries • Organize and focus on breakthrough science • Develop and nurture science and engineering talent • Coordinate DOE work across the department, across the government, and globally Priority: Change the landscape of energy demand and supply • Drive energy efficiency to decrease energy use in homes, industry and transportation • Develop and deploy clean, safe, low carbon energy supplies • Enhance DOE’s application areas through collaboration with its strengths in Science Priority: Economic Prosperity: Create millions of green jobs and increase competitiveness • Reduce energy demand • Deploy cost-effective low-carbon clean energy technologies at scale • Promote the development of an efficient, “smart” electricity transmission and distribution network • Enable responsible domestic production of oil and natural gas • Create a green workforce Priority: National Security and Legacy: Maintain nuclear deterrent and prevent proliferation • Strengthen non-proliferation and arms control activities • Ensure that the U.S. weapons stockpile remains safe, secure, and reliable without nuclear testing • Complete legacy environmental clean-up Priority: Climate Change: Position U.S. to lead on climate change policy, technology, and science • Provide science and technology inputs needed for global climate negotiations • Develop and deploy technology solutions domestically and globally • Advance climate science to better understand the human impact on the global environment
Priority: Science and DiscoveryInvest in science to achieve transformational discoveries • Focus on transformational science • Connect basic and applied sciences • Re-energize the national labs as centers of great science and innovation • Double the Office of Science budget • Embrace a degree of risk-taking in research • Create an effective mechanism to integrate national laboratory, university, and industry activities • Develop science and engineering talent • Train the next generation of scientists and engineers • Attract and retain the most talented researchers • Collaborate universally • Partner globally • Support the developing world • Build research networks across departments, government, nation and the globe
Office of Science by the Numbers in FY 2010 ~25,000 users in FY 2010 (distribution of users by facility) • ~ 25,000 Ph.D.s, graduate students, undergraduates, engineers, and technicians at more than 300 universities and at all 17 DOE laboratories • ~25,000 users at the facilities Alcator NSTX DIII-D SSRL ARM JGI ALS FES EMSL ATLAS Bio & Enviro Facilities HRIBF TJNAF Nuclear physics facilities APS RHIC Light Sources B-Factory High energy physics facilities Tevatron Computing Facilities Neutron Sources NSLS ALCF Nano Centers OLCF HFIR Lujan SNS NERSC NSRCs
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) • BES Mission:To support fundamental research to understand, predict, and ultimately control matter and energy at the electronic, atomic, and molecular levels in order to provide the foundations for new energy technologies and to support DOE missions in energy, environment, and national security. • Priorities: • Create a new paradigm for the design of materials, especially those related to the efficient production, storage, transmission, and use of energy • Through observation and manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scales, achieve mastery of material syntheses and chemical transformations relevant to real-world energy systems • Understand and control fundamental interactions between matter and energy, especially at the nanoscale • Conceive, construct, and operate open-access scientific user facilities to probe materials at the limits of time, space, and energy resolution • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant effort will be spent in establishing the EFRCs during their first full year of operation and in overseeing new facilities (LCLS) and a major construction project (NSLS-II). • Efforts in FY 2010 are informed by the following Scientific Workshops and Reports: • BESAC Basic Research Needs workshop series (11 workshops from 2003-2007) • BESAC Energy Grand Challenges report (2007) • BESAC New Science for a Secure and Sustainable Energy Future (2008) • R&D coordination with DOE applied technology programs in areas such as electrical energy storage, solar energy utilization, biofuels, and fuel cells • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 8
BES FY 2010 Highlights Research (3 modalities): • Core research supporting single investigators and small groups is continued. This includes research addressing the 5 key science challenges from the BESAC Grand Challenges report: (1) quantum control of electrons in atoms, molecules, and materials; (2) basic atomic architecture of matter and directed assembly; (3) emergence and collective phenomena; (4) energy and information transfer on the nanoscale; and (5) matter far from equilibrium. • Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), initiated late in FY 2009, see their first full year of operation in FY 2010. The 46 new EFRCs assemble scientists from multiple disciplines to conduct basic research to establish the scientific foundations for new energy technologies in a wide variety of topical areas. • Energy Innovation Hubs are initiated in the areas of Fuels from Sunlight and Batteries and Energy Storage. Hubs assemble purpose-driven teams to address the basic science, technology, economic, and policy issues needed to address the energy topic. Each is funded at $25,000,000/year for an initial 5 year-period with one-time funding of $10,000,000 provided for start-up, excluding new construction. Facilities: • Scientific User Facility Operations are fully funded in FY 2010. More than 10,000 scientists and engineers from academia, national laboratories, and industry use the BES facilities annually. • The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the world’s first hard x-ray coherent light source, begins operations in FY 2010. First light was seen at LCLS in April within a few hours of the start of the first commissioning run and with only about 1/3 of the undulators in place! Wow!First science starts in the fall of 2009. • The National Synchrotron Light Source II at Brookhaven National Laboratory continues construction, including the largest component of the project—the building that will house the storage ring.
NSLS 1982 LCLS 2009 10,000 9,000 APS 1996 ALS 1993 8,000 7,000 APS 6,000 ALS 5,000 SSRL NSLS 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 - 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Est. Fiscal Year BES in Pictures –Seeing Atoms with X-Rays NSLS-II Today NSLS-II 2015 SSRL 1974 & 2004 Numbers of Users
The Scale of Things – Nanometers and More Ant ~ 5 mm Dust mite 200 mm Fly ash ~ 10-20 mm DNA ~2-1/2 nm diameter Atoms of silicon spacing 0.078 nm Things Natural Things Manmade 1 cm 10 mm 10-2 m Head of a pin 1-2 mm The Challenge 1,000,000 nanometers = 10-3 m 1 millimeter (mm) MicroElectroMechanical (MEMS) devices 10 -100 mm wide Microwave 0.1 mm 100 mm 10-4 m Human hair ~ 60-120 mm wide Microworld 0.01 mm 10 mm 10-5 m Pollen grain Red blood cells Infrared Red blood cells (~7-8 mm) Zone plate x-ray “lens”Outer ring spacing ~35 nm 1,000 nanometers = 10-6 m 1 micrometer (mm) Visible Fabricate and combine nanoscale building blocks to make useful devices, e.g., a photosynthetic reaction center with integral semiconductor storage. 0.1 mm 100 nm 10-7 m Ultraviolet Self-assembled, Nature-inspired structureMany 10s of nm Nanoworld 0.01 mm 10 nm 10-8 m ~10 nm diameter Nanotube electrode ATP synthase 10-9 m 1 nanometer (nm) Carbon buckyball ~1 nm diameter Soft x-ray Carbon nanotube ~1.3 nm diameter 10-10 m 0.1 nm Quantum corral of 48 iron atoms on copper surface positioned one at a time with an STM tip Corral diameter 14 nm Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Science, U.S. DOE Version 05-26-06, pmd
Biological and Environmental Research (BER) • BER Mission:To understand biological, climate, and environmental systems by exploring the frontiers of genome-enabled biology; discovering the physical, chemical, and biological drivers of climate change; and seeking the biological, geochemical and hydrological molecular determinants of environmental sustainability and stewardship. • Priorities: • Use systems biology approaches to understand enzymatic, microbial, and plant interactions for the conversion of biomass into liquid transportation fuels • Use advanced atmospheric measurements together with high-end computation and modeling to predict the impact of greenhouse gases on climate change • Model and measure the fate and transport of contaminants in the subsurface environment at DOE sites to predict contaminant flows • Develop new tools to explore the interface of biological and physical sciences • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • BER restructuring of subprograms aligns scientific themes across the portfolio to enable strategic formulation and execution of the budget • Significant effort will be spent to deliver new instrumentation to the EMSL and ACRF user facilities and to further build the bioinformatics framework for integrating research on plants and microbes • Efforts in FY 2010 are informed by the following Scientific Workshops and Reports • Carbon Cycling and Biosequestration Workshop (2008) • Systems Biology Knowledgebase Workshop (2009) • New Frontiers of Science in Radiochemistry and Instrumentation for Radionuclide Imaging (2009) • Identifying Outstanding Grand Challenges in Climate Change Research (2008) • Interagency coordination on plant feedstocks and sustainability for bioenergy (USDA), the Biomass R&D Board (USDA, EPA and others), and radiochemistry/radiobiology (NIH) • DOE R&D coordination with DOE applied technology programs in bioenergy, subsurface science, and climate • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 13
BER FY 2010 Highlights Research: Biological Systems Science • The DOE Bioenergy Research Centers continue pursuit of breakthroughs needed to make cellulosic biofuels cost-effective, with new developments on pretreatment, plant oils, and microbial deconstruction and conversion of biomass (with 95 peer-reviewed publications, 23 patent filings, and 5 patent disclosures to date) • Support is provided to the Genomics Science programto begin conceptualization of a Genomics Knowledgebase to exploit, analyze, mine, and integrate masses of data produced by high-throughput genomic sequencing and other technologies. • Radiological Sciences will support improvements in synthetic radiochemical methods, new radiotracer designs, and development of new radiochemistry detection methods. Climate and Environmental Sciences • Climate and Earth System Modeling continues the development of climate models and their use to develop projections on temporal scales of decades-to-centuries and spatial scales from regional-to-global. Efforts increase in visualization for model development, evaluation, and model intercomparisons, and in Integrated Assessment research to integrate climate models with economic and societal factors. • Atmospheric System Research, with upgraded instrumentation funded by the Recovery Act, probes deeper into the effects of clouds, aerosols, and growing atmospheric greenhouse gasses on the Earth’s radiation balance. Facilities: • Joint Genome Institute serves both the DOE Bioenergy Research Centers and the wider Genomics Science community engaged in DOE mission-relevant research with new, accelerated sequencing technologies. • Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility (ACRF) provides improved long-term observations with four fixed sites and two mobile facilities. Mobile campaigns will take place in the Azores and Colorado. • Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory operations supported at optimal levels to support user community; capital equipment investments enable instrument upgrades and new capabilities.
BER in Pictures From genomes … to … proteins … to … plants and ecosystems High-throughput genome sequencing at the Joint Genome Institute Protein structure determinations at the synchrotron light sources Collecting switchgrass samples for the DOE Bioenergy Research Centers. From high-end computation … to … sophisticated field measurements Raman lidar (ground-based laser sensor) at the ARM Climate Research Facility (Oklahoma). The Climate, Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling Project
Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) • ASCR Mission:To discover, develop, and deploy computational and networking capabilities to analyze, model, simulate, and predict complex phenomena relevant to DOE. • Priorities: • Develop mathematical descriptions, models, methods, and algorithms to understand complex systems across wide spatial and temporal scales • Develop the underlying understanding and software to make effective use of computers at extreme scales and to transform extreme-scale data into scientific insight • Deliver forefront computational and networking capabilities to extend the frontiers of science • Support mathematical and computational partnerships to advance key DOE & SC missions • Develop networking and collaboration tools and facilities that enable scientists worldwide to work together • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant effort will be spent capitalizing on recent advances in computer power through multidisciplinary research partnerships; advanced networking; and research efforts for next generation computer architectures. • Efforts in FY 2010 are informed by the following Scientific Workshops and External Reviews • Workshop series on science challenges and the potential role of extreme scale computing (2008-2009) • National Research Council report, The Potential Impact of High End Capability Computing in Four Illustrative Fields of Science and Engineering (2008) • Committee of Visitors - Computer Science (2009) • Cyber Security Research Needs for Open Science (2007) • Interagency coordination through the National Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 16
ASCR FY 2010 Highlights Research: • Applied Mathematics Research continues to focus on advancing techniques and algorithms that enable simulations at extreme scales, understanding massive data sets, and cybersecurity. 20% of the recently announced SIAM fellows are supported by ASCR. • Computer Science Research maintains its focus on developing operating systems, tools, programming models, and data management for extreme scale computing with applications across science. A new effort for FY 2010 will support research in advanced computer architectures. • Support for Computational Partnerships continues with the Scientific Discovery through Advance Computing (SciDAC) Centers for Enabling Technologies, SciDAC Institutes, and Science Application Partnerships as successful means of increasing the impact of computational science across the disciplines – including the 2008 Gordon Bell Special Prize for Algorithms team. • Next Generation Networking Research for Science will initiate new research efforts to focus on developing technologies to support research and education networks such as ESnet. Facilities: • Leadership Computing Facilities (LCFs)—the most capable machines available to openscience—receive continued support for operations and site preparation for upgrades. • Oak Ridge LCF multicore Cray Baker system will provide 1.64 petaflop capability • Argonne LCF IBM Blue Gene/P system will provide 556 teraflop capability • The National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) facility will be upgraded to a capacity of approximately one petaflop to meet ever growing demand from the Office of Science researchers. • ESnet will begin to deliver 100-400 gigabits per second connections to the Office of Science Laboratories in FY 2010 through support for operations and upgrades. ESnet was recently recognized by an Excellence.gov award as the best in government for Effectively Leveraging Technology. • Research and Evaluation prototypes will continue to support development of the next generation of leadership computing systems.
Turbulent combustion simulation Gallium arsenide quantum dot Supernova core collapse ASCR in Pictures ASCR supports major computing facilities at Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ASCR also supports the ESnet, linking researchers across the U.S. The new 1.64-petaflop Cray XT Jaguar – the fastest computer for open science in the U.S. – features more than 180,000 processing cores, each with 2 gigabytes of local memory. The resources of the ORNL computing complex provide a total performance of 2.5 petaflops. Grain boundary doping
1 Exa (1018) 1 Peta (1015) Performance (flops) 1 Tera (1012) 1Giga (109) ASCR in Pictures
Nuclear Physics (NP) • NP Mission:To discover, explore and understand all forms of nuclear matter and to understand how the fundamental particles—quarks and gluons—fit together and interact to create different types of matter in the universe, including those no longer found naturally. • Priorities: • Understand how nucleons—protons and neutrons—combine to form atomic nuclei and how these nuclei have emerged since the origin of the cosmos • Using particle accelerators operating at less extreme energy ranges than those of HEP, illuminate the structure of the nucleon—the core building block of matter; understand how quarks and gluons assemble to form matter’s core; and search for undiscovered forms of matter • Penetrate the respective mysteries surrounding the properties of the neutron and the neutrino • Conceive, construct, and operate national scientific user facilities • Steward isotope development, production, and technologies for research and applications • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant efforts will be spent in overseeing facility upgrades (the 12 GeV upgrade at CEBAF), the design of a new facility (FRIB at MSU), and reestablishing the program for production of research isotopes and R&D of isotope production techniques. • Efforts in FY 2010 are informed by the following Scientific Workshops and External Reviews : • The Nation’s Needs for Isotopes: Present and Future (2008) • The Nuclear Science Advisory Committee 2007 Long Range Plan, The Frontiers of Nuclear Science • Annual science and technology reviews of the national user facilities • Interagency coordination on radioactive and stable isotopes • DOE R&D coordination with DOE applied technology program on isotopes, AFCI, nuclear forensics, others • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 20
NP FY 2010 Highlights Research: • Core research supports research in the frontiers identified in the 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan: (1) quantum chromodynamics, (2) nuclei and nuclear astrophysics, and (3) fundamental symmetries and neutrinos at national and international facilities. • Rare Isotope Beam Science Initiative MIE funding is initiated to support new investments in forefront science opportunities at world-leading rare isotope beam facilities around the world • Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) conceptual design and R&D continues in FY 2010. FRIB is a next generation nuclear structure and astrophysics machine that will map out the nuclear landscape. • Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications supports research on targets, separation technologies, and development of isotope production technologies for stable and radioactive isotopes, as well as production of research isotopes. • Nuclear Science Applications and Technology research supports nuclear physics research and technology that is inherently relevant to a broad suite of applications Facilities: • Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) is supported at near optimal operations and the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project continues • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is supported at near optimal operations; the Electron Beam Ion Source construction project is complete in FY 2010; luminosity and detector upgrades continue. • Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) is supported at near optimal operations for studies questions of nuclear structure, the Californium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) is completed in FY 2010 • Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) is supported at near optimal operations for studies of short-lived, exotic nuclei that don’t exist in nature • Isotope Production Facilities at LANL and BNL, and isotope processing facilities at ORNL, BNL, and LANL continue to support production of isotopes for commercial and research applications.
HEP in Pictures • The Standard Model is a theory devised to explain how sub-atomic particles interact with each other. • There are 16 particles that make up this model – 12 matter particles and 4 force carrier particles. But they would have no mass if considered alone. • The proposed Higgs boson explains why these particles have mass. Particles acquire their mass through interactions with an all-pervading field, called the Higgs field, which is carried by the Higgs boson. • There are now signs that the Standard Model will have to be extended by adding new particles. 23
High Energy Physics (HEP) • HEP Mission: To understand how our universe works at its most fundamental level by discovering the most elementary constituents of matter and energy; probing the interactions between them; and exploring the basic nature of space and time. • Priorities: • Using the highest-energy particle accelerators, discover as yet undetected elementary particles, elucidate their properties, and thereby advance our knowledge of the most fundamental forces of nature • Using high intensity particle beams and/or high precision, ultra-sensitive detectors, observe very rare events that help uncover the fundamental symmetries that govern the interactions of elementary particles • Obtain new insights from instrument-assisted observations of naturally occurring processes in the cosmos • Steward a national accelerator science program with a strategy that is inclusive and cross-disciplinary • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant effort will be spent in shifting the focus from operations of facilities built in the 1990’s in the U.S. (SLAC B-factory and the Tevatron Collider) to the exploitation of the LHC and the design and construction of new capabilities. • Efforts in FY 2010 are informed by the following Scientific Workshops and External Reviews • Report of the HEPAP Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel—P5 (2008) • Annual Science and Technology Reviews of scientific user facilities • Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC) and NASA/NSF advisory committee reports to DOE/HEP as well • Interagency coordination and collaborations with NSF and NASA and international partnerships • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 24
HEP FY 2010 Highlights Research: • Research at the Energy Frontier funds support experimental collaborations at both Fermilab and the Large Hadron Collider. • Research at the Cosmic Frontier funds research and development towards a space-based instrument for dark energy research as part of the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) with NASA. • Research at the Intensity Frontier funds R&D and design efforts for a Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) and associated accelerator upgrades; and coordinated efforts for a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) for a world-class program detecting very rare particle interactions • Advanced Technology R&D—HEP’s stewardship of accelerator R&D includes research efforts in Superconducting Radio Frequency technology that continue to develop the technologies required for more powerful and efficient accelerators. • Theoretical Research funds the computational simulations of Lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics (LQCD) increases to support the second phase of this initiative Facilities: • Tevatron at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory—continues to experience world-record-breaking luminosity; capabilities and experiments offer unprecedented opportunities to find clear evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model • Large Hadron Collider (LHC)—funding supports LHC detectoroperations, maintenance, computing, and R&D necessary to maintain a U.S. leadership role in the LHC program • NOvA neutrino detector – increased funding supports continued fabrication of detector, NOvA seeks to answer fundamental questions about the origins of mass • Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beamline at Fermilab will support ongoing neutrino experiments
Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) • FES Mission:To advance the fundamental understanding of matter at very high temperatures and densities and develop the scientific foundations needed for a fusion energy source • Priorities: • Advance fundamental plasma science, spanning plasmas at low temperatures to those at achievable extremes of pressure and temperature • Understand the science of magnetically-confined plasmas to ultimately create, confine, and control a self-sustaining “burning plasma” • Develop the fundamental understanding to fabricate materials that can withstand the material-plasma interface and to develop other enabling technologies needed for a sustainable fusion energy source • Conceive, construct, and operate open-access scientific user facilities that advance plasma and fusion energy science; participate in the design and construction of ITER • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant effort will be focused on providing solutions to high-priority ITER issues, preparing the comprehensive FES strategic plan, and completing the planning for the fusion simulation program. • Scientific Workshops and Reports: • Advancing the Science of High Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas (FESAC/Jan 2009) • Report of the FESAC Toroidal Alternates Panel (FESAC/Nov 2008) • Review of the DOE Plan for U.S. Fusion Community Participation in the ITER Program (National Research Council/Jul 2008) • Priorities, Gaps and Opportunities: Towards a Long-Range Strategic Plan for Magnetic Fusion Energy(FESAC/Oct 2007) • Plasma Science-Advancing Knowledge in the National Interest (National Research Council/2007) • NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering • R&D coordination with NNSA in the area of high energy density laboratory plasmas • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 27
FES FY 2010 Highlights Research: • Research at Major Domestic Facilities—DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, and NSTX—will continue to focus on providing solutions to key high–priority ITER issues and build a firm scientific basis for ITER design and operation. • Fusion Simulation Program planning activities increase. • High Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas (HEDLP) Joint Program between FES and NNSA commenced in FY 2008 leverages NNSA experimental facilities to advance HED science, including fast ignition, laser-plasma interaction, magnetized high energy density plasmas, plasma jets, and warm dense matter. • Plasma ScienceCenters—academic centers of excellence that focus on fundamental issues of widely recognized importance to plasma science while training the next generation of plasma scientists are funded in FY 2010. • A robust portfolio of Alternative Concept Experiments will continue to explore the science of magnetic plasma confinement optimization through a variety of novel confinement concepts with plasma densities spanning twelve orders of magnitude. Facilities: • Operations and Maintenance of Major Domestic Facilities are fully funded to provide for enhancements of the major fusion research facilities—Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX—to meet the needs of the scientific collaborators using the facilities. • ITER is funded to support the U.S. share of the construction phase • Matter in Extreme Conditions (LCLS End Station) is fully funded through the Recovery Act to explore the science of materials under extreme temperatures and pressures. • An Upgrade of NSTX is begun to double the magnetic field and current and possibly add a second neutral beam heating system to increase the pulse length; the Conceptual Design Report and CD-1 are planned for FY 2010
FES in Pictures Simulation of particle transport in a tokamak (ORNL) 3D simulations of RF heating in plasmas representative of the ITER fusion reactor as well as tokamaks such as the NSTX (ORNL) NSTX plasma (PPPL)
Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) • WDTS Mission:To help DOE and the Nation have a sustained pipeline of highly trained science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) individuals for the U.S. workforce. • Priorities: • Increase participation of under-represented students and faculty in STEM energy-and-environment education and careers, using opportunities afforded by the DOE national laboratories • Contribute to the development of STEM K-16 educators through experiential-based programs • Provide mentored research experiences to undergraduate students and faculty through participation in the DOE research enterprise • Provide graduate fellowships for the pursuit of advanced degrees in scientific disciplines that prepare U.S. students for careers important to the Office of Science mission • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Significant effort will be spent in preparing to initiate SC-wide graduate fellowships program • Efforts informed by External Review of WDTS program by panel of STEM experts (2009) • Interagency coordination on science education through the National Science and Technology Council and collaborations with the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Atmospheric Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, and other agencies. • Coordination with Office of Science programs and the DOE applied technology programs. • 2009 Recovery Act enhancements 30
WDTS FY 2010 Highlights Student Programs: • Student Undergraduate Research Internships—funding in FY 2010 will support 570 student internships at the DOE national laboratories, up from 365 in FY 2009. Students spend an intensive 10-16 weeks working under the mentorship of resident scientists. • Community College Institute of Science and Technology—funding in FY 2010 will support 115 students for mentored research internships at the DOE laboratories, up from 48 students in FY 2009. • Pre-service Teachers—funding in FY 2010 will double the number of undergraduate students participating in research internships at the DOE laboratories to 60. Participating students are preparing for careers as K-12 STEM educators. • The National Science Bowl—continues the annual regional and national competitions for middle school and high school students. The NSB annually attracts over 22,000 high-achieving high school and middle school students every year. Educator Programs: • DOE Academies Creating Teacher Scientists—supports 220 middle school and high school educators for intensive mentored research experiences at the DOE national laboratories. • Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship—supports 6 Fellows in FY 2010. • Faculty and Student Teams—supports more than 60 faculty from Minority Serving Institutions in FY 2010. Workforce Development Programs: • Graduate Fellowships—the Office of Science will initiate a graduate fellowships programs in FY 2010 to support students pursing advanced degrees in fields important to the Office of Science mission.
WDTS in Pictures 2009 National Science Bowl Mira Loma High School from Sacramento, Calif.
Science Laboratory Infrastructure (SLI) • SLI Mission:To support scientific and technology innovation at the Office of Science (SC) laboratories by funding and supporting mission-ready infrastructure and fostering safe and environmentally responsible operations. Paramount among these is the provision of infrastructure necessary to ensure world leadership by the SC national laboratories in basic scientific research now and in the future. • FY 2010 Highlights: • The Laboratory Modernization Initiative—increases funding in FY 2010 to continue the ten-year capital improvement plan to revitalize the 10 SC laboratories. The initiative currently includes approximately 35 projects. • New projects funded in FY 2010: • Research Support Building and Infrastructure Modernization (SLAC) • Energy Science Building (ANL) • Renovate Science Laboratories, Phase II (BNL) • On-going projects with FY 2010 funding: • Seismic Life-Safety, Modernization, and Replacement of General Purpose Buildings, Phase II (LBNL) • Interdisciplinary Science Building, Phase I (BNL) • Technology and Engineering Development Facility (TJNAF) • Continued Stewardship Support for the Oak Ridge Reservation and Federal facilities in Oak Ridge • Continued Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to local communities around ANL, BNL, and ORNL • Discontinued funding for excess facilities 33
SLI FY 2010 Budget(FY 2008=$66.861M; FY 2009=$ 145.380M; FY2009 ARRA=$198.114M; FY 2010 =$ 133.6M) • Infrastructure Supportfunds the cleanup and removal of excess facilities at the SC laboratories, SC stewardship responsibilities for over 24,000 acres of the Oak Ridge Reservation, and the Federal facilities in the town of Oak Ridge and PILT • Excess Facilities Disposition. Bevatron D&D funding is completed in FY2009; funding for projects other than the Bevatron was discontinued in FY 2009. Any SC excess facilities are now to be transferred to EM for disposition, completed with overhead funds, or addressed in the Infrastructure Modernization Initiative projects.FY 2009 funding includes $10M for cleanup efforts at ANL per Congressional direction (FY2008=$8.8M; FY2009=$24.8M; ARRA=$14.3M; FY2010=$0M) • Oak Ridge Landlord. (FY2008=$5.033M; FY2009=$5.079M; FY2010=$5.079M) • Payments in Lieu of Taxes. (FY2008=$1.506M; FY2009=$1.385M; FY2010=$1.520M) • Constructionfunds line item construction projects. Projects are selected using a collaborative approach involving SC Site Offices, Laboratory Chief Operating Officers, the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations and the SC Programs. Projects are evaluated and prioritized based upon mission relevance, amount of deferred maintenance reduction, amount of excess infrastructure eliminated, return on investment, and level of institutional commitment. Ongoing and New Projects in FY 2010: • Research Support Building and Infrastructure Modernization (SLAC) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$0M; FY2010=$8.9M) • Energy Science Building (ANL) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$0M; FY2010=$10.0M) • Renovate Science Laboratories, Phase II (BNL) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$0M; FY2010=$7.0M) • Seismic Life-Safety, Modernization, and Replacement of General Purpose Buildings, Phase II (LBNL) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$12.495M; ARRA=$15.0M; FY2010=$34.027M) • Interdisciplinary Science Building, Phase I (BNL) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$8.24M; ARRA=$18.673M; FY2010=$39.387M) • Technology and Engineering Development Facility (TJNAF) (FY2008=$0M; FY2009=$3.7M; FY2010=$27.687M) Ongoing Projects with Funding Completed in FY 2009: • Modernization of Laboratory Facilities(ORNL) (FY2008=$9.329M; FY2009=$25.103M; ARRA=$60.568M; FY2010=$0M) • Physical Sciences Facility (PNNL) (FY2008=$24.773M; FY2009=$52.775M; FY2010=$0M) • Renovate Science Laboratory, Phase I (BNL) (FY2008=$8.2M; FY2009=$6.642M; FY2010=$0M) • Seismic Safety Upgrade of Buildings, Phase I (LBNL) (FY2008=$9.272M; FY2009=$2.617M; FY2010=$0M) • OSTI Facility Improvements (FY2008=$0.0M; FY2009=$2.5M; FY2010=$0.0M)
SLI in Pictures Research Support Building and Infrastructure Modernization, SLAC Preliminary TEC Range: $80M - $96M This project will integrate the lab’s Accelerator Physics community across programmatic boundaries and will provide more uniform service (training, ES&H, business services) for the lab-wide user community. Project scope includes the construction of a modern office building for technical staff currently dispersed throughout the site in aged trailers and other inefficient locations and modernization of three facilities for operations staff supporting the research mission. Energy Sciences Building, ANL Preliminary TEC Range: $84.5M - $95M Scope includes construction of a new multidisciplinary Energy Sciences Building that will provide efficient and modern research space to serve an interdisciplinary science community working to discover and develop alternative approaches to energy production, storage and utilization. Renovate Science Labs 2, BNL Preliminary TEC Range: $45M - $50M This project will upgrade and rehabilitate obsolete systems in Buildings 510 (Physics) and 555 (Chemistry). Although the basic core and shell construction of these buildings is sound, the lab and office spaces and their utilities and environmental support systems are obsolete.
Science Program Direction (SCPD) • SCPD Mission:To provide and sustain a skilled Federal workforce to provide oversight for the $5B Office of Science (SC) portfolio and the 10 DOE Laboratories that report to the SC. • SC Headquarters (HQ) staff is responsible for scientific program strategic planning, program budget formulation, program implementation and execution, and management across the broad sweep of scientific disciplines and program offices. • Site Office personnel, located at each of the 10 DOE/SC laboratories, are responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the management and operating contract performance. • The Integrated Support Center, operated in partnership by the Chicago and Oak Ridge Offices, provides administrative, business, and technical support across the entire SC enterprise. • Federal staff at the Office of Scientific and Technical Information fulfill the Department’s legislative mandate to provide public access to the results of DOE research programs. • Program Planning Factors for FY 2010: • Increasing workload as a result of (1) increased SC funding from the FY 2009 Omnibus Appropriation; (2) the FY 2009 ARRA funding; (3) additional oversight required of construction projects; and (4) significant additional responsibilities asked of SC by Secretary Chu for interactions with the DOE technology offices. • 17 Committee of Visitors reports since FY 2002 have called for additional Program Managers and support staff at HQ for virtually all Program Offices. • SC succession planning—31% of SC employees become retirement eligible by FY 2010. • Benchmark and Workload/Workforce Analysis Studies are underway to compare SC organizational structure and budgets to a comparable government scientific agency (i.e., NIH) and identify relationships between workload indicators, staffing requirements, and budget allocations. 36
SCPD FY 2010 Budget(FY 2008=$177.8M; FY 2009=$186.7M; FY 2010 =$213.7M) • Salaries and Benefits:Salaries and benefits funding in FY 2010 supports 1,149 Federal FTEs, this is an increase of 83 FTEs from FY 2009. (FY2008=$129.5M; FY2009=$138.8M; FY2010=$155.9M) • Travel:Includes all transportation, subsistence, and incidental travel expenses of SC’s Federal employees and Advisory Committee members in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations. Enables Federal staff to conduct necessary site visits and programs reviews to effectively manage a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and ensure implementation of DOE requirements. (FY2008=$3.8M; FY2009=$4.6M; FY2010=$5.2M) • Support Services: Includes contracts to provide both technical expertise and general administrative services and activities. (FY2008=$22.8M; FY2009=$19.0M; FY2010=$24.3M) • Other:Provides for common Department HQ administrative services including rent and building operations, phone services, network connectivity, supplies/equipment, printing/graphics, photocopying, and operation and maintenance of grants management software systems. (FY2008=$21.7M; FY2009=$24.3M; FY2010=$28.3M)
Safeguards and Security (S&S) • S&S Mission:To support the conduct of the DOE research missions at the Office of Science laboratories by ensuring the appropriate levels of protections against unauthorized access, theft, diversion, loss of custody, destruction of DOE assets, or hostile acts that may cause adverse impacts on fundamental science, national security, the health and safety of DOE and contractor employees, the public, and the environment. • Safeguards and Security functions: • Protective Forces—security officers/access control officers • Security Systems—personnel, equipment, hardware and software structures, and procedures used to protect S&S interests • Information Security—policies and procedures for identifying, marking, and protecting classified and sensitive unclassified information and materials • Cyber Security—protection of computing resources and data against unauthorized access • Personnel Security—execution of policies and procedures for granting access to classified material, and granting Foreign National access to DOE facilities. • Material Control and Accountability—systems and procedures necessary to establish and track nuclear material inventories, control access to and detect loss or diversion of nuclear material. • Program Management—security policy oversight and administration for general requirements 38
S&S FY 2010 Budget(FY 2008=$75.9M; FY 2009=$ 80.6M; FY 2010 =$ 83.0M) • Budget Request by Site:Supports Protective Forces, Security Systems, Information Security, Cyber Security, Personnel Security, Material Control and Accountability, and Program Management (oversight and administration of requirements). • Ames Laboratory (FY2008=$0.9M; FY2009=$1.0M; FY2010=$1.0M) • Argonne National Laboratory (FY2008=$8.6M; FY2009=$8.5M; FY2010=$8.7M) • Brookhaven National Laboratory (FY2008=$10.9M; FY2009=$11.3M; FY2010=$11.5M) • Chicago Office (FY2008=$2.0M; FY2009=$1.6M; FY2010=$0.0M) • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory(FY2008=$2.2M; FY2009=$1.7M; FY2010=$3.4M) • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (FY2008=$5.0M; FY2009=$5.0M; FY2010=$5.1M) • Oak Ridge National Laboratory(FY2008=$7.6M; FY2009=$9.0M; FY2010=$8.9M) • Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (FY2008=$1.7M; FY2009=$1.6M; FY2010=$1.6M) • Oak Ridge Office (FY2008=$18.6M; FY2009=$18.7M; FY2010=$19.2M) • Office of Science and Technology Information (FY2008=$0.6M; FY2009=$0.5M; FY2010=$0.5M) • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (FY2008=$11.1M; FY2009=$11.2M; FY2010=$11.2M) • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (FY2008=$2.4M; FY2009=$2.1M; FY2010=$2.1M) • SLAC National Accelerator Facility (FY2008=$2.6M; FY2009=$2.5M; FY2010=$2.6M) • Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (FY2008=$1.6M; FY2009=$1.3M; FY2010=$1.3M) • Other (supports continuation and management of consistent cyber security across SC laboratory complex and other S&S activities) (FY2008=$0.1M; FY2009=$4.6M; FY2010=$5.9M)