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Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University / Department of microbiology

Corynebacteria. Causative agents of diphtheria. Pathogenesis, laboratory diagnostics, prophylaxis and therapy of diphtheria. Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University / Department of microbiology. Taxonomy and classification of corynebacteria. Genus Corynebacterium

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Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University / Department of microbiology

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  1. Corynebacteria. Causative agents of diphtheria. Pathogenesis, laboratory diagnostics, prophylaxis and therapy of diphtheria. Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University / Department of microbiology

  2. Taxonomy and classification of corynebacteria • Genus Corynebacterium • Species: C. diphtheria • Conditionary-pathogenic species: C. ulcerans. C. haemolyticum, Cpseudodiphthericum. C. xerosis and others

  3. Morphological features of C.diphtheria Nasser's staining to reveal volutin granules

  4. Cultural properties C. diphtheria is an aerobe and facultative anaerobe, has an optimum temperature for growth of 37°C, Media : • Loeffler's coagulated serum • blood agar • selective tellurite media

  5. Classification of C.diphtheria • gravis, • intermedius • mitis. Gravis mitis

  6. Biochemical differentiation of Corynebacteria

  7. Virulent factors • Exotoxin (cytotoxin) • Enzymes: fibrinolysin, neuramidase, hyaluronidase..

  8. Epidemiology • The source of infection is either a ill person or a carrier. • Infection is spread by droplets, dust, secretions, or direct contact. It is air-borne infection

  9. Clinical appearance Nasal bleeding Membrane onto the tonsils

  10. Laboratory diagnostics • Microscopy (by Neisser or Loeffler) • Culture method and determination of toxigenecity (confirming diagnosis!) • Immunofluorescence microscopy (rapid diagnostics) • Experimental infection for toxigenecity detection

  11. Microscopy

  12. Elek`s gel precipitation testtoxigenicity detection

  13. Prophylaxis • Diphtheria can be controlled by immunization. • Three methods of immunisation are available: active, passive and combined Active: diphtheria toxoid (DT) , DPT vaccine, DTT

  14. Therapy of diphtheria • Antitoxic therapy should be started immediately (!). • The dose of antitoxic horse serum depends on the severity disease and is from 20 000 to 100 000 IU • Antibiotics (penicillin, erythromycin)

  15. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

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