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Saltdome Shower Array: A GZK neutrino Detector For High Energy Physics & Particle Astrophysics Part II: Salt Domes & Detector Details. Peter Gorham With help from Gary Varner University of Hawaii at Manoa. What is needed for a GZK n detector?.
Saltdome Shower Array: A GZK neutrino Detector For High Energy Physics & Particle Astrophysics Part II: Salt Domes & Detector Details Peter Gorham With help from Gary Varner University of Hawaii at Manoa SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
What is needed for a GZK n detector? • Standard model EeV GZK n flux: <1 per km2 per day over 2p sr • Interaction probability per km of water = 0.2% • Derived rate of order 0.5 event per year per cubic km of water or ice A teraton (1000 km3 sr) target is desirable! Problem: how to scale up from current water Cherenkov detectors? • One solution: exploit the Askaryan effect: coherent radio Cherenkov emission • Particle showers in solid dielectric media yield strong, coherent radio pulses • Neutrinos can shower in many radio-clear media: air, ice, rock-salt, etc. • Economy of scale for a radio detector (antenna array + receivers) is very competitive for giant detectors SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Antenna array Saltdome Shower Array (SalSA) concept Salt domes: found throughout the world Qeshm Island, Hormuz strait, Iran, 7km diameter 1 2 3 Depth (km) 4 • Halite (rock salt) • La(<1GHz) > 500 m w.e. • Depth to >10km • Diameter: 3-8 km • Veff ~ 50-350 km3 w.e. • No known background • >2p steradians possible 5 Isacksen salt dome, Ellef Ringnes Island, Canada 8 by 5km 6 7 • Rock salt can have extremely low RF loss, as radio-clear as Antarctic ice • ~2.4 times as dense as ice • typical:50-100 km3 water equivalent in top ~3.5km =>300-600km3 sr w.e. SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
U.S Gulf coast salt domes • Salt origin: Shallow Jurassic period sea, 200-150M yrs old, inshore Gulf coast area dried ~150 Myrs ago • Formed fairly uniform evaporite beds ~1 km thick or more, known as ‘Louann’ salt: • 94-98% halite (NaCl) • 2-6% anhydrite (Calcium sulfate) • Trace Mg, Sr, dissolved gases, 10-40 ppm trapped brine • Salt density (2.2) < rock (2.6) • plasticity at 10-15km depth leads to ‘diapirism’ : formation of buoyant extrusions toward surface • Diapirism for Louann salt ceased 50-100 Myrs ago, left stable salt diapirs all over the Gulf coast New Orleans Hockley salt Dome & mine Houston SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Gulf coast salt domes • 1.5 - 8 km sectional axes, circular to highly elliptical • vertical extent from near surface to 10 km depths common • Source of oil & gas trapped on flanks: • impermeability of salt compared to sediments SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Examples of Gulf coast halite purity SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Halite & anhydrite • Pure NaCl crystals are theoretically lossless to RF via absorption • Crystal lattice defects are only mechanism for loss • Rayleigh & Mie scattering lead to attenuation over 100’s of m • Measured in situ bulk attenuation lengths can be several hundred m or more in many salt domes, but not all (Weeks Island--water intrusion) • Chief impurity: anhydrite (anhydrous gypsum or alabaster) • Also known to have ultra-low loss at radio frequencies • Expectations: typical Louann salt will have at least several hundred meter attenuation length if water content is low (<300 ppm) • Core samples indicate low water content in 80-90% of domes SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Halite-anhydrite salt dome structure • Morton Salt mine, Grand Saline Salt dome, TX • ~98% pure halite, 2% anhydrite • Anhydrite banding evident, nearly vertical from deformation of original salt beds • Produces negligible effects on radio propagation SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
In situ salt dome measurements of attenuation SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Borehole radar on dome flank • Pine Prairie dome, LA northern extreme of Louisiana salt dome region • Holser et al 1972 used dipole & helix antennas at 230MHz in a 5” diameter sonde to map the flank of the dome (1 microsec pulses) • Most data within 150m of edge of dome (impurities increase close to flank) • Flank location confirmed by retrieved samples when flank was intercepted • Good data & SNR to 8000 foot depths, until flank was pierced SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Salt Dome Selection & Phase I Prototype • Inputs: Surveys in 1970’s, 1980’s for Nuclear Waste Repository sites • Stringent requirements with similar needs to SalSA, large, stable dome with dry salt, no economic usage • Richton (MS) and Vacherie (LA) domes both have excellent DOE salt core reports • Keechi Dome in TX also appears to have no oil or gas interests • Select 3-5 salt domes, drill 1500’ borehole with 300-500 ft of salt penetration, continuous core • Use chemical & loss-tangent measurements on core, plus borehole radar to assess initial salt quality • Choose best of initial domes that meet requirements for three or four deep (3km) boreholes, to install a prototype SalSA (‘Salsita’) • 1-2 years’ operations to establish proof-of-concept, and discover or confirm small sample of GZK neutrino events, then propose full array SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Current Salt Dome candidate ranking SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Richton Dome • Richton Dome has excellent seismic, gravity & sulfur exploration (unsuccessful) measurements of salt body SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Richton Dome area • Land use primarily industrial forest • Plum Creek Land Mgmt contacted, lease option negotations ongoing SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Mechanics of land use & drilling • Land use & rights studies underway, will have agreements in place for initial phase as pre-requisite for proposal • Mineral rights owner/leaseholders will retain asset rights if oil, gas, sulfur, etc. is discovered (unlikely but not excluded) • Surface rights owners will receive “damages” for 1 acre drilling site, and lease agreements for duration of project • Depends on land usage, rural land: $1-2K damages typical per well • Typical $1-2K/yr lease for small well-head site (~100 sq. ft.) & right of way • Will negotiate contracts for “options” on leases for proposal • Baker-Hughes INTEQ has expressed interest in cost-sharing agreement for prototype phase • Mississippi Office of Geology is supporting Richton dome SalSA studies SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Drilling salt domes • Shallow holes: a modest rig possible, 20-40’ truck-mounted; water-well driller capable • Deep holes require large derricks, 130’ high typical, and a 1 acre site • Bore is drilled through surface layers and “caprock” to about 1000’ depth into salt, and must be cased with steel liner above salt • Salt is hermetic and needs no casing or liner, is easily drilled • Requires oil-based drilling fluids to avoid brine formation • Borehole remains OPEN after drilling, probably for decades at a 4” bore, and is backfilled with fluid providing hydrostatic pressure head • Ergo: Strings will be repairable, recoverable, can be upgraded! SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Drilling Salt Domes • Drilling costs preliminary estimates $120-150K per 1500’ bore, $250-350K per 3.5 km deep hole • 4 shallow & 3-4 deep holes: $1.2M-$2M including casing and cores • Capital cost of dedicated drill rig ($0.8-1M) would be justified for full SalSA, but not at this stage • rig can be sold at termination of drilling, capital re-invested in project (eg., Don Thomas at UH has done similar) • Damage & lease costs: • Damages of order $20K in initial year • Lease costs expected to be of order $20K per yr for 3 years • Negotiations for lease options in progress SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
String instrumentation: “node” configuration • Antennas (copper cylinders) are cheap, “controller nodes” (receiver, digitizers, data transmitters, & pressure housing) costly, THUS: • Use many (12) antennas per controller node to optimize sensitivity • 12 nodes of 12 antennas each is current choice • $100-$150K estimated per string cost with no new technology • pressure-compensated controller system to be demonstrated SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Fat dipole results in salt 120 MHz 180 MHz • 4” diameter by 30 inch length, copper • Usable from 50MHz to 1 GHz (better than model predicts) • Single mode from 50-350MHz Gain, dB 50 ohm feedpoint coupling 530 MHz 370 MHz SWR (predicted) SWR (measured) Frequency, Hz/MHz SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Basic string architecture NEMA 3R 38" x 21" x17" String 12 nodes armor tape Insulated conductors Stainless tube Fibers Node = 12 antennas and center housing SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
GEISER (Giga-bit Ethernet Instrumentation for SalSA Electronics Readout) • GEISER Philosophy • Set low threshold • Fill Gb/s ethernet link • Event build at surface • Pure digital transmission • Trigger/Event building • No custom, fast trigger • Exploit telecomm • Event building on PC farm SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
GEISER Data flow • GEISER approach: • Digitize the “mud” in downhole • Pan for gold at the surface Trigger packets sent via FM/local radio 4-deep analog buffering: Node/String Time stamps 100ms latency/hit >99.999999…% livetime @ 1.5kHz Event request Digital Cell system for data collection Data Transfer RF in Continuous Hold at 1.5kHz (>2.4s) 64kb/event 1.6kHz (100baseT) 16kHz (GbitEthernet) Internal FPGA Buffer RAM SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
In hole digitization Digitizer n’ Readout, In-situ Transient Observation in Salt [D’RITOS] 3rd generation switched-capacitor array (SCA) architecture • Massively parallel ADCs • 50ms conversion • 7x256 samples/event • 50ms readout (40MHz) • 100ms total latency 6 4-deep analog buffering for each antenna channel Reference timing Channel SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Readout board D’RITOS HV-lvDC regulation on separate board LNA, 2nd-stage amps LNA, 2nd-stage amps Trigger, bi-directional fiber-link RF conns SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Radio Cherenkov testbed system • Goal: to detect first coherent radio Cherenkov emission signals of natural origin, from muon-bremsstrahlung showers • Standard hodoscope tagging combined with antenna array • SalSA instrument development: up to 196 antenna channels! Salt, 25 tons Liquid Scintillation counters (MACRO) Antenna layer Shown exposed SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
First Observation of Cosmic-ray muon- generated Radio Cherenkov signals • Average of ~10K events selected for showers, out of 230K (2mo. data) • Signal antennas & time determined by track fit from scint. Counter • Backgrounds taken from out-of-cone and out-of-time data • We see strong enhancement due to ensemble of ~200 GeV muon bremsstrahlung showers SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Summary • The SalSA concept • intellectual fruit of two OJI awards, Saltzberg & Gorham • Strong HEP motivation to study & use GZK neutrinos • We have gone about as far as we can without a prototype array • Salsita will position us for a full-scale proposal within 2 years • Capable of discovery and/or confirmation of GZK flux • Pathfinder for full scale detector, built around the prototype • We solicit your advice & guidance! • OJI awards have mentored us both to this stage • We offer SalSA as a next generation Energy Frontier HEP instrument SalSA presentation, DOE HQ
Neutrino Flavor/Current ID ~2 km • Charged/neutral current & flavor ID possible on subset of SalSA events • At least 20% of GZK CC events will get first order flavor ID • For non-SM high neutrino cross sections, NC events can interact twice 1018 eVnm SalSA presentation, DOE HQ