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Conservation Strategy Designing and Practicing In Wetland and Aquatic Wildlife Habitat

Conservation Strategy Designing and Practicing In Wetland and Aquatic Wildlife Habitat 中国水生生物栖息地保护策略和规划. Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science 2011-6-10. Index. What we are facing What we are Concerning What we are having What we are waiting for----Project Prospects.

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Conservation Strategy Designing and Practicing In Wetland and Aquatic Wildlife Habitat

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  1. Conservation Strategy Designing and Practicing In Wetland and Aquatic Wildlife Habitat 中国水生生物栖息地保护策略和规划 Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science 2011-6-10

  2. Index What we are facing What we are Concerning What we are having What we are waiting for----Project Prospects

  3. What We Are Facing Environment Conservation Efforts was encouraged with the changing of the Social eco-environment development MODEL 中国经济的快速发展, 使生态环境保护面临着更加严峻的形势 中国水生生物物与栖息地保护受到严峻的挑战 Requirement exists in Aquatic wildlife conservation in China

  4. What We Are Facing 保护实践中存在的问题 Many research objectives are focusing in Chinese conservation practicing 水电开发改变了原有生态环境 Hydroelectric development change the original eco-environment 筑坝造成河流改道,泥沙淤积 Building of dams cause diversion of river course and silt 工业、城市废弃物污染周边水域环境 Industry and city sewage pollution to surrounding water areas 围垦侵占了河岸水域 Encroachment that take away water areas 水库、湖泊养殖造成富营养化 Eutrophication caused by reservoir and lake aquaculture

  5. What We Are Facing Sharks 鲨鱼问题 Bluefin Tuna 蓝鳍金枪鱼 Introduction from the Sea 海上引进 Humphead wrasse 苏眉鱼 Sea horse 海马 Sea turtle 海龟 ……….. 生物多样性保护公约 Convention on Biological Diversity CITES公约 Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna 湿地公约 Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 国际事务中水生生物保护履约责任 Responsibilities in international convention (Aquatic Wildlife Issue)

  6. What We Are Concerning 水生生物栖息地中的生态保护问题----- 水生生物栖息地生态环境风险评估 Fishery related environment impact assessment modeling 退化水生生态系统的重建和环境修复技术 Reconstruction of degenerated aquatic ecosystem and related environment restoration 水生生物栖息地中的生态风险问题----- 环境污染对水生生态系统的影响和评价 Environmental pollution and its impact on aquatic ecosystem 水生生物栖息地保护的社会问题------ 生态保护框架下的渔业社区可持续发展模式 Sustainable development mode of fishing communities 水生生物栖息地中的物种保护问题------ 珍稀濒危水生野生动物的保护技术 Conservation techniques for endangered aquatic wildlife

  7. What We Are Having 地理信息空间技术 GIS analysis-----Spatial Analyst Tracking Analyst Network Analyst Geostatistical Analyst 3D Analyst,spatio-temporal Research Platform 工作平台 渔业生态环境监测网络 Eco-Environment monitoring network 渔业污染事故资质认证委员会 珍稀濒危水生生物保护委员会 水生生物湿地标准化技术委员会 Subcommittee on wetland and management for aquatic wildlife 遥感卫星地面接收站 Remote sensing data (MODIS, SPOT, FY, NOYY)

  8. What We Are Having Project Involving 项目基础(已开展的相关工作) Policies issue related to aquatic wildlife conservation 管理政策研究 EIA issue in Chinese marine Aquaculture and Natural reserve 环境问题研究 National reserve, endangered species and wetland 物种和自然保护区保护研究 Policies issue respond to CITES, CBD and Ramsar 国际保护公约的研究

  9. What We Are Having International cooperation 国际合作 Concerning and involving in the project of FAO, FWS, WWF, CI, TNC and TRAFFIC 参与并关注重要国际组织的保护项目工作

  10. What We Are Having International cooperation 国际合作 Recognizing the importance of USA conservation experience 认识到美国经验在水生生物保护工作中的重要性

  11. What =We are waiting for Research content Information collecting: Cases of typically habitat conservation program in the United States Investigate and Analyze the habitat protection strategy management plans management policies effects of resource recovery technology and method Establishing rescue and recovery system for endangered species and their habitats for China

  12. -------Project Prospects the exchanges and comprehension of important ideas will help us to be understood by the outside world on the international fisheries affairs. 2012年,中方拟派专家(5-6人)到美国专门考察栖息地恢复保护实例,了解研究进展,学习相关保护技术。

  13. Thank you!!

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