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Ottoman Empire . Wednesday, October 05, 2011. Warm Up . Page 176 Analyze the data chart on Iraq’s Muslims and answer the following question. Why might Shias feel they have more of a right to run Iraq’s government than other groups? 5-6 sentences . Housekeeping . CNN Report
Ottoman Empire Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Warm Up • Page 176 • Analyze the data chart on Iraq’s Muslims and answer the following question. • Why might Shias feel they have more of a right to run Iraq’s government than other groups? • 5-6 sentences
Housekeeping • CNN Report • Make up test • Will have choice board grades Monday, looking good so far.
Standard • SS7H2 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21st century. • a. Explain how European partitioning in Southwest Asia (Middle East) after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict.
Essential Question • How did the division of the Ottoman Empire affect the population?
What Will I Learn Today? • Today I will learn about the Ottoman Empire and the conflict surrounding the division because it will help me understand present day conflict in S.W. Asia ( Middle East).
Activator Division in the Neighborhood • As a community: Draw a few houses to illustrate a neighborhood. • You must divide the neighborhood, no way can they all stay together. How do you decide where to draw the line…do you divide by how many stories, who has the most bathrooms, the largest back yard…? • You much reach a decision in five minutes.
Work Period • Cornell Notes
Arab Empire Break-Up • By the end of the 900’s a.d. Arab Empire had broken up into smaller groups. Over the next several centuries Mongol (central Asia)invaders entered the Muslim territory and ended the Arab Empire. • 1200’s b.c. a new Muslim population formed, they were the Ottoman Turks. This was the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. • The Ottoman Empire lasted until the early 1900’s
Big Change in S.W. Asia • During the 1900’s S.W. Asia went through a great deal of change. • Smaller independent countries replaced the massive empires. • Discovery of oil: For seven years, William D'Arcy drilled well after well in Persia, modern day Iran, looking for oil. He was about to run out of money and decided to drill one last time, hit a gusher on May 26, 1908.
Conflict • The discovery of oil brought great wealth to several of the new nations. • Conflict begins in the region over the demand for oil.
Ottoman Empire • The empire the Ottomans created was an Islamic state, and for a time the challenger to European control of the Mediterranean.
Ottoman Empire • Ottoman Empire controlled most of the area in S.W. Asia (Middle East) from the 1300’s until World War II. • Most powerful peek in the 1500’s. • The capital of the Ottoman Empire was Istanbul. • End of World War I • Ottoman Empire had shrunk but still included much of the Middle East.
Reasons for Shrinking • Trying to rule such a huge territory and the leaders could not hold onto. • European countries had also gained a lot of power. • WWI Ottoman Turks joined forces with Italy and Germany. • Their side lost the war. • Empire was over thrown and the territory was broken up into several smaller countries. • San Remo Agreement.
Affect on People • European groups who decided where the boundaries of the new countries would be drawn gave little attention to Ethnic and Religious groups who were already living in the area. • As a result, there has been a lot of conflict. • Many different groups tried to live together that were created by those who did not realize the problems some of these new boundaries would cause.
Effect on population • At the end of World War I the Empire broke up from the resulting defeat of European Nations. • Europe broke up the region, however, the people resented European rule and cultural influence. • The Turks believed that every ethnic group should have it’s own independent nation. • By the 1970’s, through war and conflict most of the S.W. Asian countries had won political freedom.
Current Nations • Some still view themselves as not belonging to a nation. • Feeling an ethnic loyalty but country to call their own. • Some Kurds dream of creating a Kurdish Nation. • This would unite the millions of Kurds living in Turkey, Iraq and Iran; just to name a few. • Palestinian Arabs want to create and independent nation of Palestine. • This had lead to conflict in Israel, which was created for the Jewish Nation.
Closing • We Gotta Think!!! • Can you relate the division of the Ottoman Empire to Ethnic and Religious groups?
Closing Take Five Take five minutes to discuss with your shoulder partner how the division of the Ottoman Empire is still having an impact on S.W. Asian populations today.