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Detailed guidelines for Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on sacred procedures and actions during Holy Communion. This includes a refined procedure for communion to non-ambulatory individuals after Christmas. All ministers are urged to follow these instructions for a reverent service.
Our Lady of the Lake Liturgical Ministries
Our Lady of the Lake Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
At the Lamb of God when you come forward, do so in silence Line up at the side of the altar steps in silence with hands folded This is not a time to talk, greet, offer the sign of peace or anything else. We are about something most sacred at this time.
When Father places the chalice on the altar after receiving the Precious Blood Silently take your places on the top step near the altar. This is not a time to talk, greet, offer the sign of peace or anything else. We are about something most sacred at this time.
The first two will take communion to the Music Ministry then move to spots: Blue Heart -- Chalice Blue Star -- Ciborium Everyone else will take your stations other than these two. It is ok if the Blue Star and Blue Heart gets to the position and starts before the others take their places. It is also ok for the Blue Star and Blue Heart to be empty for a moment if the Music Ministry takes a bit longer.
Discussion of where to go and how to get there.. If we are short a person and a Ciborium of Chalice is left on the altar, DO NOT go to the Altar and take it yourself. We will do without. Only a priest or Deacon is to take a Chalice or Ciborium (containing Eucharist) off the Altar. We are working on a refined procedure for communion to the non-ambulatory. This procedure will be implemented after Christmas. Until then, the Ushers will try to use the first EM finished to take them communion. DO NOT take a chalice to them. If you have a chalice , when you finish go straight to the credence table.
When you are finished… Take the Chalice to the credence table and there finish any Precious Blood remaining . Take the Ciborium and place it on the Corporal on the altar Do NOT genuflect Turn and go straight to your seat. If you cannot or will not finish drinking what is left of the Precious Blood in a chalice when finished (refusal to drink after others, etc.) it is then time that you resign as a Special Minister of the Eucharist. Let me repeat: If you cannot or will not finish drinking what is left of the Precious Blood in a chalice when finished (refusal to drink after others, etc.) it is then time that you resign as a Special Minister of the Eucharist.
While distributing Communion (Body) and someone presents themself for a blessing, DO NOT touch them. Simply extend a slightly curved hand and say (nothing more and nothing less) “May the Lord Bless you.” This is not an option. Simply hold a slightly curved hand up and say, “May the Lord Bless You.” Do not lean in close or bend over to get closer. This applies to children and infants too. If there are more than one child, just do it once. It is good for all.
Keep the purificators folded. DO NOT wipe the cup so deeply that you dip the purificator into the Blood of Christ. Do not shake the purificator out on the way to your station. There is no need to unfold it. Some purificators are wet after communion. Just wiping the rim of the Chalice should not get the purificator wet. Please pay close attention. This is a solemn moment.
Ministers of the Precious Blood, if there is a spill, cover it immediately with your purificator and go to the credence table to get another purificator. Immediately after the final blessing, before the song is concluded, go to the work sacristy and clean up the spill.
Depending on the size of the spill, take minimally three used purficators out with you. One that is more than damp and two dry. Sop up the Precious Blood with the purficator covering it. Then squeez out water from the wet purificator onto the spill spot. Use the other two dry purificators to dry the spot.
Take the soiled purificators to the Work Sacristy and rinse them out in the sancrorum (the covered sink.) Ring them out and place them with all the other soiled purificators to be cleaned.