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Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO. The travel demand effects induced by a new transport system: the Torino metro. Prof. Cristina Pronello Team: Cristina Pronello, Paolo Villata, Valentina Rappazzo, Silvana Rodriguez. Torino, 17 Aprile 2008.
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO The travel demand effects induced by a new transport system: the Torino metro Prof. Cristina Pronello Team: Cristina Pronello, Paolo Villata, Valentina Rappazzo, Silvana Rodriguez Torino, 17 Aprile 2008
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO OBJECTIVES Evaluation of the effects of the Metro Line 1 on the urban mobility METHODOLOGY • Analysis of the literature and of the studes carried out for other transport systems • Design and administration of the sample surveys to the metro and surface transit users • Design and administration of the surveys through travel diaries and focus group • Description and analysis of the data • Conclusions
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO The evaluation of the impact of a new system Literature the main factors taken into account to quantify the effects of a new line are: the InducedTraffic The Modal Diversion • Trips generated by the new infrastructure, • but also from: • population growth • urban development • income increase • Modal shift, keeping constant: • trip typology • origin • destination
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Recent studies carried out on new metro systems Athens Golias, 2002 Copenhagen Vuk, 2005 Surveys to metro and transit users + car users (4200 units) Previous mode: Bus 53% Train 3% Private mode (car, moto, taxi) 24% Bus/car 5% Bus/train 7% Train/car 2% Foot 3% Induced travels 2% Traffic measurements and telephone interviews (1111 units before and 1056 after new line opening + 862 in both periods) 2 new metro lines integrating the existing one 2 new metro lines (automatic metro) Modal diversion from car: 16% Modal diversion from car : 14%
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Surveys design • Definition of the investigation areas and of the scopes Line 1 (Fermi - XVIII Dicembre) Porta Nuova FS (Surface transit stops) Extraction of a representative sample of the surface transit users in a major interchange node Extraction of a representative sample of the metro users
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Surveys design • Questionnaire design • Questions concerning the trips (O/D, habit, intermodality, trip already done before Line 1 opening) • Questions proposing an “evaluation scale” about the quality of services and the factors influencing the users’ choice for the metro • Socio-economical questions
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Surveys design • Definition of the sample numerousness Sampling for variables: • Infinite population • Interval of confidence: 95% • Absolute precision: 5% metro and 7% surface transit In case of non normal populations not having exceptional values for n > 100 we can assume good estimations
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Survey design: the travel diary Selection of the stratified sample: - sex, - occupation (students, workers, retired) - area of residence (Torino, 1° and 2° suburb, N, S, E, O)
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Survey design: the focus group • DESIGN • definition of the outline • selection of the participants CARRYING OUT 4 women and 4 men, from 25 to 55 years All workers with level of education middle-high Living in different neighbourhoods: 2 live in 1° west suburb 5 use transit from home to work 3 use exclusively the car
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Carrying out of the surveys The sampling plan gave: Surface transit sample n=196 units Metro sample n=384 units 402 interviewed 200 interviewed
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: usual trip (at least weekly frequency) Metro Surface transit Usual Non usual Usual Non usual Metro (Line 1) is characterised by a greater number of usual trips
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: modal diversion Metro sample The 15-16% of the metro users utilized the car (2/3 usual) Surface transit sample
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: use area Bigger O/D: • Collegno • Aeronautica • Torino centre
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: revealed trips Mainly along the corridor of the Line 1 A component along the north-south axis is evident
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: the quality of the service The interviewed were asked to express a judgment concerning the service quality, according to the scale: The statistical indipendence tests (χ2 of Pearson)have showed the independence of the evaluations from the socio-economical variables. Metro:about 80% of responses are “molto (much)” or “moltissimo (very much)” Surface transit:about 76% of responsed are “poco (little)” or “abbastanza (enough)”
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: determinant factors for the metro modal choice • the examined factors are very influent, indipendently from the socio-economical varibales • (χ2 di Pearson) • the parameters related to the car depend on the income, education and O/D characteristics as the parking fares
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO THE FOCUS GROUP: the results RESULTS • introduction of the metro: reactions • considerations on the transport means • future metropolitan link • factor for the location choice • trip cost: distorted(twisted) perception • analysis of the WTP for an efficient transit
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO CONCLUSIONS: metro and surface transit surveys Modal Diversion The percentage of users diverted from car to metro (Line 1) ranges from 15% to 16% of the interviewed passengers and is in line with other literature examples. Use area The users are mainly concentrated along the metro corridor, realative to the axes of corso Francia and corso Vittorio Emanuele II. Quality of service The customer satisfaction for the metro service is considerably greater than the surface transit one.
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO CONCLUSIONS: travel diaries • the 33% of the residents in the west area uses the metro for the most frequent trip • the 29,6% of car users would use the metro rather than the car, if a useful link would exist • the 47,1% highlights the quicknessas a priority aspect • the 45,3% of the interviewed say that the metro is the desired mean, but impossible to use • the 37,7% would choice to live close to the metro to save time for their trips The metro quality of service is considered the same as that of the car Need of a network effect and integration to make the surface transit more competitive in respect to the car and a real alternative to it
Cristina PRONELLO POLITECNICO DI TORINO Thanks for your attention