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Gain insights into identifying and managing threatened preterm birth, emphasizing the significance of antenatal corticosteroids and essential care for preterm newborns. Learn about criteria, causes, and conditions, along with proper medication usage.
Learning Objectives Attheendofsession, thelearnerswill beable to: • Describe the identification of threatened preterm birth (PTB) • Explain the management of threatened PTB • Explain the needforantenatal corticosteroids(ANCS), typeofcorticosteroid,dose and when togive
Preterm Birth is a Leading Cause of Neonatal Deaths in India Mortality and morbidity due to prematurity can be prevented by providing PTB care & interventions: • To all pregnant women- primary prevention & reduction of risk of PTB e.g. smoking cessation program • To pregnant women with known risk factors e.g. on progestinagents, cervical cerclage • To pregnant women in which PTB is inevitable - most beneficial • Essential & additional care to preterm newborns to prevent or treat potential complications Causes of neonatal deaths
Criteria for Management of Threatened PTB • Accurate gestational age assessment • Accurate diagnosis of conditions leading to PTB • Rapid identification and treatment of maternal infection • Adequate preterm newborn care, including: • Resuscitation • Thermal care • Feeding support • Infection treatment • Safe oxygen use
Correct estimation of GA for identification of PTB Source: Helping Mothers & Babies Survive If < 37 weeks, and birth expected in next 7 days: Plan for PTB care
Conditions leading to PTB • Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH) • Preterm Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) • Severe Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia (PE/E) • Infection of genital tract • Conditions leading to over distension of uterus If < 37 weeks, and birth expected in next 7 days: Plan for PTB care
Plan for PTB care depending on GA and condition Source: Helping Mothers & Babies Survive
Antenatal Corticosteroids • Estimation of correct gestational age is a critical function before administering ANCS • For preterm labour between 24-34 weeks gestation give antenatal corticosteroids to mother for baby’s lung maturity • Antenatal corticosteroid therapy has maximal effect if the foetus is delivered 24 hours after the last dose and up to 7 days thereafter • Partial effect is evident within a few hours before birth • Drugs and dosage
Which corticosteroid should be given • Dexamethasone is a more appropriate option and recommended over Betamethasone because • Easily available (included in WHO essential drug list) • Inexpensive • Heat stable (no need to refrigerate) • Oral Preparations of steroids are not to be used • ANCS have a role even if surfactant replacement is available • Repeated courses/more frequent doses are not useful. Multiple courses in fact could have harmful neuro-developmental effects in the baby
When to give Antenatal Corticosteroid? • Indications • 1. True preterm labour (between 24-34 weeks of gestation) • 2. Conditions that lead to imminent delivery (between 24-34 weeks of gestation) • Antepartum haemorrhage • Preterm pre-labour rupture of membrane • Severe pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia • Contraindications • Frank Chorioamnionitis (absolute contraindication) • Signs and symptoms of chorioamnionitis • H/O fever, lower abdominal pain • Foul smelling vaginal discharge • Tender uterus • Maternal and foetal tachycardia
Other medications for PTB management Source: Helping Mothers & Babies Survive
KeyMessages • Preterm birth isa leadingcauseof neonatal deaths • Mortality due to PTB canbepreventedby giving PTB care & interventions • Important maternal interventions for threatened PTB are: use of ANCS, MgSO4, Antibiotics & Tocolysisto delay labour • Accurate estimation of GA is crucial for deciding intervention • Important newborn interventions for PTB are: Newborn Resuscitation, Thermal Care, Feeding Support, Infection Treatment & Safe Oxygen Use