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What is W7 smink

W7 is a brand based in London which was created in 2002, the inspiration of two entrepreneurial young man from West London. Their aim is that everyone should have access to an extensive range of high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price. Smink is A Swedish word for cosmetics.

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What is W7 smink

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  1. WhatisW7Smink? W7 isa brandbased inLondonwhich wascreated in 2002, theinspirationoftwo entrepreneurialyoungmanfromWestLondon.Theiraim is thateveryoneshould have accesstoanextensiverangeof high-quality cosmeticsatanaffordableprice. SminkisA Swedishwordfor cosmetics. W7 sminkisonthepathofturningtheiraim into reality. Theyarecurrently selling veryhighqualitycosmetics atthemostaffordableprices undertheirbrand.They haveataglinewhichis“whowillyoubetoday”?As itopensuptheopportunityfor the consumerto expressthemselvesandusetheproductsto bewho theywantto be.TheyhaveHadastrongteambehindthebrandandhavegrownstep-by-step. They currently haveacollection of over500products and theperkisthat noneofthe productswere tested on animals. The rangeofproductsincludenailpolish,foundations, lipsticksandglosses, Eyeshadows andpallets,plus anExtensiveoffering of mascaraandEbonycollection for darkerskintones.Theireyeshadowpalettes aresaidto beone of their best sellers.Theyareknownfortheir great valuefor money,the coloursandthe pigmentation. Theyhaverangeof coloursforeveryoccasionbeitforeverydaywear

  2. or for Glamupnights.Theyareversatileandof goodquality.Theyare also appreciatedforthelipsticksthatthey sellasthey aresaidtobeverysmoothwhen applied andhave along-lasting effect. W7 cosmetics respectsthefellowbrandsandtheirproducts.öGonskuggapalett billigisitsimilarkindverytrustableproduct butnotjustofthesamebrand.TheW7 Eyecreamhasprovento be easytoapply andhasascentthatisvery natural.They also haveaneffectontheundereyes,they havesomethingwhichbrightens them. The moisturisersblend smoothly andfeelgreatonthe skinhoweveras recommended bytheexpertsoneshouldgoa shadelighterasitoxidises and can becomeabittoodark.Theirpaletteshave some ofthecoolest colourcombinations with arangeofbrushes frombottomcoloursbrushestoregulareyeshadow brushto glitteryshadowbrushes. TheEyecolours stayallday anddonotsmudgeduetosweat.Theystrivetofulfil theirmissionofprovidinghigh-qualitycosmetics ataffordablepricesbyminimising unnecessary,costlymarketingandadvertisingexpenditure.Theyalso aimtocreate innovative, eye-catching,anddesirablepackaging. Theyhave created cosmetic productsofveryhigh-quality.Theyhavealwaysbeenstrivingto improveandbetter theirbrandandproduct thattheyoffered.Last but nottheleastdaytheyare totally againstanimalcrueltyandhencetheydo nottest anyproduct ontheanimals. SOURCE

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