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Classroom Expectations. Welcome to Skyline Middle School Technology Education Program Technology Foundations (8 th Grade, 47 Min/Day) Engineering Explorations I (8 th Grade STEM, 47 Min/Day) Inventions & Innovations (7 th Grade, 47 Min/Day) Semester
Classroom Expectations Welcome to Skyline Middle School Technology Education Program Technology Foundations (8th Grade, 47 Min/Day) Engineering Explorations I (8th Grade STEM, 47 Min/Day)Inventions & Innovations (7th Grade, 47 Min/Day) Semester Engineering Explorations I (7th Grade STEM, 47 Min/Day) Intro. to Technology (6th Grade, 47 Min/Day) Semester Teacher: Mr. Herlan
Regular Day Check out our Daily Bell Schedule...For Technology Education (M172) & STEM Classes:Regular Schedule8:10-8:15am: Advisory Period (Morning Announcements & Other Info)1st Period… 8:18-9:05am: Introduction to Technology(8482) (6th- 47 Min. 18 Wks) 2nd Period… 9:20-10:07am: Technology Foundations(8403) (8th- 47 Min. 36 Wks) 3rd Period… 10:10-10:57am: Inventions & Innovations(8464) (7th- 47 Min. 18 Wks) 4th Period… 11:12-11:59am: Engineering Explorations I (8450)(8th- 47 Min. 36 Wks)(Ms. Watson, 10:10-11:59am, M261 or M174) 5thLunch/Planning… 11:59am-1:26pm: (Fine Arts Lunch Meeting Weekly- Thursday 12:01-12:22pm)6th Period… 1:26-2:13pm: Engineering Explorations I (8450) (7th- 47 Min. 18 Wks)(Ms. Watson, 12:24-2:13pm, M261 or M174) 7th Period… 2:28-3:15pm: Introduction to Technology(8482) (6th- 47 Min. 18 Wks) Classroom Expectations Welcome to Skyline Middle School Technology Education
Early Release Day Classroom Expectations Welcome to Skyline Middle School Technology Education
Activity / Club Day Classroom Expectations Welcome to Skyline Middle School Technology Education
Student Behaviors • Be Prompt… • Be ready to learn when class begins. • Be Prepared… • Have materials with you and know when your work is due- Use your Worklog to stay organized! Bring ONLY required materials with you EACH day! • Be a Polite and Positive Participant… • Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. • Be Productive… • Turn your work in on time, and always do your best. • Be a Problem Solver… • Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate. Be a part of the solution, and NOT a part of the problem itself!
Show Respect • Value yourself… Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values… no cuss words; calling each other names; making fun of another; etc. • Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. • Honor the ideas and opinions of others. • Offer to help others needing assistance. • Be responsible with property and belongings. This includes yours, the labs, and that of other students, the teacher, and so on… For example, just because someone gives you a pencil and says “go ahead, you can break it”, does not mean you do so. This includes, “he or she told me to do it…” when trying to excuse bad behavior. You are responsible for your own actions.
Responsibility for Coursework • Bring ONLYwhat you need for class to class each day… Class notebooks will be kept in the lab storage locations. You MUST get special permission to take any class materials, tools, or supplies home, unless otherwise assigned (homework). Notebooks should be filed properly BEFORE you leave class each day! Put materials away, check tables, etc. • Know project and assignment due dates, and submit all course work by the due date. • All assignments are posted on the lab calendars, lab displays, and on the Tech Ed Web site. http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~hherlan
Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: • By showing curiosity about human nature, technology, and how the world works. • By seeking and valuing diversity. • By persisting in seeking out new solutions. • By using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change. • By learning and applying technology tools to solve every day problems.
Class & Lab Policies • Food and drinks are NOTallowed in the classroom or lab areas. This could change as greater responsibility is shown… always check FIRST! • Refer to your Worklog #1 notes for details about the lab, your notebooks, classroom safety, etc… Following proper Lab Safety is our #1 priority. • Be in your seat when the class begins… do not wander!Sit properly, 4 on the floor… do not lean back on chairs! • Major assignments and projects can be resubmitted, however, they will be scored at a reduced grade. • Class Absences… • Ask your team members or a classmate first for assignments… also check class calendar at your table. • Each absence has a one-day grace period to make-up any missed work… this is YOUR responsibility. • Mark all Absences on your Worklog… this includes field trips, sports events, doctors notes, family events, other school related activities, and so on.
Grading • Grades are based on the accumulation of points- BOTH Individually, and as a group, team, or company. • Points are based on: • Class participation… (Effort- Group & Individual) • Completion of assignments… (Daily work, Quizlabs, Sims) • Major projects, presentations, and self-evaluations… • Grades are posted online and updated regularly as assignments are completed.Harrisonburg City Public Schools Parent Portal • Our Grading Scale • 93-100% = A • 86-92% = B • 78-85% = C • 70-77% = D • Below 69% = F • Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.
Teacher’s Pledge to Students • I will trust you until you give me a reason to do otherwise. • I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. • I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work… (This might be harsh IF safety related…) • I will work with you to meet your learning goals. • I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them. • I will expect the best from you, and will give you my best! Let’s work together!
Where do we start? Safety FIRST! • HOMEWORK- Permission forms,Insurance, Web and PC Use, etc. Due as soon as these can get turned in. Sooner is MUCH better! • CLASSWORK- Worklogs & Included Worksheets. Due as you are able to complete assignments. • LAB WORK & PROJECTS- Will NOT occur until all safety and policies have been read through, and are understood. • COMPUTERS- Many assignments will be completed using computers… Permission Forms MUST be on file! For example…Harrisonburg City Public Schools PowerSchool & Claroline Systems, as well as MAIN FILE and All other Company related project WORK.
Citizenship & Effort Explained These are actually two additional scores I will keep track of... the grades are not necessarily based on actual scores as much as overall attitude and ability in class. In reflecting on how the students have done throughout the 6-weeks, I will evaluate as such. These impact the students actual grades, AND are for Midterm Progress reporting. Citizenship... How the student handles themselves in class... are they honest, sincere, positive role models for others... are not disruptive, contribute towards class discussions, get seated promptly, get to work on-time, treat themselves, others, and lab equipment with respect, and so on. Effort... This score is how the students do their work individually AND as a team or “company”... do they meet and exceed their potential or do they do just enough to get by; do they lead or follow; are assignments completed with the best quality they can muster, or is the student capable of far better work, capable of having a much better attitude, and so on. The range for both is A thru F... where A is maximum effort versus ability, and F is minimum effort versus ability. MIDTERM Progress Reports
Day #1… Getting Started! Tech Ed Rooms M172 & M174 • LAB TOUR--Biotechnology/Agricultural/Medical-Graphic Design/Publications/Drafting & Sketching-Electricity/Electronics/Engineering-Manufacturing/Construction/Energy &Power Systems-Transportation/Aviation/Aerospace-Safety/TSA-Technology Student Assoc.-Video/Audio Production-Teacher Work Area/Lab Overhead
Day #1… Some Definitions… • TECHNOLOGY- Simply defined, is the tools, materials, and processes that people use to meet human needs and wants. Examples: Manufacturing, Construction, Production, Computers, Electronics, and so on. • INVENTION- New Technology.Examples: Television, Phone, DVD, CD, Digital versus Analog, and so on. • INNOVATION- Improved Technology.Examples: IPhone, IPOD, Wireless, and so on.
Day #1… Your Assigned Work… • Beginning with Worklog #1- Fill out today’s log entry… • Your First Assignment- Quietly read and initial the notes on the back of the Worklog #1 worksheet (Your initials mean that you understand what you have read). • Next- Begin “The Safety Factor” crossword… Use the “Quiz” sheet to help you with answering the crossword questions. • While you work… Mr. Herlan will take your digital individual and company pics and will begin set-up seating charts. • HOMEWORK… You will take your safety and permission forms home to have them read, signed, and returned. This is a graded assignment. We will read through these together in class as a review to make sure that you understand the importance of safety in our lab.
Day #1… Wrapping it up! • Make sure that all Worklogs & Notebooks are collected neatly at your assigned table in Alphabetical Order. File these neatly in your class storage box. • Make sure that all (5) pencils are returned, and that any borrowed materials are put away properly. • Make sure your table is clean, and in proper order… Textbooks are neatly stacked, (4) chairs are pushed in, scrap paper is thrown away, table wiped down, etc. • Have any assigned homework in hand, as well as your agenda and any other suppliesyou brought to class with you. • Stand quietly behind your chair, and wait patiently to be dismissed. You will be allowed to go once all areas have been checked. DO NOT Leave until dismissed.