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Candidate Experience Vs Recruiter Experience

Candidate Experience Vs Recruiter Experience . Ken Ward Winter Court Consulting Ltd @kward69. Is there a conflict between candidate and recruiter experience?. Definition of Candidate Experience ?.

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Candidate Experience Vs Recruiter Experience

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  1. Candidate Experience Vs Recruiter Experience Ken Ward Winter Court Consulting Ltd @kward69

  2. Is there a conflict between candidate and recruiter experience?

  3. Definition of Candidate Experience? • HR pros love to talk about “The Candidate Experience” like it’s really important – as if it’s the Silver Bullet to all of HR’s problems. ” Tim Sacket, VP HR and regular contributor to Fistful of Talent • If you’re not a great company to work for,  your “Candidate Experience” is not your biggest issue, so go focus on the real problems. • Candidates fighting to get in to work for you; isn’t that really “The Candidate Experience” you should be striving for? • As far as attracting talent, good hype is very effective in attracting talent- if a company is an “employer of choice” it can get the “pick of the litter” however dysfunctional the actual reality of working there may be…If you’re not an “employer of choice” and not after “the Fabulous 5%,” you don’t need to offer a culture- you just need to offer a job. – Keith Halperin, - Bay Area Recruiter

  4. Our Survey Said…….. • Candidate as consumer, consumer as a candidate • 50% of Britons turn to social networks to find work • Because everyone said we should – it’s the trend • “as opposed to the ‘Family Fortunes’ style research beloved by some of the Auto-Tweeters” Neil Morrison, HRD

  5. Recruitment Blogging HQ

  6. Matt Alder ‪@mattalder “well I know most surveys Matt Alder, Early Adopter, circa 1985

  7. The Recruiter Experience

  8. Why No Focus on the Recruiter Experience? • Decisions on ATS’s NOT made by recruiters • Waters muddied by confusion around social media reach and “candidate experience” • Recruitment reporting in to HR – differing criteria?

  9. What Do Recruiters Want • Simplicity • Logic • Mirrors workflow • Assists in making great hires

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