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Commuter Choice Summit -2004

Commuter Choice Summit -2004. Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Public Transit Office. Transit Agencies in FDOT-District 5. LYNX – provides full-service transit programs to Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties with additional coordination with Lake County

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Commuter Choice Summit -2004

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  1. Commuter Choice Summit -2004 Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Public Transit Office

  2. Transit Agencies in FDOT-District 5 • LYNX – provides full-service transit programs to Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties with additional coordination with Lake County • SCAT – provides full-service transit programs to Brevard County • VOTRAN – provides full-service transit programs to Volusia County and additional coordination with Flagler County

  3. Goals for 2004 • Implementation of toll free number for Rideshare Program (866-610-RIDE) • Develop concepts for new Districtwide Rideshare Sign • Develop marketing plan for toll free number • Continue hosting regional CAP meetings

  4. Accomplishments for 2004 • Regional Meetings with District 5 CAP agencies • Guest speakers – Jennifer Ryan from South Florida Commuter Services visited in July 2004 to share marketing concepts • Successful implementation of toll free number for the Rideshare program • Met with marketing representatives from Traffic Pulse and Metro Networks for toll free number campaign

  5. Opportunities for 2005 • Implementation of the marketing plan for the toll free number • Finalize concept for the Districtwide Rideshare sign • Continue the success of regional CAP meetings.

  6. LYNX – Goals for 2004-05 • Increase the level of CAP participation via private and public sector employers in Seminole, Orange and Osceola Counties (1.5 million residents). • Increase the level of CAP participation via employed commuters in Seminole, Orange and Osceola Counties. • Increase awareness, implementation and usage of employer supported Guaranteed Ride Home programs in the LYNX service area. • Identify and capture information on barriers and deterrent to CAP. • Actively participate in region-wide partnerships to promote the success of the CAP.

  7. LYNX – Performance Measures • Hold workshops for employers and participants in the CAP. • Promote CAP Award Champions and annual luncheon for employers. • Media coverage and ongoing marketing programs: vendor fairs, bilingual brochures, community and civic events. • Utilize mail-back surveys for program participants • Radio and television promotion

  8. SCAT - Goals for 2004-05 • The level of participation by private and public sector employers in the CAP should be increased. • The level of participation by private and public sector employees in the CAP should be increased. • A Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) should be developed by each local program to enhance participation in the CAP. • The CAP should monitor the deterrents for participation in the program and encourage innovations for improvements to the program. • Region-wide partnerships to gain new ideas for the success of the CAP.

  9. SCAT – Performance Measures • Use quantifiable data to measure performance – by tracking marketing piece distribution, number of promotional presentations to the community, new and/or additional carpool and vanpool participants. • Utilize mail-back surveys for program performance and measurement. • Focus on bilingual and/or minority-based media and marketing brochures.

  10. VOTRAN - Goals for 2004-05 • Increase the level of participation by private and public sector employers in the CAP. • Increase the level of participation by private and public sector employees in the CAP. • A Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) should be developed by each local program to enhance participation in the CAP. • Monitor the deterrents for participation in the program and encourage innovations for improvements to the program. • Participate in region-wide partnerships to gain new ideas for the success of the CAP.

  11. VOTRAN – Performance Measures • Set specific goals for outreach and track success: make 120 telephone/direct mail contacts to employers, attend 4 community events each year, and give a minimum of 10 presentations to employers annually. • Conduct participant surveys for performance measurement. • Promote the GRH program to employers. • Report distribution of CAP literature.

  12. Contact Information • Ms. Diane Poitras, FDOT-District 5 407.482.7860 or diane.poitras@dot.state.fl.us • Ms. Brenda Rhodes, LYNX 407.841.2279 or brhodes@golynx.com • Ms. Judy Lewellen, SCAT 321.952.4563, ext. 300 or judy@ridescat.com • Mr. Tim Clemons, VOTRAN 386.756.7496, ext. 149 or tclemons@co.volusia.fl.us

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