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Join the Carers' Call to Action and help improve support for carers of people with dementia. Our shared vision aims to assess carers' needs, provide support, and ensure access to quality care services. Engage with Health and Wellbeing Boards and share examples of good practice.
Stage 1: Our Goal By March 2014 ‘The Carers Call to Action’will engage with all Health and Wellbeing Boards in England to make a commitment to OUR SHARED VISION. Carers of people with dementia will have their needs assessed and be offered a range of support as well as the person they care for.
The Five Aims – OUR SHARED VISION: 1: Carers of people with dementia are confident that their own health and well-being needs and requirements are recognised and supported, so that no carers feels alone, and are given regular breaks in order to avoid carer breakdown. 2: Carers of people with dementia are recognised as essential partners in care 3: Carers of people with dementia have access to expertise in dementia care for personalised information, advice, support and co-ordination of care. 4: Carers’ assessments identify the on-going and changing support needs of the carer to maintain their health and well-being make arrangements to meet these needs and thereby value the support carers provide to enable the person with dementia to live well 5: Carers of people with dementia are able to access good quality care and support services that are flexible, appropriate, timely and provided by skilled staff for both the carer and the person for whom they care
Collate Health & Wellbeing Board Package (All linked to five aims) Evidence: Why they must do it Solutions: Collate examples of good quality practice. & Toolkit for Health and Wellbeing Boards
Stage two By March 2015 75% Health and Wellbeing Boards in England will be identified as achieving The Carers Call to Action recognition where they strategically demonstrate that the carers of people with dementia have their needs assessed and are offered a range of support as well as the person they care for.
What we need from you? We need your help to come together to as DAA members to engage with 152 Health and Wellbeing boards in England Do any members of the DAA sit on a Health & Wellbeing board or do they know someone who does? Are any of the DAA members actively involved in their local CCG?
Please provide quality examples of where there: • are services that are commissioned / provided to support people with dementia and those that care for them, especially those that promote integration • is evidence of impact of services on clients • is evidence of potential savings to public services • is practical support that DAA members can provide to Health and Wellbeing Boards / CCGs to consult on which services to provide • is evidence and there are solutions and guidance e.g. Carers Trust, Alzheimer’s Society- The Dementia guide, Dementia UK, Information Prescriptions, Triangle of Care • Cost of dementia to the local economy
Also.... • Celebrity carer endorsement –a new face for the campaign • Do you know your MP • Family carers endorsement • People who have dementia endorsement • Professional/Clinician endorsement • Commitment from DAA members to profile endorse campaign on all websites, publications etc. (sign up on DAA Carers Call to Action page and publish commitment and action plan)
What next Please could you let us have your suggestions and information by September 30th We still need funding .... We still need your expertise...... Launch on November 20th Coming soon DAA The Carers’ Call to Action Website Page!!!!
Email & Telephone Rachel Niblock DAA Carers’ Call to Action Co-ordinator Tel: 07720 538851 Email: DAA