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Photo:Dr. Sergei Gorshkov. TRANSDOTT ANNUAL MEETING EILAT, ISRAEL. 11-14 Feb.2013. „ADVANCES AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES FOR TUNA PROPAGATION „. Hosted by IOLR/NCM Eilat Israel. 11/2/13. 12/2/13. 13/2/13. 14/2/13. BGU auditorium. IOLR/NCM lecture hall. IOLR/NCM lecture hall.
11/2/13 12/2/13 13/2/13 14/2/13 BGU auditorium IOLR/NCM lecture hall IOLR/NCM lecture hall Ardag tour 08:00-9:00 NCM tour 08:00-9:00 Consortium meeting Open meeting Consortium meeting Guests arrival 09:00 09:00 09:00 Invited lecturers and TRANSDOTT Reports Business Meeting planning for coming season TIMETABLE FOR MEETING PLANNING 2013 10:50 coffee 11:00 coffee 16:00-18:30 Marine observatory 13:05 lunch-BGU 13:00 lunch * 13:00 lunch * experience papers 14:20 14:30 14:30 Yotvata tour Exkursion to Desert 18:30 Reception at Hotel Agamim 18:30 Dinner 20:00 Last refuge or similar Dinner-20:00 Dinner-20:00 Dinner-list of recommended places? * Food brought in (baguettes and/or humus, falafel, tehina etc.)
TUESDAY 12th February 8:00-8:45-Registration 9:00- 9:15 Introductory and welcome remarks (Chris, Bill, Eilat Mayor) Session 1: Dott history (session chair: Robert Vassallo Agius) 9:15-9:35- History of BFT projects-Hillel Gordin (Israel) 9:40-10:00- Coordinator’s Short Introduction to TRANSDOTT – C. Bridges (Germany) Session 2: Transdott 2012 (session chair: Chris Bridges) 10:00-10:20- Report on the Malta season of 2012 -R. Vassallo Agius 10:25-10:45- Egg incubation and shipments in 2012 M. Spagnol (Malta) 10:50-11:20 Coffee break 11:25-11:45- BFT larval rearing trials 2012 A. Sharman (Malta) 11:50-12:10- Report on the BFT activities of Panittica SPA, Italy-Year 2012-M. Deflorio (Italy) 12:15-12:35- Report on BFT Activities of Futuna Blue Spain Year 2012- Patricio Urrutia (Spain) 12:40-13:00- The combined effect of DHA and taurine on retinal development, prey ingestion and growth in first feeding larvae of Atlantic blue fin tuna Thunnus thynnus- B. Koven (Israel) 13:05-14:15 Lunch Session 3: BFT farming in practice and research (session chair: Amos Tandler) 14:20-14:40- Comparative investigation of liver estrogen receptor gene expression in wild and captive Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (SELFDOTT) (Thunnus thynnus) -F. Borutta (Germany) 14:45-15:05)- Molecular biological parentage and maternity analyses of multiple spawning events in tuna aquaculture- (SELFDOTT + TRANSDOTT) F. Borutta (Germany) 15:10-15:30- Spawning of the southern blue fin tuna-A. Elizur (Australia) 15:35-15:55- Neurobiological basis underlying the control of the onset of pubety in the Atlantic blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in captivity.-N. Berkovitch (Israel) 16:00-16:20- Sexual maturity in western Atlantic bluefin tuna- G. Heinisch (USA) 16:25-16:45-Tuna farming in Turkey-K. Gamsiz (Turkey) 16:50- 17:10- TUNATECHS, an Aquaculture Start-Up Company- F. Borutta, S. Schulz (Germany) 17:15-17:45 coffee break 17:50-18:00- Review of Kinki University Pacific Bluefin Tuna Propagation Programme- C Bridges (Germany) 18:00 – 18:30- Round table discussion and summation.
WEDNESDAY 13th February • 09:00 Business Meeting ( Reports on deliverables and milestones based on DOW) with contributions from partners as powerpoint presentations • AGENDA • Coordinators Report – Finance, Annual Reports and Administration • D 1.1 ; D1.2 C. Bridges • 2. WP.2: Improvement in Broodstock Management and Gamete Production- Report • D 2.1 ; D2.2 ; MS 2 R. Vassalo • 3. WP.3: Development of Egg, Larval rearing and Feeding Strategies • D 3.1 B Koven • 4. WP.4: Improving Fingerling Production and Testing, Transportation to Cages and On-growing Techniques • D 4.1; D4.2;D4.3 ; D4.4 MFF • 5. WP5: Dissemination, Exploitation, Commercialisation • D 5.1,; D5.2 C. Bridges D 5.4; D 5.5 FB S Chetcuti • 6. Future Planning (summary will be discussed later in detail) • 7. Any Other Business
THURSDAY 14th February • 09:00 – 13:00 Planning Meeting 2013 • Broodstock • Egg collection and transport • Larval rearing • Fingerling transport • Commercialization ,CA • MOU´s and Cooperation's
Bill Koven, PhDAssoc. ProfessorDept. HeadLarval Rearing and PhysiologyIsrael Oceanographic and Limnological ResearchNational Center for MaricultureP.O.Box 1212, Eilat 88112, IsraelOffice: +972 8 6361 443Fax: +972 8 6375 761Cell: +972 523 467 822 TRAVEL AGENT HOTELS Einat Ben HananTravel ConsultantOfakim Carmel Haifa Ltd.Direct Phone: +972 4 8244 726 Mobile Phone: +972 52 2471 994 Office Phone: +972 4 8254 555 Fax Office: +972 4 8254 377E-mail: einat_b@bezeqint.net Hotels: Vista Hotel Agamim Hotel