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Migration as Adaptation to environmental and climate change; Opportunities and challenges The IGAD protocol on Free move

Migration as Adaptation to environmental and climate change; Opportunities and challenges The IGAD protocol on Free movement of Persons Presented at the Nansen Initiative Horn of Africa Regional Consultation Nairobi 21-23 May 2014. Introduction .

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Migration as Adaptation to environmental and climate change; Opportunities and challenges The IGAD protocol on Free move

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Migration as Adaptation to environmental and climate change; Opportunities and challenges The IGAD protocol on Free movement of Persons Presented at the Nansen Initiative Horn of Africa Regional Consultation Nairobi 21-23 May 2014
  2. Introduction IGAD is one of the building Regional Economic Communities of the African Union It was found in 1986 to address Drought and Desertification Its mandate was revitalized by the Heads of state and government in 1996 to encompass economic integration and to address peace and security concerns in the region The members include Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, S.Sudan and Sudan.
  3. IGAD’s mandate The mandate is derived from IGADs mission which is to assist and complement the efforts of the Member States to achieve, through increased cooperation: Food Security and environmental protection Promotion and maintenance of peace and security and humanitarian affairs, and Economic cooperation & integration and social development.
  4. Displacement in the context of disasters Migration at IGAD has for long been recognized and accepted as an adaptation mechanism during disasters and now especially in the context of the IGAD Drought Disaster and Resilience sustainability initiative(IDDRSI) Migration in IGAD takes place in the context of cross border trade, political instability and civil unrest, man made and natural disasters, search for better economic opportunities, family reunification amongst others push and pull factors
  5. The draft IGAD protocol on free movement of persons The protocol is to be largely understood in the context of promoting regional economic integration towards realizing the objectives of the African Economic Community as outlined in the Abuja Treaty of 1991 The Agreement establishing IGAD mandates it to tackle present and future challenges aimed at promoting sustained economic growth amongst member states. This is with two objectives (i) to expand cooperation so that the region plays its role in regional and African integration & (ii) to enable the region to interact and compete in the global economy on an equal footing with other regions- providing the raison d’etreto embark on free movement of persons
  6. Provisions of the draft protocol Underpinned in the harmonization of migration policies and laws 1. Visa free entry within the member states for a period to be determined Could this period be used during times of displacement? Visa waiver doesn’t exempt valid travel documents. Supported by standardization of immigration procedures and effective border management strategies
  7. Ctn ; provisions 2. Right of Residence; this relates to the right of residence for citizens of the IGAD member states. member states are required to grant citizens of member states the right of residence in the IGAD territory for the purposes of seeking and carrying out income earning employment . This right includes right to apply for jobs, travel freely for this purposes, reside and take up employment in accordance with the administrative provisions governing employment of national workers
  8. 3. Right of residence; citizens admitted into another member state without a visa but desiring to reside in the territory of the member state shall be obliged to obtain a residence card/permit to be acquired at the relevant ministry in the member country 4. Harmonization of labor laws and policies; in regard to employment of IGAD citizens, acquisition of work permits, ability to bring a workers spouse of children and labor standards
  9. Ctn; provisions 5. Mutual Recognition of academic and Professional Qualifications * On adoption of common standard travel documents; the free movement of persons may require the adoption and use of a common standard travel document eg a regional passport similar to the EAC one, member states however seem to prefer use of the already existing international passports
  10. Opportunities The continuing debate amongst the member states the inclusion of pastoral movement BUT for trade purposes in the protocol The complimentary role that the IGAD protocol on transhumance being deliberated would play Resilience building coupled with the overarching investments in ASALs within the IDDRSI intervention The IGAD Regional Consultative Process (RCP) on migration where dialogue will be continued on cross border displacement in the context of disasters The Kampala convention- Uganda has signed and ratified and other member states being urged to as well
  11. For any queries, please contact Caroline Njuki Regional Migration Coordinator caroline.njuki@igad.int Thank you.
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