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Welcome to the SRCC! Monday, January 31st, 2011

Welcome to the SRCC! Monday, January 31st, 2011. President – Rino Sato. Krista Petrulsky, Guest Speaker

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Welcome to the SRCC! Monday, January 31st, 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the SRCC!Monday, January 31st, 2011

  2. President – Rino Sato Krista Petrulsky, Guest Speaker Please help me welcome Krista Petrulsky, our fellow Red Cross Club member, who will be speaking about her experience as a blood recipient. Krista was a THON child and is now a THON Family Relations captain.

  3. VP – Julie Agee THON Blood Drives Join the Red Cross and THON at our THON Blood drives which run from December 2nd though THON Weekend. For every presenting donor, $4 will be donated to THON and credited to the organization of your choice. Come out and donate FTK! To date, we have raised $4,556 for THON!

  4. VP – Julie AgeeSocial – Julia Orlidge Super Bowl/Potluck Social with the SRCC! THIS SUNDAY, 2/6 - Meet in Osmond Parking lot at 5:40 p.m. We'll be driving over to Matt Avery's apartment [off-campus] to watch the Super Bowl. Bring food/non-alcoholic drinks - this is also a potluck social! Sign up on the website! We need drivers! Future Socials: Hike Mt. Nittany Penn's Cave Hershey Park with our THON Families? Bounce Fun Plex (See Rino ->) Outdoor games Please email suggestions to Julia! Big/Little Program

  5. VP – Julie AgeeOSC – Georgia Perry OSC stands for On-Site-Coordinator and is a great leadership opportunity and a great way to get more involved in the club! The position includes delegating jobs to the volunteers and helping to ensure the drive is meeting its goal. A great way to prepare for OSC training is to volunteer at blood drives and familiarize yourself with every position. Availability Schedule Please make sure that you have sent the most accurate schedule to Georgia! SIGN UP! Please sign up for hours ASAP so Georgia doesn't have to text you the night before!

  6. VP – Julie AgeeDR – Emily Dong Publicity If you have ideas for spreading the word about the DR programs, email Emily! Donor Retention Blog View the blog at http://givelife-forlife.blogspot.com/ or send your own post to srccdonorretention.donorblog@blogger.com to have it published on the blog.

  7. VP – Julie AgeeTHON – Mark McCuen & Erica Friel 4th Canning Weekend Trip Leaving @ 5 p.m. on Friday, 2/11 Going to Oreland, PA (outside of Philadelphia) Last Canning Weekend! Don’t miss out! 4th Canning Weekend Day Trips One on Saturday, 2/12 and one on Sunday, 2/13 Both to Camp Hill, PA We desperately need drivers! We also need someone to be in charge both days -See Erica after the meeting if you are interested! Both trips need drivers and a leader or else they will be cancelled

  8. VP – Julie AgeeTHON – Mark McCuen & Erica Friel Helpers THON Weekend We need people to help us make sure our dancers have everything they need If you have a car and will be able to make trips to the dancers’ houses/stores, we really need you! Dancer/Kids Mail Turn it in ASAP!! All Mail is due to 221C HUB by 2/9 Unsure about how you should address it, etc.? Contact srccftk@gmail.com!

  9. Education – Naila Rahman Chalkboarding Still have a few open spots on the chalkboarding crew! Will go around to your assigned building (you will be paired with a partner or two and can decide if you will alternate weeks or work together each week) and write a short message about the blood drives on the chalkboards in that building. *This IS a longer commitment than just one week - it is NOT every week, but is several weeks in the semester. Generally Naila will give you from Friday evening to Sunday evening (or Monday early morning) to get your building completed, and you can choose to go whenever is best for your schedule. Please sign up on the board if you are interested, and Naila will assign you to a building!

  10. Education – Naila Rahman Memoirs Book Interested in ordering a memoirs book? Please sign up on the board (interest sign up only-not a commitment). The book is a compilation of stories about THON that are meant to be inspiring and give a perspective on why we do what we do for the kids. Basketball Game Recruiting We have the opportunity to hand out fliers and increase awareness of our club at the men's basketball game on 2/17 (Thursday night before THON Weekend). We want to use it to publicize our blood drive on that Saturday, 2/19. Tickets are $5 (or $1 if we get more than 25 people to go), so afterwards we would watch the game together! If you are interested, please sign up on the interest sheet on the board.

  11. Fundraising – Mike Jen Fundraising Assistant Divya Ghorpade is the new fundraising assistant! Prize Patrol We will be starting prize patrol soon! If you are interested in helping with prize patrol (soliciting business downtown for donations), please let us know! It is easier to do with a buddy, so we would very much appreciate help! We are looking for 2 people - one to be paired with each of us. You will get hours for it. Please email Mike ASAP to get information.

  12. Fundraising – Mike Jen Platelets Blood supplies are low. So are platelet supplies! Platelets are a clotting factor in your blood. It is very common for cancer patients to require platelets during treatment. Although platelets are obtained from whole blood donations, a dedicated platelet donation can provide 1-3 units of platelets. It usually takes 6-8 whole blood donations to create one full unit, so one dedicated platelet donation can potentially provide as many platelets as 24 whole blood donations! Also, platelets regenerate very quickly in a healthy person, so you can donate them after waiting only 7 days since your last platelet donation (up to 24 times a year). Unfortunately, platelets can only be kept for 5 days, so a constant supply of donors is important.

  13. Fundraising – Mike Jen We need people to sign up to donate platelets. Platelet donations are done at the downtown donor center on Pugh Street (between College and Beaver). The entire process is longer than a normal blood donation - it takes roughly from an hour and a half to 2 hours. An apheresis machine is used. Blood is drawn out of one arm, platelets are removed from it, and the rest is returned along with IV (in the same arm or in the other arm; it's up to you). During the process, you sit in a comfortable bed and watch TV. The needle is smaller and you don't lose red blood cells, so you won't feel tired afterward. As an added bonus, the club will get a $25 donation for a first time successful platelet donor. Also, OSCs that recruit a successful platelet donor will receive $10 (a cut of the fundraising amount the club gets), so get out there and start recruiting!

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