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WORLD WAR II. Mr. Kleespies. The Rise of Dictators. Benito Mussolini comes to power in ITALY Mussolini makes ITALY a fascist state Fascism : Extreme nationalism and one ruler. GERMANY. Adolf Hitler leads the NAZI party to power in Germany 1933

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WORLD WAR II Mr. Kleespies

  2. The Rise of Dictators • Benito Mussolini comes to power in ITALY • Mussolini makes ITALY a fascist state • Fascism: Extreme nationalism and one ruler

  3. GERMANY • Adolf Hitler leads the NAZI party to power in Germany 1933 • Nazi party portrays the German people as the superior race • Totalitarian State: single party state, suppression of all opposition Total Control

  4. Russia • Joseph Stalin rules over Russia • Communist country • “MAN OF STEEL”

  5. JAPAN • Hideki Tojo is the Prime Minister of Japan during WWII

  6. AXIS POWERS • Germany • Italy (6 Months in) • Japan

  7. AMERICAN NEUTRALITY • America practices Isolationism • Keeping to ourselves • Neutrality Acts • Bans the selling of weapons to warring nations.

  8. Germany on the March • Hitler orders troops into the Rhineland. • Austria is invaded next. • German speaking people within Austria • Sudetenland is also invaded by Germany

  9. The Munich Pact • Munich Conference gives the Sudetenland to Germany • As long as Hitler promised not to invade any other countries • Appeasement: to avoid war, Britain and France give into Germany’s demands • Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia which the Sudetenland was a part of.

  10. Nazi-Soviet Pact • Hitler wants to invade Poland. • Afraid of Russia’s reaction • Hitler and Stalin sign SOVIET-GERMAN NON-AGGRESSION PACT • Pledging not to attack one another. • Germany and Russia secretly divide up Poland.

  11. WAR BEGINS • Germany invades Poland September 1st, 1939 • Two days later Great Britain and France declare war on Germany • Germany uses BLITZKRIEG for the first time invading Poland. • Lightning Warfare

  12. Germany Invades France • Maginot Line protects France? • May 1940 Germany occupies • Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherland. • France falls June 22nd 1940

  13. Hitler Frustrated • Hitler wants to invade Great Britain • Battle of Britain • Fight in the Skies • Luftwaffe bombs airfields in GB • Royal Air Force (RAF) • Fights off the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) • Churchill to RAF “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”

  14. US Neutrality • Roosevelt during 3rd run for President • “your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars” • Won easily 1940 • Congress approves “cash and carry” • US war supplies carried by Allied ships to Europe( france, Britain)

  15. US Neutrality • 50 Destroyers sent to Britain for 99 year leases on British naval bases in the Caribbean

  16. Hitler Frustrated • Hitler can not defeat Great Britain • Decides to try and accomplish his oldest dream. • The destruction of RUSSIA • Hitler breaks the pact with Russia in June 1941.

  17. AMERICA • Franklin D. Roosevelt is the President during WWII • He gets the Lend-Lease Act passed • This allows America to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered vital to Americas safety. • $7 billion to Allies • Lend-Lease to Russia after invaded

  18. Battle of the Atlantic • Hitler tries to cut supplies • U-boats sink as many cargo ships as possible on way to Europe • US sends destroyers to escort shipping convoys (Iceland) • Churchill and Roosevelt sign Atlantic Charter • Work for peace together after war

  19. Atlantic Charter • One month later • German U-boats attack a US destroyer • Roosevelt order US navy to “shoot on sight” any threatening U-boats • War with Germany imminent

  20. GREAT BRITAIN • Winston Churchill is the Prime Minister of Great Britain • Roosevelt and Churchill work closely together once America joins WWII

  21. PEARL HARBOR • December 7th, 1941 • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor • America losses 8 battleships and three cruisers • 2,400 soldiers die in the attack. • America is no longer Neutral

  22. AMERICA AT WAR • With amazing speed America gears up for war. • American people are angry, record numbers join the armed forces. • War bonds are issued to help pay for the war. • Goods are rationed using, ration books

  23. WOMAN AT WAR • WACs the Women’s Army Corps • WAVES, Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service in the Navy. Code breakers!

  24. MINORITIES IN WWII • African Americans about 700,000 serve during WWII • Tuskegee Airmen, all African American fighter pilot group. • Native Americans, Navajo soldiers operate radios transmitting in their own language, unbreakable code to the Germans and Japanese.

  25. JAPANESE AMERICANS • Are rounded up and thrown into Internment Camps • 1988 America says sorry by paying $20,000 to survivors of these Camps.

  26. ALLIES FOCUS ON GERMANY • Allies must gain North Africa • Erwin Rommel “Desert Fox” commands German troops in North Africa • General George Patton drives Rommel and his army out of Africa.

  27. INVASION OF ITALY • After taking North Africa the Allies can now launch into Europe • Italy is first • The Italian people kill Benito Mussolini once the Allies had established a foothold in Italy

  28. GERMANY BOMBED • During the day hundreds of America bombers bomb Germany • At night British bombers bomb the same sites.

  29. The Tide Turns • The Eastern Front, Russia • Germany can not defeat Russia • Russian forces hold Leningrad after a 900 day siege • German forces are weakened from heavy fighting in Russia

  30. INVASION OF FRANCE • General Dwight D. Eisenhower leads the Allied invasion known as: Operation Overlord. • June 6th 1944 D-Day • Allies land on the French coast of NORMANDY

  31. Roosevelt • 12 years Roosevelt was the American President • He dies on April 12th 1945 of a stroke • He never gets to enjoy victory • Harry S. Truman becomes President of the United States.

  32. ADVANCE ON GERMANY • Battle of the Bulge • The bulge being were German troops force the Allies back. • Allies return the favor and push German troops back into Germany. • Berlin, final phase of the war. Russia surrounds the city. • Hitler committees suicide on April 30th 1945 • V-E Day Victory in Europe May 8th 1945

  33. WAR IN THE PACIFIC • America and the Allies decided to deal with Japan after defeating Germany • Douglas MacArthur commands the Pacific Forces. • The same day as the bombing on Pearl Harbor • December 7th, 1941

  34. Douglas MacArthur

  35. Philippines • Japan invades the Philippines a US territory • MacArthur commands US and Filipino forces on the island • The Capital, Manila, falls to Japan • US evacuates to Australia • Remaining US and Filipino forces surrender to the Japanese

  36. BATAAN DEATH MARCH • Those capture must endure terrible conditions • Prisoners are marched 60 miles to a prison camp • Out of 76,000 only 54,000 make it to the camp. • April 10th, 1942

  37. Battle of Coral Sea • USS Lexington aircraft carrier battles Japanese Carriers • First ever sea battle to never involve direct ship to ship fighting. • Planes launched from carries do all the fighting.

  38. Midway

  39. Iwo Jimo • 8 square miles- Island • 21,000 Japanese soldiers • Ordered to fight to the death • 10 for 1 • Island fortress • Concrete gun emplacements and pillboxes • Connected by underground tunnels

  40. US Invasion of Iwo Jima • 800 vessels, 300,000 men 100,000 being marines • February 19th, 1945 • One month of fighting • Inch by inch • Only 216 Japanese surrendered • Out of 21,000 • 6,000 Killed 17,000 wounded US

  41. Worse to Come • Okinawa 300 miles for Japan • Defended by 100,000 Japanese • Ordered to fight to the death • More fortified than Iwo Jima • Tunnels and caves • April 1st 1945 172,000 US troops land at Okinawa

  42. Okinawa • Bloodiest battle of Pacific War • Torrential rain turned the island into a mud pile • Reminded WWI veterans of trench fighting • With flamethrowers and high explosives US drives Japanese from their positions.

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