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Creation in Christianity

Creation in Christianity. QFL: Can I describe how Christians believe the universe was created? Level 4/5. Homework Draw a storyboard showing the seven days of creation. How do you think the world was created? Give reasons for your answer. (You have one minute!).

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Creation in Christianity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creation in Christianity QFL: Can I describe how Christians believe the universe was created? Level 4/5 Homework Draw a storyboard showing the seven days of creation

  2. How do you think the world was created? Give reasons for your answer. (You have one minute!) Level 4: I can give my own ideas and those of religious people when discussing how the world was created.

  3. Genesis creation story • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxUmt4GG2kI&feature=related (4:37) Level 4: I can give my own ideas and those of religious people when discussing how the world was created.

  4. Literalists/creationists – believe the Genesis story literally • Non-literalists don’t take the Genesis story literally. • Non-literalists believe it was six periods of time – not six 24 • hour periods of time. • Non-literalists can believe in the Big Bang & Evolution – God made • these happen. • They BOTH believe: • God made the world • He made the world good • It wasn’t an accident • It was made for a purpose Explain the similarities and differences between literalists and non-literalists beliefs about how the world was created. (Level 4) I can give reasons why different Christians have different beliefs about the world. (Level 5)

  5. What does it mean to say that humans are created in the image of God? Is this saying that humans look like God? Or does it mean that humans are different from other animals? How could this affect how we treat each other? How could this affect how we treat animals that God has created? Level 5:How would the Creation story affect a Christians’ view of the world?

  6. Do you think that humans are more important than other animals? Why? If God gave humans ‘dominion’ how should this affect how humans treat animals? Why? Level 5:How would the Creation story affect a Christians’ view of the world?

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