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LAST OF 3 PARTS:. Analysis of trends among 15–24-year-olds in high prevalence countries (all countries with national prevalence that exceeded 3% and 4 additional countries in Africa with notable prevalence levels):.
LAST OF 3 PARTS: Analysis of trends among 15–24-year-olds in high prevalence countries (all countries with national prevalence that exceeded 3% and 4 additional countries in Africa with notable prevalence levels): HIV prevalence among pregnant women (2000–2007) in sentinel surveillance systems, and selected sexual behaviours among women and men (1990–2007) from national surveys NOTES: [1] Highlighted cellsindicate positive trends in prevalence or behaviour. [2]* Consistent sites only were used in the analysis of change in HIV prevalence over time, for a minimum of three years. Significance test based on H0: slope =0 LEGEND: [a]Prevalence obtained from pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in selected. [b]Among 15–19 years olds, proportion reported having had sex by age 15. Analyses based on DHS, MICS or national surveys conducted between 1990 and 2007. [c]Among 15–24 years olds, proportion reported having had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months. Analyses based on data from repeat DHS or national surveys conducted between 1990 and 2007. [d]Among 15–24 years olds, proportion of those with more than one partner reporting having used a condom the last time they had sex. Analyses based on data from repeat DHS or national surveys conducted between 1990 and 2007. [Ù]Observed increase in HIV prevalence or behaviour. [Ú]Observed decrease in HIV prevalence or behaviour. [Ú*]Statistically significant decrease in HIV prevalence of more than 25% or significant decrease in measured behavioural indicator. Analysis of prevalence based on regression analysis; analysis of behaviour based on Chi-square or Chi-square test for trend. [Ù*]Statistically significant increase in measured behavioural indicator. Analysis of behaviour based on Chi-square or Chi-square test for trend. [↔]No evidence of change. [ID]Insufficient data, i.e. less than three years of data received. [ND] Data not received. [g]No data received in response to working group process; analyses based on data in South Africa surveillance report. [h]No data received in response to working group process; analyses based on data reported in Zambia 2005 surveillance report. Analysis based on urban and rural data combined. 2c