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Writing Section of the Final Exam. Thursday, June 13th. 2 out of 3. You will need to write 2 out of 3 essays given on the final exam. NO ENGLISH ALLOWED. You ARE NOT ALLOWED to write words in English unless they are proper nouns (names of people or places)
Writing Section of the Final Exam Thursday, June 13th
2 out of 3 • You will need to write 2 out of 3 essays given on the final exam.
NO ENGLISH ALLOWED • You ARE NOT ALLOWED to write words in English unless they are proper nouns (names of people or places) • If any English is used other than proper nouns, the entire essay gets a zero.
All numbers must be written out in Spanish. • You must write using complete sentences in Spanish.
How will I be graded? • #1 Vocabulary/Word Count • You are required to write 45 different words in your essay. Names do not count. • Different words = you cannot count the same word twice.
For most that would mean you need to write 10 – 15 sentences per writing topic.
Try NOT to use cognates • Use interesting Spanish words over cognates to impress and show that you have learned Spanish. • Try not to use words like: La pizza, el chocolate, el hospital, el hotel
Examples • Yo vivo en una casa grandeen Nueva York. Mi casa esverde, moderna, y bonita. Mi casa està a la izquierda del supermercadoen callerojo. • Vocabulary/Word Count: 22 different words
Example • Me gusta el helado en elverano. El heladoesdelicioso. Me gustala tortaen la primavera. La tortaesdeliciosa. • Word Count: 11 different words • Bottom line: Do not keep repeating the same things over and over. USE DIFFERENT VOCABULARY!!
#2 Grammar • WATCH YOUR GRAMMAR!!! • Make sure your verb agrees with the subject • Make sure you use the correct el/la or un/una • Make sure you adjective agrees with the noun • Ej. La casa roja • “A” + “el” = AL “De” + “el” = DEL
Conjugate your verbs!! • Incorrect: • Yousar el mapa en la clase de historia. • Correct: • Youso el mapa en la clase de historia. • Incorrect: • Yojugar al hockey. • Corrrect: • Yojuego al hockey.
DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING • You want to say “Karen is swimming in the pool.” • DO NOT WRITE: Karen es nada en la piscina. • We say: Karen nada en la piscina.
Otroejemplo • Joe is playing soccer in the park. • DO NOT WRITE: Joe esjuega al fútbol en el parque. • We say: Joe juega al fútbol en el parque.
#3 Spelling • Spelling counts! This includes accents. • Review your words. Know how to spell. Watch your accents! • Most importantly – PROOFREAD!!!
#4 Completion of the Task • Make sure you stick to the task. • Only sentences directly related to the task will be counted. • If your essay has nothing to do with the task you will receive a zero.
Quality sentences • Big Boy / Big Girl Sentences • I need to see compound/complex sentences. • Include people, places, time, days of the week, seasons, etc. • I need to see that you have learned a lot over the past 2 years.
Baby sentence: • Yo vivo en una casa. • Big Boy / Big Girl sentence: • Yo vivo en una casa grande, nueva, y moderna con toda mi familia.
Baby sentence: • Yojuego al béisbol. • Big Boy / Big Girl sentence: • Yojuego al béisbol con mis amigos en el parquecuandohacebuentiempo en la primavera.
Baby sentence: • Yocomprounacamisa. • Big Boy / Big Girl sentence: • Yocomprounacamisaroja, unafaldaverde, y los zapatosformales a mi tiendafavorita en el centrocomercial.
Remember the rule of 3 • If you are describing using adjectives you should have at least 3. • If you are discussing what you are wearing you should have at least 3 clothing items. • If you are discussing the weather you should give me 3 weather expressions.
Do Not Forget To Proofread! • When finished go over EVERY sentence. • Does it even make sense in English? THINK!!! • Make sure your verbs and conjugated and match the subject. • Make sure you used the correct word for “the”. • Check your spelling! • Make sure all sentences satisfy the task. • Make sure you have 45 different words.
Organization Counts • Organization counts towards the grade. • Before beginning: • Jot down ideas and vocabulary that you would like to use. • Make an outline if you like to help you map out your writing.
Make sure you have a good topic sentence and a good closing sentence in your writing.
Don’t forget your frequency words • Siempre – always • Usualmente – usually • A veces – sometimes • De vez en cuando – every so once in awhile • Nunca – never
Expand • El sacapuntasestá a la derecha de la puerta. • Expand more! • El sacapuntasestá a la derecha de la puerta y a la izquierda de la pizarrablanca.
El vueloempieza a lasocho. • Always include start and end time. • El vueloempieza a lasocho y termina a lasdiez y media.
Time • If you can: Use more difficult time phrases. • Ocho y media - 8:30 • Ocho y cuarto - 8:15 • Nuevemenosveinte – 8:40
Say what you like and WHY • Me gusta la ciudad. • Expand! • Me gusta la ciudad porqueesnueva, moderna, interesante, y hay muchoschicosguapos.