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“Slow down you move too fast…”. 2% Tax Levy Cap Implementation of the Common Core Curriculum Testing, testing and more testing…. Potential change of date of administration of June 2013 Regents Schedule Adoption of teacher and principal evaluation models.
“Slow down you move too fast…” 2% Tax Levy Cap Implementation of the Common Core Curriculum Testing, testing and more testing…. Potential change of date of administration of June 2013 Regents Schedule Adoption of teacher and principal evaluation models
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) The differentiation of teacher and principal effectiveness using four rating categories.
SED Rationale "New York’s chances of winning Round 2 of the federal Race to the Top competition will rise dramatically if the legislature acts rapidly on this proposal," said Merryl H. Tisch, Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents. "The proposed reforms, and the Regents' recent move to transform teacher and principal preparation through a focus on clinical practice, are a fundamental shift that will lead to a better education for the state’s three million students.” May 2010
Current APPR contained in the MEA Contract Dedicated to the supervision and the evaluation of the teaching staff (tenured and non-tenured). “Supervision and evaluation of the professional staff is a critical function that is primarily concerned with the improvement of professional practice for the benefit of students…regular visits to classrooms (or other professional settings) by administrators is an essential component of the supervisory process.”
MEA Contract (2008-12) Schedule E: Supervision & Evaluation PERFORMANCE BASED SUPERVISION 1. The Performance Based Supervision Program will consist of a plan developed collaboratively by the teacher and administrator. The teacher and administrator will meet to develop the plan. The written plan submitted by the teacher will include, but not be limited to, the teacher’s goals for the year, an approximate schedule of checkpoint meetings, and a method for the assessment of the degree to which the goals have been met. The Performance Based Supervision Program will consist of formal observations, conferences and written feedback. 2. Performance Based Supervision may consist of measures other than formal observations and conferences, such as the following: * Professional Portfolio Development * Peer Observation/Coaching * Professional Collaboration * Action Research CONFERENCE BASED SUPERVISION The Conference Based Supervision Program will consist of at least 3 meetings between the teacher and administrator throughout the school year. The teacher will be prepared to engage in meaningful discussion with the administrator at the conference and will provide evidence of his/her performance which can include, but not be limited to, the following: * Student Work * Parent Communication * Workshop/conference/seminar attendance and/or materials * Performances/exhibits/displays of student work * Collaborative work with other staff members * Assessment instruments
The driving force behind the NYS Evaluation System http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/teachers-leaders/webinar0611/home.html
What are the real guiding principles behind the evaluation system? John King: So there really are six core principles that that define the evaluation system that are described in this law. One is that there needs to be an annual evaluation for all teachers and principals. Second, that we’ve got to have very clear criteria for what constitutes instructional excellence. And those criteria need to include student learning. Student outcomes are a critical feature to how we think about educator effectiveness. We’ve got to have multiple measures, and we’ve got to look at performance in different ways. We’ve got to differentiate across a performance spectrum. *Too often today in districts around this state, and around the country, we think of performance in a binary sense. Teachers are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory, principals are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. That doesn’t support the culture of performance management that I was describing earlier. To do that, you need to think in terms of you know who’s highly effective, the superstars that we want to use as models and mentors. Who’s effective? Who’s developing and needs some support in order to get to effective? And then, who’s ineffective and needs really intensive support to get better? And so that’s a key element. You want a system that allows continuous feedback that provides teachers and principals with a clear sense of how they need to grow and how they need to improve. And then, finally, when you have this rich multiple measures evaluation system, it ought to inform other employment decisions, whether that’s around promotional opportunities, compensation, etcetera.
Educational Law §3012-c(2)(a)effective July 1, 2011 • New York State will differentiate teacher and principal effectiveness categories • Highly Effective • Effective • Developing • Ineffective
Components of the NYSED Teacher Evaluation • 20% State Assessments • 20% Local Assessments • 60% Based Upon • Classroom Observations • Professional Responsibilities • Planning and Preparation • The sum of these components constitutes a teacher’s Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR).
NYSED Teacher Evaluation Scoring Bands (20 points) (20 points)
Examples from Teacher Evaluation SED Approved Rubrics Element: Teachers set high expectations and create challenging learning experiences for students. Indicator: Articulates Measure of Success (Teacher Evaluation & Development/TED) Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
An Example from another Teacher Evaluation SED Approved Rubric Component: Managing Student Behavior Element: Expectations (Danielson) Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards • A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by:
Marshall Evaluation Rubric for Principals http://www.marshallmemo.com/articles/Prin%20Eval%20Rubrics%20Jan%2026,%2010.pdf
Sample Scoring Band from Marshall Evaluation Rubric for Principals
Evaluation Appeal Procedure • Appeal procedure for teachers and principals. • Appeal procedure must be locally negotiated. • Teacher/Principal can challenge: • Substance of evaluation • Adherence to standards and methodologies for such reviews. • Adherence to Commissioner’s Regulations. • Compliance with applicable, locally negotiated procedures. • Issuance and/or implementation of terms of a TIP or a PIP. • An appealed evaluation may not be used as evidence in a §3020-a hearing until appeal process is concluded.
What we have done… • Charge to the District • Ultimately we must adopt a rubric and develop an APPR document • Assign points to each component (60%, 20%, 20% = 100%) • Forming of Committees District-Committee Administrators Teachers Administrative APPR Sub-Committee: C. Cardillo, A. Ambrogio, P. O'Reilly, R. Geczik, C. Leone, L. Marshall-Lauria, T. Curry
What needs to be done… • Continued Sub APPR-Committee Meetings • Continued Sub-Committee Meeting with MEA/APPR • Development of the APPR Agreement with specific details related to formal/informal observations. • Development of a clause in the contract or in an independent APPR Agreement referencing the Appeals Process. • Allocation of points for the elements contained in the chosen evaluation rubric. • Reach agreement on assessing the second 20% • Implementation-target date: July 1, 2012