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Owner and Operator Response to Manure, Milk & Silage Leachate Spills. Stop the Release. Stop the release Contain the Spill. Stop the Release Contain the Spill Clean up the Spill. Manure Runoff Concerns:. Biological/Biochemical Oxygen Demand Ammonia Toxicity Osmotic Shock
Owner and Operator Response to Manure, Milk & Silage Leachate Spills
Stop the release • Contain the Spill
Stop the Release • Contain the Spill • Clean up the Spill
Manure Runoff Concerns: • Biological/Biochemical Oxygen Demand • Ammonia Toxicity • Osmotic Shock (seen as Specific Conductance and Chlorides) Corn, Potato, and Sugar Beet Silage Leachate: All of the above, plus low (acidic) pH Spilled Milk: Lack of Oxygen = High BOD
Control and Contain Manure before it causes a problem • Basin Management • Be prepared with pumps, diking materials • Be proactive.. Plan! • Weather watch
Manure Management Scenarios to Avoid 9 AM, Sunday July 24, 2005 Beautiful day in MN, IA, WI
July 25, Precipitation: 1.6” to 3.98” across several counties Manure runoff • Through vegetation • To receiving waters
Manure Runoff and Fish Kills Common Causes: • Applications prior to a rainstorm event • No or improper incorporation • Application on sloping sites with uncontrolled runoff
Message on manure impacts to surface water •High BOD •Odor, Shock •E-coli •pH changes •Public safety/relations
•Surface application does run off • •Downbursts push runoff directly to surface waters • •“Grassed waterways” don’t’ treat manure, but they do convey it during a rainstorm • • If precipitation is • looming, wait or • Incorporate!! Lessons Learned
RP had a feedlot inspection yesterday by the CFO and he needs to report water running out of his pit. The water separated and came to the top. RP held off on hauling because it has been so dry don’t know how to get it incorporated. Caller explained that at night it was dried up and then in the morning yesterday and today some had run out. Caller has questions on what to do now…………
Manure in the Ditch ? • Contain the spill; • recover pooled manure and solids, get a pump truck if necessary; • scrape large accumulations, leave vegetation if possible, excavate soils only if critical to protection of ground water; • straw, corn stalk bales, and ditch-hay make good absorbents and can be land applied; • incorporate areas of bare soils; • contact the Duty Officer. Berm, Recover, Pump, Absorb!
Hose Breaks at CulvertInjection and spray irrigation • Stop the leak • Prevent runoff to surface waters and wetlands, protect open-tile intakes • Both the manure generator and the applicator have an obligation to report and cleanup a manure release • Disappearing manure in a “dry run” or on shallow bedrock has affected nearby wells
Nuisance Conditions:Manure and Mud on the Road • - Contact the Duty Officer before John Q. Public calls-in a safety/odor complaint • about a manure covered road surface • Clean mud and dry manure tracking as soon as possible, scrape with a bucket or • consider using a rotary sweeper to get it off the roadway • Manure on the road and frozen wet weather, also consider sanding • Safety and cleanup in conjunction with MNDOT/County/TWP
Silage/Beet/Corn Leachate Dam it, Pump it, Soak it up ! Report it! Then: Neutralize the residue
MilkReleases • Prevent runoff to surface waters • Recover pooled liquid • Contact the Duty Officer Spilled Milk: ^BOD = Low Oxygen = Fish kill
Fuel and oil spills • Contain the spilled product
Once product is in the water, very tough to contain and remediate!
Hydraulic Fluid Spills • Contain and recover pooled product • Cleanup with absorbent material if sprayed over large area • Excavate if soils are saturated, petroleum contaminated soils can often be thin-spread for treatment. • Contact the Duty Officer if over 5 gallons released
Excavate contaminated soils Can often be remediated by thin spreading on Ag lands
Contact the Duty Officer 800-422-0798 • Spills of fuel/oil over 5 gallons • Spills of other pollutants.. any amounts • Spills of commercial fertilizers/pesticides cleanup oversight by MN Dept Ag
Some fuel spills may require extensive & long term cleanup •Groundwater threatened or impacted •Vapor issues •Dependent on geology and spill volume • MPCA - PRP
State Duty Officer • On duty, 24 hours per day, every day and night • One call to State Government, Duty Officer alerts all pertinent State agencies • Tell Duty Officer if you want or need immediate call back 651-649-5451 800-422-0798
Questions? Craig “Smiley” Schafer State Program Administrator Principal Emergency Response Program Marshall Office 507-476-4269