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RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation

Cristian Cadar, Peter Boonstoppel, Dawson Engler. RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation. TACAS 2008, Budapest, Hungary ETAPS 2008. Constraint-Based Test Generation.

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RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation

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  1. Cristian Cadar, Peter Boonstoppel, Dawson Engler RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation TACAS 2008, Budapest, Hungary ETAPS 2008

  2. Constraint-Based Test Generation • Goal: generate inputs that explore (ideally) all paths of a program • Run program on symbolic input, whose initial value is anything • At conditionals that use symbolic inputs, fork execution and follow both paths: • On true branch, add constraint that condition is true • On false, that it is not • When a path terminates, generate a test case by solving the constraints on that path

  3. Constraint-Based Test Generation • EGT / EXE / KLEE • DART [Godefroid/Klarlund/Sen] • CUTE [Sen et al.] • SAGE, Pex [Godefroid et al.] • Vigilante [Castro et al ] • BitScope [Song et al.] • RWset applicable to any of these

  4. EXE Results • Effective bug-finding tool • File system code • ext2, ext3, JFS • Networking applications • bpf, udhcpd • Library code • PCRE, Pintos • Device drivers • Minix

  5. Scalability challenge • Exponential space! • Relatively small number of interesting paths: e.g., those that achieve maximum branch coverage • Mixed symbolic/concrete execution (EXE/DART) • Search heuristics • Best First Search (EXE) • Generational Search (SAGE) • Symbolic execution + random testing (Hybrid CUTE) • Caching function summaries (SMART) • Demand-Driven Compositional Symbolic Execution (Pex)

  6. RWset (read-write set) analysis • Determine whether continuing to execute the current program path will explore new states • Only a value observed by the program can determine the execution of new program states

  7. {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag);

  8. flag = 0 {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag);

  9. flag = 0 arg1 > 100 true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 . . . . . . {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag);

  10. flag = 0 arg1 > 100 true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 . . . flag = 1 {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag); arg2 > 100 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg2  100

  11. flag = 0 arg1 > 100 true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 . . . flag = 1 {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag); arg2 > 100 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg2  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1)

  12. flag = 0 arg1 > 100 true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 . . . flag = 1 {data, arg1, arg2} = unconstrained flag = 0; if (arg1 > 100) flag = 1; if (arg2 > 100) flag = 1; process(data, flag); arg2 > 100 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg2  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  13. flag = 0 arg1 > 100 true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 . . . flag = 1 arg2 > 100 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg2  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1) If arg1, arg2 not read

  14. Write-set analysis • Look at values written in the past • State abstraction in model checking • Memory state = write set up to current progr. pt. • Concrete writes: concr loc = concr val • Symbolic writes: constraint(sym loc) • Program point P, two paths w/ same write-set • prune the second one

  15. Write-sets • Precision: reason at the byte-level • Minimize write-set size 1. Overwrites 2. Dead locations 3. Alpha renaming • Complicated in the symbolic domain • a[i] = 17; • a[j] = 20; • Cannot discard all constraints • on dead locations

  16. Read-set analysis • Key idea: can ignore from write-set writes to locations that are never read again • Definition of read driven by goal to achieve high branch coverage • Location read if can hit a new branch by changing its value

  17. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 =  arg2 =  arg2 > 100 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  18. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 =  arg2 =  arg2 > 100 flag = 0 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  19. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 =  arg2 > 100 flag = 0 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  20. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 =  arg2 > 100 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  21. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  22. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  23. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1)

  24. flag = 0 RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  . . . flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1) arg1, arg2 not read

  25. flag = 0 RWset RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path True-False path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  data =  . . . arg1 > 100 flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2  100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1) arg1, arg2 not read

  26. flag = 0 RWset RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path True-False path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  data =  . . . arg1 > 100 flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2  100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1) arg1, arg2 not read

  27. flag = 0 RWset RWset arg1 > 100 True-True path True-False path true: arg1 > 100 false: arg1  100 data =  data =  . . . arg1 > 100 flag = 1 arg1 > 100 arg2  100 arg2 > 100 arg2 > 100 flag = 1 flag = 1 true: arg2 > 100 false: arg1  100 flag = 1 process(data, 1) process(data, 1) arg1, arg2 not read

  28. Implementation Execution pathGlobal cache W1 RW-Set(P) W2 (W1, R1) (W2, R2) … (Wn, Rn) WP P Wp

  29. Implementation Execution pathGlobal cache W1 RW-Set(P) W2 (W1, R1) (W2, R2) … (Wn, Rn) WP P Wp Write-set Hit! Emit test case i.(WP= Wi)

  30. Implementation Execution pathGlobal cache W1 RW-Set(P) W2 (W1, R1) (W2, R2) … (Wn, Rn) (WP, Ri) WP P Wp Read-set Hit! Emit test case i.(WP Ri = Wi  Ri) Add (WP,Ri) to RW-Set(P)

  31. Implementation Execution pathGlobal cache W1 RW-Set(P) W2 (W1, R1) (W2, R2) … (Wn, Rn) (WP, _) WP P Wp Miss! Add (WP,_) to RW-Set(P) . . .

  32. Evaluation • Medium-sized open source benchmarks • bpf, udhcpd, expat, tcpdump, pcre • Minix 3 device drivers • lance, pci, sb16

  33. Medium-sized apps • bpf: Berkeley Packet Filter • expat: XML parsing library • pcre: Perl compatible reg exp library • tcpdump: tool for printing packet headers • udhcpd: a DHCPD server

  34. Medium-sized apps • Ran base EXE on each app for 30 minutes • Except 30,000 test cases for PCRE • Recorded number of branches hit • Reran in RWset mode until we reached the same branch coverage

  35. Medium-sized apps

  36. Non-redundant states pcre bpf expat Non-redundant states Non-redundant states Non-redundant states Test cases Test cases Test cases tcpdump udhcpd Test cases Test cases

  37. Performance • Dry run for the medium-sized apps: compute write-sets and read-sets but do no pruning

  38. Device drivers • Hard to check w/o the physical device or outside of the kernel • Focused on three MINIX 3 drivers: • lance: AMD lance ethernet card driver • pci: PCI bus driver • sb16: Sound Blaster 16 driver

  39. Minix 3 device drivers • Structured around a main dispatch loop • while (1) { • /* receive message from other processes, • the kernel, or the hardware */ • message = read_message(); • process(message); • }

  40. Minix 3 device drivers • Structured around a main dispatch loop • while (1) { • /* receive message from other processes, • the kernel, or the hardware */ • message = read_symbolic_data(); • process(message); • }

  41. Minix 3 device drivers • Structured around a main dispatch loop • for (k=0; k < n; k++) { • /* receive message from other processes, • the kernel, or the hardware */ • message = read_symbolic_data(); • process(message); • }

  42. Minix drivers - evaluation • Three versions of EXE: • Base • Write-set • RWset • Fixed the # of iterations in each version • mainly to have the base version terminate • Ran each version for an hour • recorded branch coverage + non-redundant states

  43. Branch coverage (pci) RWset Write-set Base

  44. Branch coverage (lance) RWset Write-set Base

  45. Branch coverage (sb16) RWset Write-set Base

  46. RWset DFS RWset DFS RWset Base RWset Base RWset Base Non-redundant states RWset DFS

  47. Bugs in device drivers

  48. Summary • RWset analysis • efficient way to prune large numbers of redundant paths • only values observed by the program trigger the execution of new paths • Evaluated on Minix drivers and medium size applications • big reduction in the number of paths explored

  49. Questions?

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