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Birds. Jake, Logan, and Gabby. Eastern Turkey. Meleagris gallopavo silvestris Throughout the midwest and the eastern part of the U.S. They like a wooded habitat with fields located near it. They have dark multicolored feathers and redish /blue head.
Birds Jake, Logan, and Gabby
Eastern Turkey Meleagrisgallopavosilvestris Throughout the midwest and the eastern part of the U.S. They like a wooded habitat with fields located near it. They have dark multicolored feathers and redish/blue head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vGLzi505P0
Bald Eagle Haliaeetusleucocephalus They live throughout north america and like wooded areas with different sources of water in the area as well. They have black feathers on their body and white feathers on their head with a yellow beak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLBuulVbkt8
Canada Goose • Brantacanadensis • They live throughout north america and like wetlands/marshy areas. • They have black, brown, and white feathers in different patterns around their body.
Mallard Duck • Anasplatyrhynchos • They also like wetland habitats and they also live all throughout north america. • They have brown, white, and black feathers on their bodies. The males have green feathers on their head.
Barred Owl • Strixvaria • They are in the Midwest and into Canada. They live in forests with a lot of canopy cover. • They have brown and white feathers throughout its body. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c
American Crow • Corvusbrachyrhynchos • They are mostly throught the U.S. and they live pretty much anywhere from woods to plains. • They have all black feathers on their body. They are scavengers. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1d9ch29eqk
Red Tailed Hawk Buteojamaicensis They live in the northern parts of the midwest like in Wisconsin, Parts of Minnesota and Michigan. They like lightly wooded areas with a lot space to hunt in fields and plains. The have brown and white feathers. Their tails have red feathers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw
Gray Catbird • Dumetellacarolinensis • They live in wooded areas and they can be found in throughout the midwest. • Mostly gray feathers with a few black feathers mixed in. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRYSgEGiO08
American Robin • Turdusmigratorius • They are mainly in the midwest region, but migrate to warmer southern areas in the winter. They like prairie like habitats with some trees. • They have gray body feathers and orange breast feathers. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-sI5tH1NUw
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Pheucticusludovicianus They are not very popular in the Manitowoc area, but are found throughout Wisconsin. They like forest habitats. They have black back feathers and they have a red “V” going down their breast. They have white breast feathers too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NixrHvecZ8c
Cow Bird • Molothrusater • They are found throughout Wisconsin. They like grasslands and prairie. • The males have black feathers with a brown head. The females are brownish/gray. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya4k8nXyfJc
Eastern Meadowlark • Sturnellamagna • They are found in Manitowoc, but not in large numbers. They love grasslands with posts/trees to sit on. • They have yellow breast feathers with a black “V” on their breast. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jaxd7ZlUlUw
Northern Cardinal • Cardinaliscardinalis • They are abundant in Manitowoc and the midwest. The love coniferous forests. • The are red with a little black feathers around its beak. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odVcUQkOM9A
Baltimore Oriole • Icterus galbula • These are in the area around Manitowoc, but not as abundant as most birds. They like any type of forest to live in. • They have black and orange feathers over their body.
Mourning Dove • Zenaidamacroura • They’re all over the Midwest. They like praries and pastures to fly in and perch on high points. • They are mostly grayish brown with black specks on their wings.
American Goldfinch • Spinustristis • They are throughout the area. They like somewhat open areas, but can be founds in wooded areas too. • They are mostly yellow with back patches on the wings and head.
Eastern Whip poor will • Caprimulgusvociferus • They are found throughout Wisconsin. They like heavily covered forests to hide and nest in. • They are gray and brown which helps them blend in with their suited habitat.
Red Winged Blackbird • Agelaiusphoeniceus • They are found throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest. They prefer open pastures and marshes. • They are all black, besides the red and yellow markings on their wings.
Common Grackle • Quiscalusquiscula • They are found in Manitowoc and the rest of Wisconsin. They too like open places to fly and nest in. • They are all black with a green-blue tint of feathers on their head.
Ruffed Grouse • Bonasaumbellus • They are found in the more northern parts of the Midwest. They like heavy cover forests to hide in. • They are a mix of brown and black all over their bodies.
Green Wing Teal • Anascarolinensis • Found throughout the Midwest. Like marshes and wetlands to feed and roost in. • Have grayish-brown bodies with a brown head and green patch over the eye.
Blue Wing Teal • Anasdiscors • Found throughout the Midwest and also like marshes and wetlands to live in. • Brown body with bluish-gray head with a white stripe, and a blue patch on the wing.
Wood Duck • Aix sponsa • Found throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest. They like more wooded wetlands for more cover to hide. • Have brown bodies with greenish colored heads. Looks like a painting.
American Black Duck • Anasrubripes • They like other ducks are found throughout the Midwest. Like marshes and wetlands. • Look very similar to a mallard with the brown bodies and green-blue mark on the wing.
Red Head Duck • Aythyaamericana • Found in the Midwest. Like marshes and wetlands. • Have gray-brown bodies and a red head.
American Wigeon • Anasamericana • Found throughout the Midwest. Like more marshy wetlands than grassy open wetlands. • Tannish-red body with spotted head and green patch by the eye.
Hooded Merganser • Lophodytescucullatus • Found throughout the Great Lakes region. They like more open water areas to feed and roost. • Black, brown, and white bodies. Have a “hood” on top of their heads with white markings.
Canvasback • Aythyavalisineria • Also found in the Lake Regions of the Midwest. Like ponds and big rivers to live by. • Have white and blackish-brown bodies with red colored heads.
Bluebill • Oxyuraaustralis • Found in the Lake regions also. Like big open waters to feed and move around in. • Have black and white bodies with a blue bill.
Sandhill Crane • Gruscanadensis • Are found throughout the Midwest region and most of the U.S. Like open fields to feed in and nest in. • Have brown bodies with a red patch on their heads.