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The Role of Taiwanese Organizations in Influencing China-US Relations. 在美台湾组织在中美关系中的角色. B rief I ntroduction 简介. Numbers of Taiwanese Organizations existing in United States 在美国有众多的台湾组织 They flourishing in every corner of US 遍布在美国的各个角落 Performing all kinds of lobbying activities
The Role of Taiwanese Organizations in Influencing China-US Relations 在美台湾组织在中美关系中的角色
Brief Introduction简介 • Numbers of Taiwanese Organizations existing in United States 在美国有众多的台湾组织 • They flourishing in every corner of US 遍布在美国的各个角落 • Performing all kinds of lobbying activities 从事各种各样的游说活动 • Playing an important role in influencing China-US relations 在中美交往中有很重要的影响
About These Organizations 关于这些组织 • These Taiwanese organizations, both including many founded before the cold war and many founded in recent one or two decades, are always trying to seek more benefits from the US mainly by lobbying the Congress. 这些台湾组织,包括冷战以前还有最近一二十年才建立的,总是通过游说美国过会为台湾攫取更多的好处。 • Long time ago, they were called “China lobby”; Nowadays, they should be named as “ Taiwan lobby” for some reasons. 它们以前被称作“China lobby”, 而现在,由于某些原因,它们更应该称作“Taiwan lobby”。
The Components of These Organizations 人员组成 • Mainly including Chinese officials and businessmen from Taiwan 主要由台湾的中华民国政府官员和商人组成 • Also consisting of many paid US foreign agents, business organizations, missionaries, politicians and other categories 还包括许多美国代理,商业集团,教士,政客和其他行业的人 • They work for them partly for money, while others for the common or private interests 有部分人是为了钱而为他们工作,另外的是为了私利或共同利益 • But a little part working for them only due to their emotion to Taiwan 但是也有一小部分人出于对台湾的好感而这么做的
Objects of Their Activities 活动对象 • The lobbying mainly towards the Congressmen, because their tours of duty are short and they only think about immediate interests 主要游说对象是众议员,因为他们任期短而考虑眼前利益多 • Also towards Senators and administration officials, but not frequently 也针对参议员和行政人员,但不是很频繁 • The public, scholars and medias are other objects of their propagandas 公众,学者还有媒体也是他们宣传的对象
Means of Their Activities 活动方式 • Calling on some Congressmen and politicians or holding many kinds of banquets to invite them 拜访议员政客或举办多样的宴会邀请他们 • Sometimes even bribe some high-ranking government officials 有时甚至贿赂政府高级官员 • Propagandize to the public and medias and utilize them to influence the Congress and Government 向民众及媒体广泛宣传并利用他们对国会及政府施加影响
Means of Their Activities (cont.) 活动方式(续) • By employing Public Relations Company, Cassidy Associates is the most famous one 雇用公关公司,卡西迪公司是最有名的一个 • By inviting many Congressmen and their families to visit Taiwan totally free 邀请议员及其家属免费访台 • Providing financial assistance to some famous scholars and universities through some culture exchange institutions 通过一些文化交流机构资助一些著名学者或大学
Achievements of Their Activities 活动成果 • Protect Taiwan during Korea War and Taiwan Strait Crisis 在朝鲜战争及台海危机中保护台湾 • The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 and US-Taiwan Defense Treaty 1979年的“与台湾关系法”和“美台防御条约” • Lee Teng-hui’s US trip in 1995 1995年的李登辉访美之行 • The foundation of Taiwan Caucuses in US Congress 国会台湾连线的成立
The First Stage 第一阶段 • The beginning: Song Meiling’s US trip in WWⅡ 开始:宋美龄二战时的美国之行 • When Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan, China lobby’s activities in US 当蒋介石退至台湾时,China lobby 在美国的活动 • The foundation of “Committee of One Million” 一百万委员会的成立 • The normalization of PRC-US diplomatic relations in 1979 1979中美正式建交
A New Stage 新的阶段 • The Taiwan Relations Acts becoming the regulation of US-Taiwan relations after 1980 1980年之后美台关系的规范是“与台湾关系法” • Several changes in China lobby and their objectives “China lobby”还有它的目标的几个改变 • The foundation of several important Taiwanese organizations, FAPA is the most influential one 几个重要台湾组织的成立,台湾人公共事务会是最有影响的一个
A New Stage (cont.)新的阶段(续) • The Taiwan official organizations (TECRO) in Washington, D.C 台湾在华盛顿的官方组织(台北经济文化代表处) • The role of Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNAIC) 中华民国工商协进会扮演的角色 • The role of Taiwan Research (Studies) Institute 台湾研究院扮演的角色 • The role of Chiang Ching-kuo foundation and other culture exchange institutes 将经国基金会和其他文化交流机构扮演的角色
The Latest Progress最新发展 • The Taiwan political circle and its influence to Taiwanese organizations in US 台湾政坛局面和它对在美台湾组织的影响 • The divergence among them and the conflict it caused 他们之间的分歧和由此引起的一些冲突 • Still some same objectives; the great amount of Taiwan immigrants in US 但仍有共同目标;在美的大量台湾移民
Some Negative Effects负面效应 • Cost numerous money 花费巨大 • The criticism from administration officials 行政官员的不满 • Also antipathy of some Congressmen 也有一些议员的反感
Conclusion总结 • The big power of Taiwan lobby,which inferior only to Israel lobby “Taiwan lobby” 的巨大力量, 它仅次于“Israel lobby” • Hard to solve Taiwan issue for PRC so long as Taiwan organizations still exist 只要那些台湾组织仍然存在,中国政府就很难解决台湾问题