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TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A BELARUSIAN GRAMMATICAL DICTIONARY. Igor V . Shevchenko ( ULIF NANU , Kyiv ) Natalia Kotsyba (ISPAN, Warsaw) Kiryl Kurshuk (Hrodna University). Grammatical dictionarie s: applications. p rovide description of the word - declination and word - formation

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  1. TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A BELARUSIAN GRAMMATICAL DICTIONARY Igor V. Shevchenko (ULIF NANU, Kyiv) Natalia Kotsyba (ISPAN, Warsaw) Kiryl Kurshuk (Hrodna University)

  2. Grammatical dictionaries: applications • provide description of the word-declination and word-formation • enable lemmatization • morphological analysis and synthesis • grammatical tagging of text corpora • can be integrated into other dictionaries: explanatory, synonimic, etc. (“Словники України”)

  3. Grammatical dictionaries: history • prototype: Grammatical Dictionary of Russian by Andrey Zaliznyak (1967) • Grammatical dictionary of the Ukrainian language (UGD) by Igor Shevchenko, 2456 word-inflexion grammatical classes (WIC) • Grammatical dictionaries for Polish, German, English, etc., in ULIF NASU

  4. Grammatical dictionaries: features • contain information about all the forms of inflected words of a language and their grammatical features • uniformity of information is provided by WICor • WIC is a set of words with the same type of word-inflexion • WIC is determined by a combination of the parameter values • words belonging to the same WIC differ in their invariable parts only

  5. POS-independent value parameters • part of speech (or WI-generalization, WI-type) masculine nouns, feminine nouns • type of word stem • conjugation pattern • type of consonant-vowel changes • paradigm incompleteness • non-typical features of wordforms in certain grammatical meanings • type of the accent distribution in the word-inflexion paradigm.

  6. POS-dependent value parameters For verbs: • aspect , reflexivity , imperative form, passive participle suffix For nouns: • gender, animacy, genitive for masculine nouns, locative for masculine and neutral nouns, dative for masculine nouns, accusative case in plural • etc.

  7. WIC examples: #1540 and #382

  8. WIC examples: #2335 and #1145

  9. Word-inflexion parameter: scope • word-inflexion parameter can be regarded as a discrete function with a limited range of possible values (the value area) • parameter "type of the word stem" can get one of 5 values: hard, soft, combined, iotized and r-type. • parameter ”gender” has potentially 10 different values for a lexeme (three genders, six their combinations by the order of two and, besides, one combination of all three genders) • genitive for masculine nouns has three values: -a (or -я, depending on the word ending), -у (-ю), or both -а(-я) and -у(-ю) are possible.

  10. GD for Belarusian • Dictionary of the Belarusian Language. Spelling. Orthoepy. Accentuation. Word-Inflection. (Слоўнік беларускай мовы. Арфаграфія. Арфаэпія. Акцэнтуація. Словазмяненне), Мінск, 1987 • ca. 100000 words, including material from: • “The Belarusian-Russian Dictionary” (Moscow, 1962) • Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (“Тлумачальны слоўнік беларускай мовы”, vol. 1-5, 1977-1984) • materials of the lexical card file of the Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics

  11. Examples of word entries • абвязfцьзак., абвяжe, абвzжаш, -жа, -жам, -жаце, -жуць • кацsцьнезак., качe, кjціш, кjціць, кjцім, кjціце, кjцяць • вы#ганс.-г., -ну, -не, -наў; (дзеянне) -ну, -не • насtнне [ньне] -нні • свякрeха -усе, -ух

  12. Grammatical options and the accent • друкfрня -рні, -рань і -рняў • мадэ#ль -ллю [льлю], -лей і –ляў The scope of paradigm presentation varies depending on the rolling accent: • кнот кнjта, -оце, мн. кнаты#, -тjў • лес лtсу, лtсе, мн. лясы#, лясjў • сват свfта, свfце, мн. сваты#, -тjў • склеп -па, -пе, мн. скляпы#, -пjў

  13. Regular errors • у# (under stress)> ў абагачу> абагачў (“enrich”) • о# (under stress) > б аблокі > аблбкі(“clouds”) However:адбракаваны (“rejected”). We can’t change automatically combinations of some consonant letters, like дбрinto дор. • e# (under stress) > ё смецце > смёцце(“rubbish”) • ы > ьі

  14. Substitution of some affixes • -цель, -чык, -шчык > -льнік, -нік, -ц-а, -ец, -ар. збавіцель> збаўца(“rescuer”) натхніцель> натхняльнік (“inspirer”) выхавацель > выхавальнік(“educator”) • -учы (-ючы) > ц-а выступаючы> выступоўца(“speaker”) • -енн > -ав дарэформенны > дарэформавы(“pre-reform”)

  15. Parallelism in the word-inflexion systems of Ukrainian and Belarusian • nouns of neutral gender on-нне: “стаzнне” (“standing”), “абогатварэ#нне” (“idolizing”), “абагравfнне” (“playing up”) = Ukrainian WIC #2108 , -ння: “стоzння” (“standing”), “малювfння” (“drawing”) • -сць: “легfльнасць” („legality”) „легкавfжнасць” (“light-mindedness”) = Ukrainian WIC #2143, 3rd declension with the change o-iin some cases: “актbвність” (“activity”), “раптjвість” (“suddenness”) • adjectives with the -ы“бtлы” (“white”), “агeльны” (“general”) = Ukrainian WIC #2302 “бsлий” (“white”), “спsльний” (“common”), hard consonant stem • verb ending with -аць“дбаць” (“take care”), “спаць” (“sleep”) = Ukrainian WIC #697 “дбfти” (“take care”), “спfти” (“sleep”), i.e. verbs of the 1st conjugation with iotized endings in present tense and without passive participle in the paradigm • the infinitive form ending -ацца “абагашчfцца” (“get rich”), “зжывfцца” (“get used”) = WIC #700 “вигинzтися” (“bend”), “зупинzтися” (“stop”)

  16. Some corresponding WICs

  17. Differences within WICs • no vowel change in Belarusian in the feminine nouns on-асць: “твjрчасць” (“creativity”),inherent in similar Ukrainian nouns on -iсть: “влeчність – влeчності” (“marksmanship”) in some indirect cases • Ukrainian WIC №1607, masc. nouns , 2nd decl. with hard consonant stems and genitive -a flexion, without vowel change, designating inanimate objects: “гриб” ("mushroom") = similar, vowel-invariable, Belarusian entries like "марjз" (“frost”). But: • т-ц“абанемtнт” – dat. “абанемtнце” (“season ticket”) WIC№ 1615 • д-дз„пад’tзд” – dat. “пад’tздзе” (“doorway”) WIC№ 1627 • double change of the lexeme “снег” (“snow”) with the locative “снtзе” and the nominative plural “снягs” WIC№ 1635

  18. Ukr. WIC > Bel. WIC

  19. Ukr. WIC > Bel. WIC • appearance of the prothetic в- in some grammatical meanings • Ukrainian WIC #1991, neutral nouns with hard endings = Belarusian WICs #1991: “гаспадfрства” (“economy”) But also: • “акнj” (“window”) inserted в- in the plural (акнj – вjкны), WIC #2001 • “вjзера” (“lake”) the omission of the same в- (вjзера – азёры) WIC #2002

  20. Ukr. WIC > Bel. WIC • Ukr. verbal class #490, "огорнeти" (“embrace”) = Bel. WIC #490, “недацягнeць” (“fail to hold out”) But also to: • WIC #491, ending vowel change of е-: абамкнeць, -нe, -нёш, -нt, -нём, -няцt, -нeць (“surround”) • WIC #494, stem vowel change а-о„абгарнeць, абгарнe, абгjрнеш”(“embrace”)

  21. Ukr. WIC > Bel. WIC

  22. Ukr. WIC < Bel. WIC • Ukr. WIC as #1628, vocative change к-ч: “чоловsк” (“man”) – voc. “чоловsче” (“o, man!”) • no vocative in modern Belarusian language • Bel. “чалавtк” (“man”)  more general class of masculine nouns on-к, Ukr. WIC #1788, “мsстык” (mystic”), no vocative change

  23. Ukr. WIC < Bel. WIC • two alternative forms of accusative plural in Ukrainian for nouns designating animals: nominative plural and genitiveplural “пасти коні” and “пасти коней” (“to graze horses”)vs • one form (coinciding with the genitive plural) for nouns designating people : “зустріти дівчат”, but not “*зустріти дівчата” (“to meet girls”) • no such differentiation for Belarusian

  24. Conclusions about GDs • Statistics of usage given by a GD can help us trace more common patterns of word-inflexion in similar classes of words, which can be useful for recommendations on standardization, considering the current variability of existing forms in both Ukrainian and Belarusian. • Statistics of WICs can be of use in grammatical homonymy disambiguation. • GDs can be a powerful tool for comparative studies. • GDs are corpus-driven, so they help us reveal the information about a language that is not covered in grammars, or is not covered consistently or clearly enough for the users.

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