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State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) Coordinator Training

State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) Coordinator Training. SECC Honorary Chair: Mrs. Mary Henrich SECC Chair: Mary DeLay, Vice President of Communications & Chief of Staff. Mrs. Mary Henrich. A message from Mrs. Henrich, 2013 Honorary Chair Please click on the photo below.

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State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) Coordinator Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) Coordinator Training SECC Honorary Chair: Mrs. Mary Henrich SECC Chair: Mary DeLay, Vice President of Communications & Chief of Staff

  2. Mrs. Mary Henrich A message from Mrs. Henrich, 2013 Honorary Chair Please click on the photo below.

  3. Campaign dates: September 3 – October 4 2013 Goal: $430,000

  4. Why participate in the SECC? • Your gift is tax-deductible • Take part in the Health Science Center’s mission of community service • Provide support to friends, family and neighbors in need • It feels good to know that you helped someone in need • Give to say thank you – because someday someone’s gift may affect you

  5. Why does our community need help? • In San Antonio: • The poverty rate is almost 20% • Only 75% of students graduate from high school • 2,500 people are homeless every night • Nearly half of homeless people are families with children

  6. Facts about your gift $2 PER MONTH for one year:provides meals for a homebound senior citizen for two weeks. $5 PER MONTH for one year: provides teaching materials for 30 at-risk students for one school year. $10 PER MONTH for one year: provides one mammogram for an uninsured woman. $20 PER MONTH for one year: provides food for one guide dog in advanced training. $45 PER MONTH for one year: provides 11 days of food and shelter for a homeless person. Find more facts at http://www.secctexas.org/give/giving_guide

  7. SECC Website • www.uthscsa.edu/secc • The Coordinator Information tab provides you with: • All necessary materials, available for printing • Instructions for making an online donation • SECC flyers ready to print and post in your department • Important dates • A list of contacts and other coordinators • A template letter for you to use when asking your employees to give

  8. Other features of the SECC Website • Provides a direct link to the donation site • Provides you with a listing of all SECC agencies • Provides detailed information about fundraisers • Features SECC Spotlight: stories and videos about employees who have benefitted from the SECC

  9. How to make an online donation • http://www.uthscsa.edu/secc/login/ • Campaign Code: UTHSCSA2013 • Username: Your computer login (typically your email login name) • Password: UTHSCSAmmdd (include your birth month and day) • Example: If your birthday is Dec. 7, your pass word is UTHSCSA1207 • Two digits are required for the month and the day, so add a 0 when necessary

  10. SECC Online Donation Process • Click Pledge Now. It is located on the top and bottom of the page, and as an orange hyperlink in the body of the message.

  11. SECC Online Donation Process Select your method of payment. Then click Continue.

  12. SECC Online Donation Process Payroll Deduction: Click the amount button and/or enter the amount you desire. Click Continue. Credit Cards: Fill in the amount, increment type for total annual gift and your credit card information. Click Continue.

  13. SECC Online Donation Process • Please note: When you arrive on this page, you MUST Locate an Agency first, then fill in your dollar amount or percentage.

  14. SECC Online Donation Process • After you click Locate an Agency, you can search through the listing of agencies by scrolling or by entering the name in the search box. • The search box searches for Agency names, not descriptions of agencies • Then Select your choice.

  15. SECC Online Donation Process • To explore other federations/agencies, clear the Agency Name box and click Search. You will see a list of federations (group of agencies). Click on a federation to display the agencies it contains. Then Select your choice(s). • Proceed to make another selection, if you choose. The selected agency will show up in your list below the first agency.

  16. SECC Online Donation Process • You can select up to 6 agencies. • To return to the full list of agencies, select Return to full list.

  17. SECC Online Donation Process • Next, enter the percentage on the Donation Distributionsection. • If investing using Percentage of my donation, the total percentage should equal 100%. • If using Dollar amounts from my donation, make sure it adds up to the total yearly contribution amount. • Click Continue.

  18. SECC Online Donation Process • Select acknowledgement type

  19. SECC Online Donation Process • Review your contribution

  20. SECC Online Donation Process • Enter your email address if you would like an email confirmation • Review your contribution • Submit Contribution

  21. SECC Online Donation Process • Print pledge summary for your records

  22. SECC Online Donation Process • Your printable summary will look like this • Check your email for your donation confirmation

  23. Paper Pledge Donation Process • If an employee wants to donate via cash or check, they must fill out the Paper Pledge Form.

  24. Paper Pledge Process • Gather money and completed paper pledge forms for the week. • Fill out the Cash Receipts Voucher (CRV) for cash and checks. (CRV can be found at http://www.uthscsa.edu/secc/more.asp); then click on "Cash Receipts Voucher") • Print three copies of the completed CRV. One for the Bursar’s Office, one for the President’s Office envelope, and one for the coordinator’s record. • Place CRV forms, cash and checks in an envelope to take to the Bursar’s Office for processing. Make sure coins are wrapped. Coin wrappers are available at the Bursar’s Office. • Prepare the envelope for the President's Office. • Label it with your department ID, department name, coordinator's name and phone number. • Put pledge forms in the envelope. • Do not seal the envelope yet. • Take both envelopes to the Bursar’s Office. Once the CRV has been processed and validated with a receipt number, put one CRV form in the President’s Office envelope, and seal and give to the Bursar’s Office for delivery to the President’s Office. • Repeat each week.

  25. SECC Fundraisers • SECC Fundraisers are a fun way to raise money for our campaign. • SECC Fundraisers are optional. • For fundraisers rules and information, please visit http://www.uthscsa.edu/secc/fundraiser.asp

  26. SECC Spotlight: Tell us YOUR story! • Do you know a faculty or staff member who volunteers for an State Employee Charitable Campaign agency? Have you benefitted from an agency or know someone who has? • To help us better understand how our SECC contributions can make lives better, we are featuring stories on the SECC website and on the Health Science Center portal during the campaign. • Learn more about how you can share your SECC story here or send an email to communications@uthscsa.edu.

  27. What’s in your SECC Coordinator bag? • SECC agency listing booklet • Online donation instructions • Incentives – keyboard calendars go to everyone who donates • The President’s Office has extra keyboard calendars. If you would like them mailed to you, please send an email to SECC-Chair@uthscsa.edu. • In the email please include in the subject line “keyboard calendars”; and your name, quantity and the mail code.

  28. Mark your calendar! • Campaign dates: Sept. 3 – Oct. 4 • Special Events Council’s SECC Fundraiser: Sept. 3 • SECC Coordinator Appreciation Luncheon hosted by Mary Henrich: Sept. 17 • SECC Tour – St. P.J’s and Seton Home: Sept. 26 • More information regarding these events will be given to you.

  29. Contact Information • www.uthscsa.edu/secc • President’s Office: 567-2000 • General questions: SECC-Chair@uthscsa.edu, 210-567-2003 • Web site/portal questions: WebTeam • Online giving questions: Kim Roth, 210-562-6415 • Paper pledge (Bursar’s) questions: Elizabeth Flores, 567-2561 • SECC Spotlight questions: Rosanne Fohn - 210-567-3079 • Jeff Vance, United Way, 210-352-7084; jvance@unitedwaysatx.org

  30. Thanks for completing the SECC Coordinator Training! Please send an email to secc-chair@uthscsa.edu to confirm that you have completed your training. Don’t forget to pick up your packet!

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