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Flow of Funding Through Local Governments

Flow of Funding Through Local Governments. PWB Southwest Regional Academy February 20, 2013 Municipal Budgeting and Management August 16,2012. How property taxes work How property taxes can increase when property values fall

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Flow of Funding Through Local Governments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flow of Funding Through Local Governments PWB Southwest Regional Academy February 20, 2013 Municipal Budgeting and Management August 16,2012

  2. How property taxes work How property taxes can increase when property values fall How property taxes increases or declining values can trigger prorationing How prorationing works Jurisdicitonal collaboration to avoid proratioining – Q & A Highlights and Objectives

  3. Assessed Value (AV): value of property determined bytheCountyAssessororStateDepartmentof Revenue, placedontheassessmentrollsforpropertytaxpurposes. Assessment: chargeagainstapropertytodefraythe cost of a public improvement presumed to benefit that property. Levy:taxes, assessments and charges imposed to support governmental activities. Levy Rate:property taxes to be paid expressed in terms of dollars per $1,000 of assessed value (e.g. $1.80/$1,000 A.V.) Also known as “millage rate.” Property Tax Key Terms

  4. Cities / counties have two main restrictions on property taxes: Levy rate and amount Levy Rate Restrictions Cities: Maximum regular rate is $3.375 / $1,000. Counties: Maximum regular rate is $1.80 / $1,000 (general use) and $2.25 (roads), not to exceed $4.05 / $1,000. RCW 84.52.043 (The state may impose up to $3.60 / $1,000.) Property Taxes

  5. Cities / counties have two main restrictions on property taxes: Levy rate and amount Levy Amount Restrictions Often called the property tax lid, cities and counties may not increase their regular levies by more than one percent over the prior year. RCW 84.55. Property Taxes

  6. After the one percent requirement is met, there are other limits on total levies: Other Levy Amount Restrictions The aggregate levies of all local jurisdictions may not exceed $5.90 / $1000. RCW 84.52.43 Property tax imposed on any individual parcel may not exceed one percent of its value. Property Taxes

  7. Property tax levy is a function of the following formula: Assessed valuation/1,000 X tax rate = tax levy Tax levy increases are subject to limitations: 1% for jurisdictions under 10,000 in population 1% or implicit price deflator, whichever is less, for populations greater than 10,000 Property Tax “Lid”

  8. 1997: Incorporation $100K 1. One property, valued at $100k 2. A city, county, or state, also valued at $100k • 3. Current levy rate: • City: $3.375 (maximum) • County: $1.80 (Maximum) • State: $3.60 (Maximum) 4. Levy amount =$3.375x $100k= $338 = Levy Amount New levy rate = $3.375

  9. ‹#› 1997: Incorporation

  10. ‹#› 1998: 10% Increase in AV

  11. ‹#› 1999: New Construction

  12. ‹#› 2007:Banner Year

  13. ‹#› 2009: Crash

  14. ‹#› Over the Limit

  15. Prorationing • “Statutory process for reducing local regular property tax levies, other than the state levy for K-12 education, IF the aggregate of those levies exceeds either the aggregate $5.90 limit or the one per cent (1%) constitutional limit in a specific tax code area.”

  16. Junior Taxing District: all taxing districts other than “senior taxing districts,” including: Fire, Hospital, Library and Metropolitan Parks Districts, and Regional Fire Protection Service Authorities. Senior Taxing Districts:State Schools, County, County Road District, City and Town. Tax Code Area: A geographical area made up of a unique mix one or more taxing districts established for property calculating and collecting property taxes. Prorationing Key Terms

  17. 1stPark&Rec Districts, Park&Rec Service Areas, Cultural, Arts, Stadiums&Convention Districts, City Transportation Authority 2ndFlood Control Zone Districts (less $0.25) 3rdHospital Districts, MPDs (less $0.25), Cemetery Districts, all other districts not mentioned. 4thMPDs formed on or after 1/1/2002 5thFire Districts (less $0.25), Regional Fire Protection Service Authorities 6thFire Districts, Regional Fire Protection Service Authorities, Library Districts, Hospital Districts, MPDs formed on or after 1/1/2002 Prorationing Pecking Order - $5.90

  18. Last: County Current Expense, County Road, City Notes: Flood Control & Fire Districts are eligible to protect levies up $.025. Protected capacity is outside the $5.90 limit. There are population and boundary requirements. Levies not subject to the $5.90 limit are: State, Ports, PUD, EMS, Affordable Housing, Con Futures, County Ferry Districts, Criminal Justice, some MPDs, and voter approved levies such as excess property tax levies and local school special levies. Prorationing Pecking Order - $5.90

  19. Prorationing: Example 1

  20. Prorationing: Example 2

  21. A 1972 constitutional amendment that limits regular property taxes on an individual parcel of property without voter approval to 1% of its true and fair market value. Includes all taxing districts subject to the $5.90 limit AND State School levy, EMS, Affordable Housing, Criminal Justice, Ferry Districts, MPDs and Con Futures. Does not apply to voter approved levies. Applies directly to taxes paid by individual property owners. Prorationing:1% Constitutional Limit

  22. As with the $5.90 limitation, there is a priority order for prorationing based on the Constitutional Limit of 1%. 17 priorities are established in state law. They are not the same as the $5.90 priorities. See RCW 84.52.010 Prorationing:1% Constitutional Limit

  23. Ask your County Assessor!! Scenarios are dependent upon: Specific properties and property values Taxing District rates within each Tax Code Area $5.90 proration calculations Voter approved levies Statutorily protected levies 1% Constitutional Limit: the Math

  24. Property values matter County-wide, District assessments Aggregate levies have limits: $5.90/$1,000 AV – (except protected) 1% true and fair District levies can be reduced as the result of actions taken by other Districts Some levies can be protected by voters Some levies are statutorily protected Take-Aways

  25. Questions? Discussion Thank you!

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