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River Pollution: Saving the Wabash River

River Pollution: Saving the Wabash River. By Sandeep Suresh Freshman, Engineering major. Overview. Introduction Background/History Problem Solution/ Method Timeline Budget Benefits. Introduction. Wabash River or ‘ Wabashike ’ Drains over two-thirds of Indiana

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River Pollution: Saving the Wabash River

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Presentation Transcript

  1. River Pollution: Saving the Wabash River By Sandeep Suresh Freshman, Engineering major

  2. Overview • Introduction • Background/History • Problem • Solution/ Method • Timeline • Budget • Benefits

  3. Introduction • Wabash River or ‘Wabashike’ • Drains over two-thirds of Indiana • Important role in history of Indiana • At present, river is polluted • Strategic plan required

  4. Background/ History • Pollution in Wabash due to 3 main causes: • Waste- treatment plants that do not function properly release harmful effluents (ex: ammonia, chlorine etc.) • Runoff from fields where animals graze cause soil sedimentation. • Minor level of mercury in fish due to air pollutants which mix with the water during the rains.

  5. Problem • The main cause  runoff from fields • Soil gets washed off fields and banks of rivers. • Nutrients present in the soil mix with the water. • Bacteria like E coli. grow due to nutrients. • Residents are aware but are not educated about the present situation • Common misperception – Wabash is being polluted with pollutants.

  6. Solution Method • Portfolio introduction – to mayor and city council • Invitation – to potential members through flyers and advertisement • Formation- create posts for program • Meeting coordinator: to select the places to hold the meetings, time and organize the meeting • Survey coordinator: to organize and direct the ‘river watchers’ to observe certain points of the Wabash and collect data. • River watchers: work in groups of four which will observe the points identify if the point is critical or not. • Volunteer workers: will perform work on the river which will help in preventing sedimentation in the Wabash River. • Investigation • Implementation

  7. Timeline

  8. Budget • My proposed budget will be ~ $460 • Flyers for the callout • Posting advertisement in the Journal and Courier for 2 days • Printing registration forms for potential members

  9. Benefits • Encourage residents to participate thereby promoting community involvement • Revive and restore an integral part of Indiana’s history • Set an example that will be followed all over the country

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