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Grantham School 2013-2014. Partnering with you to make your child’s education the best it can be with the goal of ensuring each child graduates. Grantham Staff, Parents, Students and the community working together to reach EXCELLENCE!. Our Direction:.
Grantham School2013-2014 Partnering with you to make your child’s education the best it can be with the goal of ensuring each child graduates. Grantham Staff, Parents, Students and the community working together to reach EXCELLENCE!
Our Direction: The staff of Grantham School is committed to ensuring students meet and/or exceed annual student growth and proficiency expectations as well as prepare students to be productive citizens.
Our Core Values: • We are committed to being life-long learners and achieving excellence. • We are committed to being reliable, trustworthy, honest, efficient, and loyal. • We are committed to being respectful and nurturing. • We are committed to inspiring others by being passionate about our profession. • We are committed to being creative and innovative. • We are committed to being a good steward of all we have. • We are committed to serving others with a positive attitude. • We are committed to the well being of all. • We are committed to working together as a team.
Our Belief Statement: Grantham School believes all students can learn in an engaging, rigorous, and relevant learning environment enhanced by appropriate and meaningful relationships between students, parents, staff, and extended community.
We believe that every individual… • deserves respect and needs to respect others. • needs a safe and orderly environment. • needs a positive support system which includes parents, peers, and staff. • deserves resources and opportunities to experience success. • deserves education in the use of technology which is essential in today's world. • needs discipline.
Our Purpose and Mission • Grantham School shall provide an exemplary education to produce globally competitive, healthy, and responsible students led by 21st Century professionals governed by quality leadership and supported by 21st Century systems. “…if you have a purpose in which you can believe, there’s no end to the amount of things you can accomplish.” Marian Anderson • The mission of Grantham School is to develop life-long learners by challenging, inspiring, and nurturing students to achieve through academic goal setting, character development, and stewardship.
Reminder of Procedures/Expectations: • Attendance: Read attendance policy and have your child at school on a daily basis. • Arrival/Departure: Parents are to sign students in when arriving late and sign students out when picking students up early. We discourage tardiness and early departure as it disrupts the learning environment. • Parents are to drop students off at the designated area of either the gym (grades 4-8) or support/2nd grade building (grades K-3) each day. Walking students to class is prohibited by all grade levels after Independence Day -September 13. Fewer adults on campus promotes a safer environment as well as enables each teacher to begin instruction/ supervision as expected. We appreciate your support and understanding in these matters. • Confer with the teachers after school or during their planning time to establish a time for conferences, etc.. Teachers are not interrupted during instructional time to meet or answer telephone calls. Notation: Failure to adhere to published procedures will result in violator being prohibited from being on campus for a minimum of one year. The WCPS Central Office will send a letter regarding the violator being banned from campus and document the infraction.
Funding Sources • Federal Funding Title I – School wide • State and Local Allocation (Used for classroom needs such as consumables, copies, ink cartridges, posters, etc.) • Grantham General Fund (money from fundraising) • Grants
Resources and Strategies Funded • Instructional support materials • Classroom Libraries for K-8 (Title I Funded) (300 minimum books/grade level in K-4 and 100 in 5-8) • Interactive Boards in all classrooms in grades K-8 (Federally Funding) • Hands-on learning materials for grades K-8 • Staff Development in Technology Integration, Thinking Maps, Components of Literacy and Writing, as well as Math • Title I funded specialist -Teachers in Reading and Math • K-8 Curriculum Facilitator – Title I funded • K-2 Reading Specialists Team – Title I funded • Success Coach – Funded by Communities in Schools
Target fundraiser • Thanks to parents, teachers, and other supporters in our community, our school is benefiting from Take Charge of Education. Last year our school earned $323.94. • You can apply online, via mail, or at the target store. Follow this webpage to get more information. • https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/application
School Store Safe and Easy way to help your school raise money. • Go to www.SchoolStore.net • Enter school ID # 144 • Address at least 3 invitations to family and friends • Pick your participation prize
Student Support I. Grantham School Student Support System • All students are monitored by staff working closely with them. Guardians/ Students report incidents or ask questions to their instructor or other appropriate staff member such as guidance, CFST, administration, etc. as needed. • Mentor Program- Each student at Grantham School has immediate access to a mentor. Homeroom teachers function as mentors and provide direct services. If a student needs additional support, the school will attempt to link students with mentors within as well as outside of the school community. The Administration, Child and Family Support Team (CFST), Guidance Department, Behavior Specialist and Success Coach facilitate the process of connecting students with appropriate mentors based upon student need. II. Instructional Support • K-4 Title I instructional specialists support during ACC. • K-8 Title I instructional support providers for identified students during the day. • K-8 Exceptional Children’s services provided for students meeting specified criteria based upon results from psychological evaluation. • Home Base, GRA Parent/Student Live Binder, GRA Website
Goals for 2013-2014 • Grantham School will provide a quality learning environment to: • increase student proficiency in all core subjects. • increase in student growth on district assessments/measurement. • improve student writing conventions and content. • produce globally competitive students. • produce productive citizens.
Academic Focus to Accomplish Goals • Sustain Student growth through • Sound instructional framework • close, analytic reading in all classes. • expository/argumentative writing in all classes. • purposeful discussion/debate in all classes. • engagement in critical thinking.
Student Assessments Benchmark Expectations The expectation is that average will increase by a minimum of 1.0. Students more than 1.0 behind grade 7 will be expected to grow no less than 1.5.
Student Assessments Benchmark Expectations The expectation is that average will increase by a minimum of 1.0 grade level. Students more than 1.0 level behind grade 7 will be expected to grow no less than 1.5 grade levels.
“FAB FIVE” FOCUS • 1. Sound Instructional Framework • 2. Close, Analytic Reading • 3. Expository/Argumentative Writing • Discussion/Debate • 5. Critical Thinking
Mathematics “FAB FIVE” • Addition -operation that represents the total amount of objects together in a collection. • Subtraction –operation that represents the inverse of addition, subtraction is a kind of addition • Multiply- operation of scaling one number by another -The basic idea of multiplying is repeated addition. For example: 5 × 3 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 • Divide - separate into parts • Ratios – develop relationship between two numbers of the same kind ( e.g., objects, persons, students, spoonfuls, units….
7th Grade discipline policy Expectations/Rules: • Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. • Bring all materials to class. • Be respectful to all. • No gum, food or drink • Complete all assignments • No talking in hallways • No horse-playing in the classroom or hallways. Consequences: • 1st Offense: Verbal warning • 2nd Offense: Student/Teacher conference • 3rd Offense: Silent Lunch • 4th Offense: Parent Contact • 5th Offense: Office referral
Bulldog PRIDE Criteria • Room 1: EXTREME PRIDE • No missing work or documentation of not showing PRIDE (must be in this group all year to attend End of Year Celebration). • Room 2: Good job of displaying PRIDE • No more than two silent lunches and/or parental contacts. • Room 3: Needs improvement with showing PRIDE • Parent contact and/or ASD and/or three or more silent lunches. • Room 4: PRIDE needs to be re-taught and action plan possible. • Referral (s) to office including bus referrals.
“GROWLITUDE” Don’t forget to display your PRIDE everyday!
Teacher E-mails and Websites • Jennifer Williams: • jenniferwilliams@wcps.org • http://www.waynecountyschools.org/Page/6578 • Lisa Joyner: • lisajoyner@wcps.org • http://www.waynecountyschools.org//Domain/1199 • Kim Vann: • kimberlyvann@wcps.org • http://www.waynecountyschools.org//Domain/1228 • Tyler Elliott • stephenelliott@wcps.org • http://www.waynecountyschools.org//Domain/3413