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Funding opportunities for mathematicians Women in Mathematics Meeting 16 April 2010. Anna Nerukh 01223 (7) 64804 anna.nerukh@admin.cam.ac.uk. Cambridge Research Office. Fellowships. Independence Opportunity to focus on research Opportunity to apply to research grants Career development.
Funding opportunities for mathematiciansWomen in Mathematics Meeting16 April 2010 Anna Nerukh 01223 (7) 64804 anna.nerukh@admin.cam.ac.uk Cambridge Research Office
Fellowships • Independence • Opportunity to focus on research • Opportunity to apply to research grants • Career development
Royal Society Fellowships • Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship – closing date in January • designed to help to progress to a permanent position • aimed specifically at researchers who require flexible working pattern (must be able to demonstrate the need) • offers possibility to hold appointment part-time, to convert from part-time to full time and back to match work with other commitments • for citizens of EEA or those with relevant connection to EEA • supports excellent researchers at the early stage of their career (up to 2 posts) • offers support for up to 4 years: salary, partly research expenses, etc • success rate in 2009: 2.5% • http://royalsociety.org/Dorothy-Hodgkin-Fellowships/
Royal Society Fellowships • University Research Fellowship – closing date in autumn • provides an opportunity to build an independent research career • for citizens of EEA or those with relevant connection to EEA • for researchers at the early to mid-stage of their career (with PhD or equivalent experience and between 1 and 3 postdoc positions) • initially for five years followed by a possible extension of three years: salary, partly research expenses etc • success rate ~5% • http://royalsociety.org/University-Research-Fellowships/
Leverhulme Trust Fellowships • Early Career Fellowship – closing date in March • supports researchersat the relatively early stage of their career but with a proven record of research • researchers should have a degree from UK HEI or a fixed-term research position in the UK • normally for researchers under age 35 • tenable for two or three years; possibility of part-time work if appropriate • Trust covers 50% of a Fellow’s salary (up to £23,000 p. a.) with the balance to be covered by the host institution; annual research expenses of up to £6,000 • success rate ~12-14% (NB: the Trust covers all disciplines not just sciences) • http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/grants_awards/grants/early_career_fellowships/
NERC • NERC is particularly keen to attract scientists from applied mathematics, physics or strongly quantitative disciplines wishing to develop a career in environmental science • http://www.nerc.ac.uk/funding/available/fellowships • Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - closing date in autumn • designed to support outstanding environmental scientists as they become independent investigators • applicants must hold a PhD • support available for up to 3 years: salary, research expenses, travel etc • Advanced Research Fellowships - closing date in autumn • for early/mid career researchers to become team leaders of international standing • at least two years of postdoctoral experience • support available for up to 5 years: salary, research expenses, travel etc
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 • Research Fellowships in Science and Engineering • for PhD level scientists to conduct research for further period • a candidate must be a citizen of the UK or the Commonwealth, or of the Republics of Ireland or Pakistan • a candidate should either have spent at least two out of the past three years at a UK Institution, or be intending to hold the Fellowship at a UK Institution, or both • candidates should normally have recently obtained their PhD degree, or be in the final stages of their PhD studies • support for 3 years: £28,500 for the first year, and £30,000 for the second and third years • approximately 8 awards offered annually • http://www.royalcommission1851.org.uk/res_fellow.html
Other opportunities • College Fellowships • Scholarships • Fellowships outside the UK • Career re-entry • Travel grants • Collaborative grants
Cambridge Colleges Fellowships • Junior Research Fellowships • opportunity to carry out research in academic environment of a College • for researchers just finishing their PhDs, or those in their first post-doctoral appointment • stipendiary / non-stipendiary (for those with external support) • Colleges offer Fellowships in different disciplines • very competitive • check Colleges’ web pages at http://www.cam.ac.uk/colleges/addresses.html • check Cambridge University Reporter at http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/reporter/
The Wingate Scholarships • Wingate Scholarships – will open on 1 October 2010 • designed to help with the costs of a specific project • applicants must be able to provide evidence of real financial need • supports citizens of the UK, other Commonwealth or former Commonwealth countries, Ireland or Israel, and the EU • 24 years of age or over, no upper age limit • for up to 3 years, maximum award for one year is £10,000 • success rate ~6% • http://www.wingatescholarships.org.uk/
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships • Administered by the Royal Society – last closing date in March • provides opportunity for young postdocs to conduct, under the guidance of their host, cooperative research with leading research groups in Japan • supports EU citizens, including UK • applicants must hold a PhD and be within 6 years of completing it • applicants should identify and contact a Japanese host scientist who would be willing to support the Fellowship • funding for visits from 12 to 24 months, covering subsistence, return air fare, an additional research grant etc. • http://royalsociety.org/JSPS-Postdoctoral-Fellowship-Program/
Toshiba Fellowship Programme • Supported by EPSRC – will open in autumn 2010 • offers an opportunity to join one of Toshiba’s high-technology research teams in Japan • for PhD level researchers, mainly from science, computing and mathematics with no more than 10 years postdoctoral experience • applicants must be EU nationals and be based in a UK academic or government institution • funding for up to 2 years, including relocation assistance to and from Japan, support and advice prior to and during the stay • http://www.toshiba-europe.com/eur/fellowship/index.htm
William Hodge Fellowship • Supported by EPSRC – closing date in November 2010 • enables young mathematicians or theoretical physicists to spend time at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) in France • applicants must be holding a PhD in mathematics or theoretical physics (awarded in 2009, 2010 or early 2011) • support for up to 1 year; Fellowship starts in autumn 2011 • only 2 offered annually • http://www.ihes.fr/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?document_id=2324&portlet_id=1026
Daphne Jackson Fellowship • Supported by EPSRC and NERC • enables scientists, engineers and IT specialists to return to work after career breaks • applicants must have a first degree in SET and have commenced a career or completed a PhD • a ‘break’ of at least 2 years is normally required • may be carried out flexibly, usually over two years, and involve retraining and updating skills • may be held within academia or industry • http://www.daphnejackson.org/
Travel grants • Royal Society International Travel Grants – next deadline 31 May • support short-term international collaborations and the participation of UK scientists in overseas conferences • awards to travel to all countries outside the UK • applicants must have completed a PhD, and may have a fixed-term contract in an eligible UK institution • up to £4,000 available • for conference participation, a grant would cover a maximum of 10 days • for international collaboration - a maximum of 12 weeks • three rounds per year • http://royalsociety.org/International-Travel-Grants/
Collaborative grants • Royal Society International Joint Projects • support long-term international collaborations • collaborations should be based on a single project including two teams or individuals: one based in the UK and the other based outside the UK • Project Leader must be from academia, of at least postdoctoral standing, and may have a fixed-term contract in an eligible UK institution • only selected countries covered; deadlines vary for different countries • up to £6,000 per year for 2 years for travel and subsistence • http://royalsociety.org/International-Joint-Projects/
Other sponsors • London Mathematical Society, UK • Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK • Smith Institute for Industrial Mathematics and System Engineering, UK • The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, UK • Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, UK • European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, FR • European Science Foundation, EU
Further sources of information • Sponsors’ web sites • Senior colleagues • Departmental Administrators • HE Research Support Offices