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WELCOME TO THE MOST CHALLENGING & EXCITING TRAINING SEMINAR OF THE AGES. METRO MANILA LOCAL CHURCH ELITE EVANGELISM TRAINING SEMINAR. Theological Foundation of Elite Evangelism. SLOGAN: “If God says it, I will believe it. If God so commands it, I will do it”.
SLOGAN: “If God says it, I will believe it. If God so commands it, I will do it”
Change my heart oh God Make it ever new Change my heart oh God May I be like You
You are the potter I am the clay Mold me and make me This is what I pray
Change my heart oh God Make it ever true Change my heart oh God May I be like You
Prayer ** Divine Call
Introduction In Matt. 24:14 says, “The gospel commission must be spread to the ends of the earth and then the end comes” Ellen G. White pointed out basing from Revelation 14:6 she said, “The gospel invitation is to be given to all the world- ‘to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people’” (Rev 14:6; White, COL, 228)
Introduction Furthermore, Ellen G. White mentioned that, “The last message of warning and mercy is to lighten the whole earth with its glory. It is to reach all classes of men, rich and poor, high and low. ‘Go out into the highways and hedges,’ Christ says, ‘and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled’” (White, COL, 228) Elite People have been Neglected: 1. “The higher class have been strangely neglected” (White, GW, 361) 2. “This class have been sadly neglected” (White, MM, 244)
Biblical Foundation a. Jonah 3:1-10= The evangelism strategy of Jonah evangelizing Nineveh, b. John 3:1-21= The evangelism strategy of Jesus to Nicodemus, c. Acts 10-11:1-18= The evangelism strategy of Peter to Cornelius d. Luke 5:29-30= The evangelism strategy of Matthew (Banquet) e. Acts 8:26-40= The evangelism strategy of Philip to the Ethiopian Eunuch.
Operational Definition of the Word Elite based on two sources: • Dictionaries • 2. Social Weather Station (SWS)
Dictionaries Operational Definition of the Word Elite: Dictionaries: 1. Newbury House Dictionary of American English 2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and 3. Cambridge International Dictionary of English
The Newbury House Dictionary of American English defines elite as “leaders and professionals”
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines eliteas “a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills.”
In the Cambridge International Dictionary of English denotes elite as rich people, and the best educated people or highly trained group of people in the society.
SWS Operational Definition of the Word Elite Based on Two Interests: 1. Socio-economic Interest, and 2. scholastic Interest
In the socio-economic and scholastic pursuit, elite people are the people understood to be ranging from middle class to upper
In the Socio-economic Interest: In socioeconomic context of SWS, if the monthly income is above Php30,334.00, entrepreneur and proprietor who live in costly houses, mansions, condominiums, well tended subdivisions with
with security guards and with cars, even if he/she is not academically educated he/she is considered an elite. Below that line, belong to common people (Dennis M. Arroyo, “Are you Poor, Middle Class or Rich,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, January 7, 2002, C8).
In the Scholastic Interest: In the scholastic context of SWS, if the Monthly income is above Php9,767, because of the academic ranks and intellect, he/she is considered elite. Below that line, belong to common people (Ibid).
These are the People with Academic Professions and People with Money They are the people who have been active part in the world’s work
Borrowing the Indicator of Ellen G. White, these are the People living in the “Highways” These are the people who bear heavy responsibilities in public life These are the people need to be proclaimed by the Gospel message
Ellen G. White Said, “The call to be given ‘in highways,’ is to be proclaimed to all who have been active part in the world’s work, to the teachers and leaders of the people. Those who bear heavy responsibilities in public life, physicians and teachers, lawyers and judges, public officers and businessmen, should be given a clear, distinct messages” (Ev., 554-5; 6T, 78).
Who’s First to Hear the Message? “The message is FIRSTto be given ‘in the highways’ – to men who have an active part in the world’s work, to the teachers and leaders of the people” COL, 229
Men in business life, in high positions of trust, men with large inventive faculties and scientific insight, men of genius, teachers of the gospel whose minds have not been called the special truths for this time these should be the FIRST to HEAR the CALL. To THEM the INVITATIONMUST be GIVEN” (COL, 233)
Evangelism, 555; MM, 244 E.G. White said: “There has not been the effort made that should have been made to reach the higher classes” “This class have been sadly neglected. The workers have judged from appearance, and have taken it as a certainty that they would labor in vain”
“Let the Lord’s messengers bear this in mind. To the shepherds of the flock, the teachers divinely appointed, it should come as a word to be heeded. Those who belong to the higher ranks of society are to be sought out with tender affection and brotherly regard” (COL, 233)
“There is a work to be done for the wealthy …. The wealthy men Need your labor in the love and fear of God. Too often they trust in their riches and feel no hunger …. Those who stand in the world for their education, wealth, or calling, are seldom addressed personally… we would not standby and see them
perish because he was a lawyer, a merchant, or a judge…many in high social positions are heart sore, and sick of vanity. They are longing for peace they have not. In the highest ranks of society are those who are hungering and thirsting for salvation” COL, 230
Seventh-day Adventists Are Slow “Again and again I am instructed to present to our churches the work that should be done in our large cities. There is a great work to be done…. After we have been told that our cities are to hear the message, but how slow we are to heed the instruction …
Seventh-day Adventists Are Asleep Seventh-day Adventists are asleep … we are far behind in following the light God has given regarding the working of our large cities” Ev. 32-33
Reasons of Evangelizing the Highways First “When the truth is presented in the highways, the hedges will be opened and an extended work will be done” Ev., 40; Letter 168, (1909).
“Plans for the higher classes will reach all…. Firstreach the high classes…, but there should no neglect of the lower classes…. Methods may be devised to reach the higher classes …. Plans to reach the best classes, and you will not fail to reach the lower classes” Ev., 553.
Gospel Workers, 348 E.G. White said: “There are many wealthy men who are susceptible to the influences and impressions of the gospel message, and who, when the Bible and the Bible alone is presented to them as the expositor of Christian faith and practice, will be moved by the Spirit of God to open doors for the advancement of the gospel. They will reveal a living faith in the word of God, and will use their entrusted means to prepare the way of the Lord, to make straight in the desert a highway for our God”
“So now, if men of influence and large capacity for usefulness could be won for Christ, then through them what a work could be accomplished in lifting up the fallen, gathering the outcasts, spreading far and wide the tidings of salvation. Rapidly the invitation might be given, and the guests be gathered for the Lord’s table” COL, 232.
“Here is a field of labor that should not be neglected. These persons are stewards to whom God has committed important trusts. We should come close to this class … many of them are soul burdened; they long for something, they know not ….
If saved to Jesus Christ, they will be useful agents in the hands of God to communicate the light to others. If converted to the truth, they will have a special burden to draw other souls of this neglected class to the light” -Medical Ministry, 243.
E.G. White in the Gospel Workers, 349 said: “The Lord desires that moneyed men shall be converted, and act as His helping hand in reaching others… and be led to use their entrusted capital in His service. He would have them invest the means He has lent them, in doing good, in opening the way for the gospel to be preached to all classes, nigh and afar off”
The Heaviest Burden of E.G. White in Evangelism: “The burden of the needs of our cities have rested so heavily upon me that it has sometimes seemed that I should die” -Ev., 34.
In the Gospel Workers, 361 says: “In the higher walks of life will be found many who will respond to the truth, because it is consistent, because it bears the stamp of the high character of the gospel” (White, Gospel Workers, 361) In Luke 10:1-3 speaks of the truth that Cities & Towns are already ready for the harvest (kindly read for understanding)
E.G. White said in the book Evangelism, 556: “The intelligent, the refined, are altogether too much passed by. The hook is not baited to catch this class, and ways and methods are not prayerfully devised to reach them with truth that is able to make them wise unto salvation”
“Thousands of wealthy men have gone to their graves unwarned, because they have been judged by appearance, and passed by as hopeless subjects. But, indifferent as they may appear, I have been shown that most of this class are soul burdened. There are thousands of rich men who are starving for spiritual food. Many in official life feel their need of something which they have not. Few among them go to Church… The teaching they hear does not touch the soul. Shall we make no personal effort in their behalf?” (6T, 78).
We Shall Now Redeem the Time: “A great work is to be done … the favorable time for our message to be carried to the cities has passed by, and this work has not been done. I feel a heavy burden that we shall now redeem the time” Ev., 31, 231; Manuscript, 62.
Except Literature Evangelism, and • Except Media Evangelism, there is no other best evangelism strategy yet that is workable to reach Elite Peoplethan through Elite Church members reaching their fellow Elite. Therefore, training Elite Church members to reach their fellow elite is indispensible
No Time to Lose • The work is before us; will we engage in it? We must work fast, we must go steadily forward. We must be preparing for the great day of the Lord. We have no time to lose, no time to be engaged in selfish purposes. The world is to be warned.
COMMENDATION: “Those who will exercise their God-given ability for the conversion to the truth of the intellectual, the refined, and the world-absorbed wealthy class, are doing a good and essential work” -Medical Ministry, 24.
Recommended Evangelism Strategy to • be done by our Elite Church members is called Sectoral Elite Evangelism (SEE) Strategy. CxOs & Managers Sector Medical Sector Politician, Lawyers, & Judges Sector Academe Sector Peace & Order or Corps Sector Engineer & Architect Sector Business & Entrepreneur Sector
EGWhite Recommendation for M2C “Seven men should have been chosen to be united with the president, to set in operation a work in the great cities for those who are peri-shing with out the truth, while no determined efforts are being put forth to save them. These seven men should be men who are wide awake, men that are humble and meek and lowly in heart. Never should the cities have been neglected as they are; for there has come most decidedly message after message calling for earnest labor.”
She added: “No less than seven men should be chosen to carry the large responsibilities of the work of God in the great cities. And these men should humble themselves daily and seek the Lord most earnestly for sanctified wisdom. They should relate themselves to God as men desirous to be taught. They must be men of prayer, who realize the peril of their own souls. What should be the work of these seven men? They should investigate the needs of the cities and put forth earnest, decided efforts to advance the work”(Evangelism, 37-38).