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2 – MUSE, Trente, Italy. Antonia Caola Museo delle Scienze. Verso il MUSE. Green room|2 nd June 2012 | 12.00 Renewing, reinventing and reopening the right way MUSE: the new science museum. Antonia Caola – Museo delle Scienze Head of International Collaborations & New Brand
2 – MUSE, Trente, Italy
Verso il MUSE Green room|2ndJune 2012 |12.00Renewing, reinventing and reopening the right wayMUSE: the new science museum Antonia Caola – Museo delle ScienzeHead of International Collaborations & New Brand Trento - NE Italy
ORIGIN & CONTESTBACK TO THE YEAR 2000WHAT WAS THERE- 11 ha dismissed (ex Michelin) industrial area in town- anurbanization project plannedby the LocalGovernment- a verylivelynaturalhistorymuseum in a historicpalacebesides the Cathedral, withtoolittlehallsWHAT WAS NEEDEDa cultural hubtomake the newquarteralive: “a cultural fertilizer”
CHALLENGES build a new museum based on contemporary & original museologic concept be innovative in respect to cultural message, exhibition, visiting style, & building & last but notleast… interwave nature with science and society
8environmentalresearchdepartments4,5millionsspecimenscollection2specializedlibraries86.000books200different educational activities668public engagement events/yearmanypermanent & temporaryexhibitions VALUE THE MUSEUM’S LONG HISTORY & LEGACY MADE UP OF…
The chance 25 May 2012 - Photo: F. Pupin Weweregiven the possibilitytoget a new building byarchitect Renzo Piano, stronglyinspiredby the museologicconceptto house naturalisticexhibitions & scientifichands-onareas researchlabs & controversialissuespresentations educational classrooms & specializedlibrary collections & tropicalgreenhouse
TRAINING FOR THE BIG LEAPin 2010 werenewed the currentpermanentexhibitions:a goodexcercisetocheckourcapacitiesto showcase exhibits and specimens in enjoyablesolutions, consistentwithcontents.Itwasalso a meanstoletvisitorsevaluateouroffer.RESULTSuponmanydelays and painfulfightingagainst a numberofoverlappingduties, welearnedthatgoals- & time management are crucial, butwereinforced the confidence in the potentialofour team.Throughevaluation the public gaveseveralinputsusefultoameliorate the presentationofexhibits and captions.
LISTEN TO THE CITIZENS Secondo me… il museo che vorrei AccordingToMe… the museum I wouldlike a participatoryannualeventtoaccompany the process ofnewmuseum’s development (2008 – 2012)
NATURE (Local) SCIENCE & SOCIETY (Global) • THE MAIN OBJECTIVE FOR THE NEW MUSEUM • convey in a new building the wealthy local heritage of the historic museum • connect this local legacy with global issues • address nature enthusiasts, people concerned about the future of Planet Earth, • citizens questioning on the limits of the development, on the positive use of scientific/tecnologic results • promote a global education by means of solidariety and cooperation Promote nature conservation knowledge Promote science and innovation knowledge
A NEW VISUAL IDENTITY TO reflectourambitions fitto a new cultural project
OPPORTUNITIES… - fail to maintain promises and betray the hopes- cause discontent and stress among the staff- present topics that may outdate quickly- showcase highly aestethic exhibits, though little attractive for digital natives- chose the wrong consultants- have an “archiSTAR” as designer for the exhibition … AND RISKS create newprograms, inventnewactivities reorganize the wholestructure reinforce the staff competences reallocateroles and tasks have more spaceavailabletooffer public programs becomeworldwideknownfor the designer label ... and ... removedustfromexhibits
TIPS FOR RENEWING, REINVENTING AND REOPENING A MUSEUM beplain and high qualityforyour public benutrientforyour staff beauthenticforyourstakeholders be easy and tastyforeverybody … like a glassof milk
Welcome you in Trento for the opening July 2013 antonia.caola@mtsn.tn.it