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Chapter 40: The Resurgence of Conservatism. 1980-1992. The Election of Ronald Reagan, 1980 How did Reagan’s beliefs differ from FDR? Who were the neoconservatives and what did they believe? Describe Reagan’s life. Why was Carter criticized?
The Election of Ronald Reagan, 1980 • How did Reagan’s beliefs differ from FDR? • Who were the neoconservatives and what did they believe? • Describe Reagan’s life. • Why was Carter criticized? • What was happening to the democratic party during this time period? • What did Reagan “blast” the democrats on in his campaign? • What was the outcome of the election? • Describe Carter’s last act as president. • The Reagan Revolution • What happened on Inauguration Day? • What was Reagan’s primary goal as president? • What did the California tax revolt in 1978 reflect? • Who were the boll weevils and why were they significant? • How did citizens respond to Reagan when he was shot?
The Battle of the Budget • How did Reagan’s leadership differ from his predecessors (since LBJ)? • What did Reagan do to taxes and how does this relate to supply side economics? • What happened to the economy after Reagan took office? Who’s tight money policy influenced the economy as well? • What happened to incomes during Reagan’s era? • What did some economists believe was the cause of the upturn in the economy? • What happened to the federal deficit and how did the gov try to counter act this? Why was this problematic? • Reagan Renews the Cold War • How did Reagan feel about the Soviets? • How did Reagan plan on dealing with the Soviets? • Describe Star Wars and its logic. • What was the “solidarity” movement in Poland? • What other issues complicated US/USSR relations?
Troubles Abroad • Why was the US and Israel’s relationship strained? • What happened in Nicaragua in the late 70s? • What happened in El Salvador and Granada in the 80s? • Round Two for Reagan • Who ran against Reagan in 84 and what did he do that was of significance? • Who won the election? • What was the main objective of Reagan’s second term? • Describe Glasnot and Perestroika. • What steps were taken by Gorbachev and Reagan to end the Cold War? • What other foreign policy moves did Reagan make?
The Iran-Contra Imbroglio • What wouldn’t congress give to Nicaragua or Lebanon? • Describe the secret dealings between the US and Iranians and how they related to Central America. • How did Reagan react when the public found out about the scandal? • How did the Iran Contra scandal affect Reagan’s public persona? • Reagan’s Economic Legacy • How did Reagan’s policy of supply-side economics impact the national debt? • What were the impacts of Reagan’s economic failures? • How was Reagan successful politically? • How did incomes change in the 1980s?
The Religious Right • What did the Moral Majority believe? • Describe the New Right. • In what ways did some religious leaders fall from grace? • Conservatism in the Courts • How did Reagan impact the courts? • What were the two major issues Reagan’s debated? • What precedents were set in Ward’s Cove Packing v. Antoniaand Martin v. Wilks? • Describe the outcome of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services.
The Religious Right • What did the Moral Majority believe? • Describe the New Right. • In what ways did some religious leaders fall from grace? • Conservatism in the Courts • How did Reagan impact the courts? • What were the two major issues Reagan’s debated? • What precedents were set in Ward’s Cove Packing v. Antoniaand Martin v. Wilks? • Describe the outcome of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services and how it impacted Roe v. Wade. • Describe the outcome of Planned Parenthood v. Casey and how it impacted Roe v. Wade. • How did the Webster decision impact pro-choicers?
Referendum on Reaganism in 1988 • Why did the Democrats begin to have hope that the “Reagan Revolution” was over? • Describe all of the economic issues that Democrats hoped to capitalize on in the 1988 election. • Who were the major Democratic candidates in 1988? • Who was the Republican nominee and what was his platform? • Who won the election? • George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War • What did Bush promise during his inauguration and how does that relate to his career? • What was happening in the communist bloc? • Describe what happened at Tiananmen square and how Bush responded. • What was happening in the satellite states of the USSR and in Germany? • How did the old hard liners feel about Gorbachev and what did they do about it? • What happened to the Soviet Union? • Describe the START II accord. • What happened in Yugoslavia during the 1990s? • How did the collapse of the USSR affect Germany? • What questions remained for the US when the USSR dissolved? • How did the collapse of the USSR affect the US military industry? • What was happening in South Africa during this time period?
The Persian Gulf Crisis • Where did Bush send troops in 1989? • What did Saddam Hussein do in 1990 and why? • What was ironic about Hussein’s attack on Kuwait? • How did the UN respond to Hussein’s attack? • When diplomatic negotiations failed, how did the congress respond? • Describe the US and allied attack on Iraq. • What was Schwarzkopf’s strategy in Iraq? • How long did “Operation Desert Storm” last and what was the outcome? • How did US involvement in the Middle East change after Operation Desert Storm? • Bush on the Home Front • What two acts reflected Bush’s “kinder, gentler America”? • In what ways did Bush aggravate social issues? • Who is Clarence Thomas, what are his beliefs. • What was Clarence Thomas accused of and how did this impact his nomination? • How did Thomas’ nomination affect women? • How did the economy affect Bush? • What campaign promise did Bush break?