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Mk. Pengelolaan SDALH. TANAH, PERTANIAN & PANGAN MASA DEPAN. SUMBERDAYA AIR DAN KETAHANAN PANGAN. diabstraksikan : smno.psdl.pdkl.ppsub.2012/13. IRRIGATION. Fungsi Irigasi memasok kebutuhan air tanaman menjamin ketersediaan air apabila terjadi betatan menurunkan suhu tanah
Mk. Pengelolaan SDALH TANAH, PERTANIAN & PANGAN MASA DEPAN SUMBERDAYA AIR DAN KETAHANAN PANGAN diabstraksikan: smno.psdl.pdkl.ppsub.2012/13
IRRIGATION FungsiIrigasi memasokkebutuhan air tanaman menjaminketersediaan air apabilaterjadibetatan menurunkansuhutanah mengurangikerusakanakibat frost melunakkan lapis keraspadasaatpengolahantanah • The artificial provision of water to support agriculture • 70% of all freshwater used by humans is used for irrigation. • Irrigation has boosted productivity in many places … but too much can cause problems. Diunduhdari: http://rezaslash.blogspot.com/2012/03/irigasi-pengenalan.html …… 21/12/2012
SAWAH IRIGASI Bojonegorotetapkansawahirigasijadisawahabadi PemerintahKabupatenBojonegoro, JawaTimur, menetapkansawahirigasiteknis yang memperoleh air irigasikontinyusebagaisawahabadi yang dilarangdimanfaatkansebagaikawasanindustridanpermukiman. KepalaDinasPertanianBojonegoroSubekti, Rabumengatakan, pihaknyasudahmenentukansawahabadi yang menjadisentrapenghasiltanamanpangan, berdasarkanPeraturanPemerintah (PP) No. 1 Tahun 2011 tentangPenetapandanAlihFungsiLahanPertanianBerkelanjutan. Diunduhdari: http://pertanianbojonegoro.net/bojonegoro-tetapkan-sawah-irigasi-jadi-sawah-abadi/69/ …… 21/12/2012
IMPROVED IRRIGATION • In conventional irrigation, only 40% of the water reaches plants. • Efficient drip irrigation targeted to plants conserves water, saves money, and reduces problems like salinization. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
Solutions Soil Salinization Prevention Cleanup Flushing soil (expensive and wastes water) Not growing crops for 2-5 years Installing under- ground drainage systems (expensive) Reduce irrigation Switch to salt- tolerant crops (such as barley, cotton, sugar beet) Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
PUPUK & PEMUPUKAN Pemberianpupukberimbangdalamkajianinibukanberartimemberikanpupuk N, P dan K dalamjumlahseimbanguntuktanamanpadi. Yang dimaksudpemupukanberimbangdalamkajianiniadalahpemberianpupuk N, P dan K disesuaikandengan target hasilgabah yang ingindicapai, sumbanganhara N, P dan K berasaldaritanahsertakekuranganharauntukmencapai target hasiltersebutdenganpenambahanpupukanorganikdalambentukpupuk urea, SP-36 danKCl. Berdasarteoridikatakanbahwahasilgabahditentukanolehfaktortanah, tanamandanlingkungan. • Supply nutrients to crops • Inorganic fertilizers = mined or synthetically manufactured mineral supplements • Organic fertilizers = animal manure, crop residues, compost, etc. Diunduhdari: http://paretmesjed.blogspot.com/2011/04/pemberian-pupuk-berimbang.html …… 21/12/2012
GLOBAL FERTILIZER USAGES • Fertilizer use has risen dramatically in the past 50 years. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
Trade-Offs Inorganic Commercial Fertilizers Disadvantages Advantages Easy to transport Easy to store Easy to apply Inexpensive to produce Help feed one of every three people in the world Without commercial inorganic fertilizers, world food output could drop by 40% Do not add humus to soil Reduce organic matter in soil Reduce ability of soil to hold water Lower oxygen content of soil Require large amounts of energy to produce, transport, and apply Release the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) Runoff can overfertilize nearby lakes and kill fish Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
Overgrazing • When livestock eat too much plant cover on rangelands, impeding plant regrowth • The contrast between ungrazed and overgrazed land on either side of a fenceline can be striking. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
OVERGRAZING • Overgrazing can set in motion a series of positive feedback loops. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
PRODUKSI PANGAN DUNIA World agricultural production has risen faster than human population. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
KETAHANAN PANGAN DUNIA • However, the world still has 800 million hungry people, largely due to inadequate distribution. • And considering soil degradation, can we count on food production continuing to rise? • Global food security is a goal of scientists and policymakers worldwide. Pada 2012, produksi padi jatim diperkirakan 11,69 juta ton KepalaBadaanPusatStatistik (BPS) JatimIrlanIndrocahyo SE MSidikantornyaJlKendangsariIndustri, Surabaya,Selasa (3/7) mengatakan, kenaikanproduksipaditerjadikarenanaiknyaluaspanenpadiseluas 32,81 ribuhektareatau 1,70 persendanproduktivitasnyajugamengalamikenaikan 4,78 kuintal/hektareatau 8,71 persen. Diunduhdari: http://kominfo.jatimprov.go.id/watch/31604 …… 21/12/2012
GIZI = NUTRITION • Undernourishment = too few calories (especially developing world) • Overnutrition= too many calories (especially developed world) • Malnutrition= lack of nutritional requirements • (causes numerous diseases, esp. in developing world) Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
REVOLUSI HIJAU TingginyaproduksipadiIndramayuinidisebabkanolehluasnyalahansawah yang ada. Dari luaswilayahIndramayu yang mencapai 204 ribu ha, 114 ribu ha (55%) diantaranyaadalahlahansawah. Denganluassebesaritu, IndramayumenempatiurutanpertamadiJawa Barat. • An intensification of industrialization of agriculture, which has produced large yield increases since 1950 • Increased yield per unit of land farmed • Begun in U.S. and other developed nations; exported to developing nations like India and those in Africa • are more productive for plant life. Diunduhdari: http://casdiraku.wordpress.com/2009/03/15/potret-pertanian-indramayu-paradoks-lumbung-padi-jawa-barat/ …… 21/12/2012
SISTEM MONOKULTUR Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 • Intensified agriculture meant monocultures, vast spreads of a single crop. • This is economically efficient, but increases risk of catastrophic failure (“all eggs in one basket”). The Costs of Modern Agriculture The process of agricultural modernisation has had an important influence on farm productivity and improved living standards for many farmers. However, farmers need access to: modern seeds, water, labour, capital or credit, fertilisers and pesticides. Many poorer farming households simply cannot adopt the whole package. If one element is missing, the seed delivery system fails or the fertiliser arrives late, or there is insufficient irrigation water, then yields may not be much better that those for traditional varieties. Even if farmers want to use external resources, very often delivery systems are unable to supply them on time. Diunduhdari: http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/mods/theme_c/popups/mod15t01s02.html…… 23/12/2012
DIVERSITAS TANAMAN Pengaturan Jarak Tanam Ubikayu dan Kacang Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Indeks Pertanaman di Lahan Kering Masam PenelitiandiBanjarnegaradilakukandenganmenanamubikayudenganjaraktanambarisganda (60 cm x 70 cm) x 2 m dan (60 cm x 70 cm) x 2,6 m. Kacangtanahditanamdiantarabarisgandaubikayu. Padasaattanamkacangtanah MH II, ubikayusudahberumurtigabulan. Padasistemtanambarisganda (60 cm x 70 cm) x 2 m dan (60 cm x 70 cm) x 2,6 m populasiubikayumasing-masingsekitar 105% dan 86% dibandingkancarapetani (monokultur) denganjaraktanam 120 cm x 80 cm. Populasikacangtanahpadakeduapolatersebutsekitar 70% daripopulasimonokultur. • Monocultures also have reduced crop diversity. • 90% of all human food now comes from only 15 crop species and 8 livestock species. Diunduhdari: http://www.litbang.deptan.go.id/berita/one/753/ …… 20/12/2012
Biodiversity Loss Soil Loss and degradation of habitat from clearing grasslands and forests and draining wetland Fish kills from pesticide runoff Killing of wild predators to protect livestock Loss of genetic diversity from replacing thousands of wild crop strains with a few monoculture strains Erosion Loss of fertility Salinization Waterlogging Desertification Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
Air Pollution Water Water waste Aquifer depletion Increased runoff and flooding from land cleared to grow crops Sediment pollution from erosion Fish kills from pesticide runoff Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil Fuel issue Other air pollutants from fossil fuel use Pollution from pesticide sprays Surface and groundwater pollution from pesticides and fertilizers Overfertilization of lakes and slow-moving rivers from runoff of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers, livestock wastes, and food processing wastes Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
Human Health Nitrates in drinking water Pesticide residues in drinking water, food, and air Contamination of drinking and swimming water with disease organisms from livestock wastes Bacterial contamination of meat Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
REVOLUSI HIJAU HKTI sulap Tanah TandusSamosirmenjadiLadangJagungUnggulan HKTI patutbangga. Pasalnya, petanijagungdiwilayahtersebutbiasanyahanyamampumenghasilkan 4 ton setiap hectare (ha). Namundenganbibitpercontohandari HKTI mampumenghasilkan 8 ton per ha ataudua kali lipatpipiljagung. • Techniques to increase crop output per unit area of cultivated land (since world was running out of arable land) • Special crop breeds (drought-tolerant, salt-tolerant, etc.) are a key component. • It enabled food production to keep pace with population. Diunduhdari: http://sumut-berita.blogspot.com/2012/03/hkti-sulap-tanah-tandus-samosir-menjadi.html …… 21/12/2012
REVOLUSI HIJAU: DAMPAK LINGKUNGANNYA Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 • Intensification of agriculture causes environmental harm:• Pollution from synthetic fertilizers • • Pollution from synthetic pesticides • • Water depleted for irrigation • • Fossil fuels used for heavy equipment • However, without the green revolution, much more land would have been converted for agriculture, destroying forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems. "Sustainable Agricultural Development" defined by FAO in 1990 was translated into several basic criteria to measure the sustainability of present agriculture and future trends. These criteria can be listed as follows: Meeting the food needs of present and future generations in terms of quantity and quality and the demand for other agricultural products. Providing enough jobs, securing income and creating human living and working conditions for all those engaged in agricultural production. Maintaining, and where possible enhancing, the productive capacity of the natural resources base as a whole and the regenerative capacity of renewable resources, without impairing the function of basic natural cycles and ecological balance, destroying the socio-cultural identity of rural communities or contaminating the environment. Making the agricultural sector more resilient against adverse natural and socio-economic factors and other risks, and strengthening the self-confidence of rural populations. Diunduhdari: http://www.fftc.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&style=&type_id=4&id=20110808172707&print=1…… 23/12/2012
REVOLUSI HIJAU: DAMPAK LINGKUNGANNYA Ecological Costs Many ecological problems have increased dramatically in recent years. These include: Contamination of water by pesticides, nitrates, soil and livestock wastes, causing harm to wildlife, disruptions of ecosystems and possible health problems in drinking water; Contamination of food and fodder by residues of pesticides, nitrates and antibiotics; Damage to farm and natural resources by pesticides, causing harm to farmworkers and public, disruption of ecosystems and harm to wildlife; Contamination of the atmosphere by ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane and the products of burning, which play a role in ozone depletion, global warming and atmospheric pollution; Overuse of natural resources, causing depletion of groundwater, and loss of wild foods and habitats, and of their capacity to absorb wastes, causing waterlogging and increased salinity; The tendency in agriculture to standardise and specialise by focusing on modern varieties, causing displacement of traditional varieties and breeds; New health hazards for workers in the agrochemical and food-processing industries. Diunduhdari: http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/mods/theme_c/popups/mod15t01s02.html …… 23/12/2012
Agricultural modernisation 2,000 1,500 Grain production (millions of tons) 1,000 500 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Total World Grain Production Social Costs Agricultural modernisation has also helped to transform many rural communities, both in the South and the North. The process has had many social impacts. These include the loss of jobs, the further disadvantaging of women economically if they do not have access to the use and benefits of the new technology, the increasing specialisation of livelihoods, the growing gap between the well-off and the poor, and the cooption of village institutions by the state. Source: Pretty, J. (1998) Regenerating Agriculture, Earthscan, London, p. 4. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
PRODUKSI PANGAN DUNIA • In 1983, the amount of grain produced per capita leveled off and began to decline. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
MANAJEMEN HAMA B-IPM Biologically based Integrated Pest Management (B-IPM) integrates, or combines, different management tools to provide better leafy spurge control than any single tool could produce. The foundation for this B-IPM approach is biological control: Biocontrol agents like the host-specific leafy spurge flea beetle are integrated with other tools -- such as multi-species grazing programs, herbicides, reseeding, tillage, burning and clipping -- to produce effective, affordable and ecologically sustainable leafy spurge control. B-IPM offers the flexibility landowners and land managers need to devise different management strategies for different situations. • Terms pest and weed have no scientific or objective definitions. • Any organism that does something we humans don’t like gets called a pest or a weed. • The organisms are simply trying to survive and reproduce… and a monoculture is an irresistible smorgasbord of food for them. Diunduhdari: http://www.team.ars.usda.gov/v2/ipmls.html …… 23/12/2012
B-IPM Disadvantages of biological control: Like other management tools, biological control is not a perfect solution to the leafy spurge problem. The biggest drawback is that biological control is not a "quick fix." In most cases, biocontrol agents will take several years to successfully establish a population and begin making a significant contribution to leafy spurge management. In addition, no one biocontrol agent works in every situation. An agent that works well in one soil type, for example, may not work at all in another soil type. In the long run, more than one type of biocontrol agent may have to be used to achieve uniform control across a variety of different situations and land types. Diunduhdari: http://www.team.ars.usda.gov/v2/ipmls.html …… 23/12/2012
B-IPM Control tools Herbicides are the most commonly used control tool, and are the preferred tool for containing and preventing the spread of infestations. Disadvantage: Herbicides are expensive -- the cost of treatment can exceed the value of the land and/or the economic return from the land. In addition, herbicides are not target specific and are subject to environmental restrictions. Cultural and mechanical controls such as reseeding, clipping and burning can be used to give desirable grasses and plants a competitive advantage while reducing leafy spurge’s dominance. Multi-species grazing can provide leafy spurge control while increasing ranch profitability by diversifying cattle grazing operations with sheep or goats. Biological control is another tool that can be used to manage leafy spurge and offers some advantages when compared to "traditional" management tools. 1. Biological control is economically sustainable. Leafy spurge biocontrol agents can usually be obtained or collected for free, and do not require a large investment of money or time to use or maintain. Other tools require a greater investment of resources. 2. Biological control is ecologically sustainable. Once established, leafy spurge biocontrol agents are self-sustaining -- they’ll always be there, working in the background to control leafy spurge. 3. In addition, biocontrol agents are not known to cause any adverse ecological consequences. Diunduhdari: http://www.team.ars.usda.gov/v2/ipmls.html …… 23/12/2012
B-IPM Biologically based Integrated Pest Management The best approach to controlling leafy spurge is Biologically based Integrated Pest Management. It’s effective and affordable, and can be used anywhere. B-IPM integrates, or combines, different management tools to provide more effective leafy spurge control than could be achieved by using any single tool. This integration offers the flexibility ranchers, landowners and land managers need to tailor management programs that fit their specific needs. Biologically based Integrated Pest Management combines ecologically sound strategies with other tools to provide better control and more flexibility than can be achieved using any single tool alone. It is by far the best approach. The results speak for itself. The dramatic change is the result of a cost-effective, integrated approach using grazing and biological control. Diunduhdari: http://www.team.ars.usda.gov/v2/ipmls.html …… 23/12/2012
PESTISIDA KIMIAWI • Synthetic poisons that target organisms judged to be pests Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
PENGGUNAAN PESTISIDA • Pesticide use is still rising sharply across the world, although growth has slowed in the U.S. • 1 billion kg (2 billion lbs.) of pesticides are applied each year in the U.S . Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
RESISTENSI HAMA THD PESTISIDA • Pesticides gradually become less effective, because pests evolve resistance to them. • Those few pests that survive pesticide applications because they happen to be genetically immune will be the ones that reproduce and pass on their genes to the next generation. • This is evolution by natural selection, and it threatens our very food supply. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 Effects of pesticide selection Repeated use of the same class of pesticides to control a pest can cause undesirable changes in the gene pool of a pest leading to another form of artificial selection, pesticide resistance. When a pesticide is first used, a small proportion of the pest population may survive exposure to the material due to their distinct genetic makeup. These individuals pass along the genes for resistance to the next generation. Subsequent uses of the pesticide increase the proportion of less-susceptible individuals in the population. Through this process of selection, the population gradually develops resistance to the pesticide. Diunduhdari: http://www.grapes.msu.edu/pesticideresist.htm…… 23/12/2012
RESISTENSI HAMA THD PESTISIDA • 1. Pests attack crop • 2. Pesticide applied Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
RESISTENSI HAMA THD PESTISIDA • 3. All pests except a few with innate resistance are killed • 4. Survivors breed and produce pesticide-resistant population Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
RESISTENSI HAMA THD PESTISIDA • 5. Pesticide applied again • Has little effect. More-toxic • chemicals • must be developed. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
RESISTENSI HAMA THD PESTISIDA How pesticide resistance develops Some plant pathogens have also become resistant to pesticides. Among fruit producers in North America, apple growers perhaps have faced the most significant problems with pesticide resistance. Examples include streptomycin resistance in the fire blight bacterium and benomyl resistance in the apple scab pathogen. Although the precise genetic and ecological factors differ among pests that have become resistant, in all cases resistance is driven by one process -- selection. PERKEMBANGAN RESISTENSI PESTISIDA Diunduhdari: http://www.grapes.msu.edu/pesticideresist.htm…… 23/12/2012
PENGENDALIAN HAYATI Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 • Synthetic chemicals can pollute and be health hazards. • Biological control (biocontrol) avoids this. • Biocontolentails battling pests and weeds with other organisms that are natural enemies of those pests and weeds.(“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”) Pengendalianhayatiadalahsuatuteknikpengendalianhamaatauorganismepengganggutanamandenganmemanfaatkanmusuhalamidari OPT tersebut. Pendekatandalampengendalianhayati Konservasi : menjagaataumelindungipopulasimusuhalami yang terdapatdilapangan. Augmentasi : melakukanpembiakanmasalmusuhalamidilaboratoriumjikajumlahpopulasimusuhalamidilapangansangatsedikit. Introduksi : mendatangkanmusuhalamidarisuatudaerahkedaerah lain yang populasinyamasihsedikit. Diunduhdari: http://apriastika.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/sekilas-tentang-pengendalian-hayati/ …… 22/12/2012
PENGENDALIAN HAYATI • Biocontrol has had success stories.Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) = soil bacterium that kills many insects. In many cases, seemingly safe and effective. Cactus moth, Cactoblastiscactorum(above), was used to wipe out invasive prickly pear cactus in Australia. Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012
RISIKO PENGENDALIAN HAYATI Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 • Most biocontrol agents are introduced from elsewhere. • Some may turn invasive and become pests themselves! • Cactus moths brought to the Caribbean jumped to Florida, are eating native cacti, and spreading. • Wasps and flies brought to Hawaii to control crop pests are parasitizing native caterpillars in wilderness areas. The relativity of potential risk to nontarget plant species based on phylogeny, biogeography, and ecology. The testing procedure should seek to measure the maximum level of risk posed by an agent’s introduction. Actual measured risk may in fact be much lower than potential risk, but the latter provides a useful framework for selecting test plants. Diunduhdari: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1049964402001111…… 22/12/2012
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) • Combines biocontrol, chemical, and other methods • May involve: • • Biocontrol • • Pesticides • • Close population monitoring • • Habitat modification • • Crop rotation • • Transgenic crops • • Alternative tillage • • Mechanical pest removal Diunduhdari: www.instruction.greenriver.edu/.../BW_EssentialCh06Lecture.ppt …… 20/12/2012 Diunduhdari: http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/ipm_is/ipmwheel.asp…… 23/12/2012