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Empowering and Developing Others. Connecting with Others Commitment to Others’ Growth Professional and Personal Development Growing New Leaders. People Development Principles. People development takes time People skills are essential for success Be a model that others can follow
Empowering and Developing Others • Connecting with Others • Commitment to Others’ Growth • Professional and Personal Development • Growing New Leaders
People Development Principles • People development takes time • People skills are essential for success • Be a model that others can follow • Lead others by looking through their eyes • Leaders must care for people before they can develop them • People developers look for opportunities to build up people • The greatest potential for growth of a company is growth of its people Maxwell: Developing the Leader Within You
People Development • Realize that people are your most valuable asset • Place a priority on developing people • Be a model for others to follow • Pour your leadership efforts into the top 20 percent of your people • Expose key leaders to growth opportunities • Be able to attract other winners/producers to the common goal • Surround yourself with an inner core that complements your leadership
The Law of Priorities To find your key players, evaluate each person according to the following criteria: • The influence test Capable of influencing others • The relationship test Good relationships with the majority of people • The credibility test Respected by others • The spiritual test Similar values • The administrative test Wise decisions • The attitude test Willingness to serve others full-time
The Gardening Principle • All relationships need cultivation • Some people come into our lives for a (specific) reason • Doctors, real estate agents, etc. • Some people come into our lives for a season • Few weeks to several years • Some people come into our lives for a lifetime • Family and close friends
Ways to keep cultivating important relationships • Commitment • Determined to keep it successful • Communication • Honest • Authentic • Friendship • Sacrifice • Confidentiality • Memories • Shared memories are powerful • Growth • Learning and growing together • Spoiling Each Other • Unconditional Love
Barriers to Building Relationships in our Schools • Determine priorities and steps to improve relationships in our schools
True Colors and Servant Leadership Which True Color supports servant leadership?
Empowering Others To Be an Empowerer, a Leader Needs: • Position • Relationship • Respect • Commitment
Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about Empowering Others: • Do I believe in people and feel that they are my organization’s most appreciable asset? • Do I believe that empowering others can accomplish more than individual achievement? • Do I actively search for potential leaders to empower? • Would I be willing to raise others to a level higher than my own level of leadership? • Would I be willing to invest time developing people who have leadership potential? Maxwell: Becoming a Person of Influence
Would I be willing to let others get credit for what I taught them? • Do I allow others freedom of personality and process, or do I have to be in control? • Would I be willing to publicly give my authority and influence to potential leaders? • Would I be willing to let others work me out of a job? • Would I be willing to hand the leadership baton to the people I empower and truly root for them?
How to empower others to their potential • Evaluate them (their knowledge, skill, and desire) • Model for them • Give them permission to succeed • Expect it • Verbalize it • Reinforce it • Transfer authority to them • Publicly show your confidence in them • Supply them with feedback • Release them to continue on their own
Soar with Your StrengthsClifton and Nelson Nine Principles for Managing Relationships • Think of others in terms of their strengths. • Quality relationships develop one-on-one. • “Doing for” never makes up for “doing with.” • The more people know about each other, the more likely they are to like each other. • There is no trust without risk. • Relationships are built one commitment at a time. • Being liked is important. • Relationships don’t just happen; be an activator. • Use relationship strengths; manage your weaknesses.
Professional and Personal Development • Personal/Staff Development Activities • Focus on needs of people in the organization • Personal • Professional • Spiritual
Learning for Continuous Improvement • What is a PLC (Professional Learning Community)? • Why PLC’s? • Teacher Isolation • Professional Development Activities “The Buffer” and “Isolation” Schmoker: Results Now: How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Results in Teaching and Learning
Growing New Leaders • Choosing people to mentor • Select people with similar philosophies • Choose people you genuinely believe in • Look for a fit between their potential and your strengths and experience • Match people to the mountains • Start when the time is right
Enlarging Process • See their potential • Cast a vision for their future • Tap into their passion • Address character flaws • Focus on their strengths Maxwell: Becoming a Person of Influence
Enlarge them one step at a time • Attitude • Relationships • Leadership (learning to lead others) • Personal and professional skills • Put resources in their hands • Expose them to enlarging experiences • Teach them to be self-enlargers
Law of Legacy Leaders who leave a legacy of succession: • Lead the organization with a “long view” • Create a leadership culture • Pay the price today to assure success tomorrow • Value team leadership above individual leadership • Walk away from the organization with integrity
The Power of Multiplication • Lead yourself well • Look continually for potential leaders • Put the team first • Commit yourself to developing leaders, not followers
Delegation Delegation is the skill most often identified for improvement when assessing administrators.
Prioritize and Delegate • High Importance/High Urgency………….tackle first • High Importance/Low Urgency…………..set deadlines and work into routine • Low Importance/High Urgency………….delegate • Low Importance/Low Urgency…………..assign task out or don’t do it at all Maxwell: Developing the Leader Within You
Steps to Delegation • Describe the task and its objectives • Emphasize the positives of the task • Express high expectations and confidence in abilities • Get the delegatee’s ideas and points of view. • Discuss and clarify for understanding. • Discuss any constraints present; get tentative commitment. • Discuss training needs and agree on training schedule. • Discuss any checkpoints for follow-up and deadlines to be met. • Discuss and establish priority in relation to other tasks. • Agree upon clearly identified first step and confirm commitments to the task. DuPont Leadership Training
Monkey Management The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey Blanchard, Oncken, and Burrows “Why is it that some managers are typically running out of time while their staffs are typically running out of work?”
If you are trying to do it all, you are harming your organization. In attempting to do it all, leaders find themselves: • Working overtime • Spread too thin • Attending unnecessary seminars/meetings • Taking on others’ work • Rescuing others • Neglecting leadership duties • Feeling overwhelmed and burning out • Feeling frustrated and guilty for not getting things done • Neglecting their personal lives • Creating a bottleneck in the organization
How do I collect monkeys? • A person approaches me and tells me of a problem that needs to be solved. Here is how I accept “the monkey.” Great boss that I am, I listen to the problem and eventually say, “Let me think it over and get back to you.” • I accepted the responsibility for the problem from that person. • I promised the person a progress report. We just switched roles: supervisor and worker!
Types of Monkeys • Sideward-leaping Monkeys • Downward-leaping Monkeys • Upward –leaping Monkeys • “Ricochet” monkeys • “Teflon” Monkeys
Some monkeys belong to me and should not be delegated – but the vast majority of monkeys on my back, on my desk, in my in-box, and in my mind do not belong to me. • Some leaders are compulsive monkey-picker-uppers. After all, great leaders can solve anything, right?
So, what do we do about it? • Great leaders train others to be great leaders. If your staff is not ready to take on extra responsibilities, then it is your job to get them ready! • Monkeys can be opportunities for leadership growth…not problems. • Train workers to care for and feed their own monkeys. Once they learn to do so, leaders are free to do planning, coordinating, innovating, staffing, and other key leadership tasks. “All monkeys must be handled at the lowest organizational level consistent with their welfare.”
Rules for Monkey Management To ensure that the right things get done the right way at the right time by the right people……… Rule 1 Describe the Monkey The next moves are specified. Rule 2 Assign the Monkey The monkey is assigned to a person. All monkeys must be handled at the lowest organizational level consistent with their welfare. A leader retains only the monkeys that he/she only can handle.
Rule 3 Insure the Monkey The leader grants authority and freedom through Monkey Insurance Policies: • Level 1 - Recommend, then act • Level 2 - Act, then advise Appropriate level of delegation is selected based upon circumstances. Rule 4 Check on the Monkey The time and place for follow-up is specified. Two reasons for check-ups • Catch people doing something right and praise them • Spot problems and take correction action before it is too late
Apply the rules for monkey management only to the monkeys that deserve to live.
Obstacles to Good Monkey Management Leaders’ Attitudes: • Fear that people will think you are not doing anything. “I wouldn’t ask someone to do something that I wouldn’t do myself, so I am ‘in the trenches’ with them helping out.” Question: who is taking the time to appropriately lead the organization while you are in the trenches? • Fear that once people are empowered, you may feel as though you are not needed. • Rationalization: “I am the highest paid person on this campus, therefore I should be working the hardest – stay the longest” should be turned around to “I am the highest paid person on this campus; therefore, I should do what it takes to be the alpha-leader. • Rationalization: “I am too busy to delegate…it is easier just to do it myself.” Profound thought: The more you get rid of your people’s monkeys, the more time you have for your people!
Leaders often enjoy doing the work of their subordinates (more than taking on management tasks). • Rationalizations: “If you want it done right…”, “This one is too hot for my staff to handle”, etc. • Live and die by the adage: “Good leaders can solve all problems.” • Hesitation to grant Level 2 freedom to workers based upon worst case scenarios. “What is the worst thing that could happen?” • Delegating is a sign of laziness. • Checking up on people is snooping.
Obstacles to Good Monkey Management Workers’ Attitudes: • Reluctance to admit to the boss that they are at their limits in capacity. They often will take on responsibilities that they know they cannot handle in effort not to disappoint the boss. • “Teflon monkeys” slide off the backs of those who should be keeping them. “I shouldn’t have to do this, I can’t handle this, I am too busy, and it is not my job.” • Fear of consequences of responsibility. Workers can turn Level 2 into Level 1 delegation by constantly seeking feedback – getting leader’s fingerprints on everything they do.
Desire to solve own problems rather than bring them to the boss (Workers wait until the monkey is dead before they take it to the doctor). • “We have a problem.” Don’t let someone say this. It is either my problem or his problem. If it is mine, I will take it. If it is his problem, there is no reason to delegate. Let him keep it and offer advice on how to solve it. When you offer help, say, “ I will help you with your problem subject to the following condition: at no time while I’m helping you with your problem will your problem become my problem, because the minute your problem becomes my problem, you will no longer have a problem and I can’t help a person who does not have a problem!”
Three Kinds of Organizational Time • Boss-imposed Time • System-imposed Time • Self-imposed time • Discretionary time • Subordinate-imposed time “The more you get rid of your people’s monkeys, the more time you have for your people.”
Educational Monkeys • Campus Planning If the campus plan constantly lists the principal as the one responsible, a hopelessly-tangled bottleneck has been created. Can delegation solve this? • Scheduling Can some of the scheduling of activities be delegated? • Other ______________________ • Other ______________________ • Other _______________________ • Other _______________________
True delegation is not about abdicating one’s leadership…. It is about empowering and developing new leaders!