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DCPR TRANSITION FROM GOES I/M TO GOES N/P: A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR POWER REDUCTION. DCS MANUFACTURERS MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2006 Peter Woolner Mitretek Systems pwoolner@mitretek.org 703-610-1724. CS v.1b to v.2 Transition.
CS v.1b to v.2 Transition • All changes proposed for Certification Standard v. 2.0 may be mixed with DCPs that comply with v. 1.0b EXCEPT the uplink EIRP limits (at least RF changes) • Significant reduction in the required EIRPs for all DCPs is very desirable • The transition from GOES I/M series to GOES N/P series provides a unique opportunity that is unlikely to recur
SCOPE OF TRANSITION NOTE: It is assumed the 100 bps signals have EIRPs between 35 and 50 dBmi and that this will have a negligible effect on the GOES-13 transponder performance
Transition Procedure • Any v.1.0b DCP can be changed to a v.2 DCP at any time, except for EIRP & FSS • They can’t actually operate on the split channels until DAPS and DAMS-NT are upgraded • Changing any two adjacent channel (one on each satellite) to new DCPs will give 4 or 5 new channels • Changes of any additional adjacent channels (n total) make 2n or 2n+1 new channels available
Transition Start: GOES-13 Activated • It is assumed the DCPR transponder is loaded to 110% of GOES-11 and -12 capacity for some significant part of each day due to uplink spill-over • 96 channels at 300 bps at 47 to 49 dBmi (with some unknown number still at 100 bps plus 4 international channels at 100 bps) • 2 channels at 1200 bps and at 50 and 52 dBmi • Uplink equivalent of 113 channels at 48.3 dBmi average • It is also assumed the DAPS and DAMS-NT have been upgraded to accommodate CS v.2 changes
EIRP Limit Calculation Process • Select an EIRP range for 1200 bps signals • EIRPs for 300 bps signals is 6 dB less • EIRPs for CDMA is 7 dB less • Assume 4 100 bps channels remain in international band in 35 to 50 dBmi range • Calculate performance on GOES-13 for: • 110% capacity for GOES-11 and GOES-12 • 110% capacity for GOES-13 and GOES-O • Capacity throughout transition in 10% steps
Requirements for Calculation Results • At start of transition, the first DCPRS that changes to CS v.2, even if it is at the specified minimum uplink EIRP, must be able to provide an EB/N0 of 12.7 dB/Hz to a DRGS w. 15 dB G/T • Every new channel to be added will need an old channel to be changed from v.1.0b to v.2 (Remove 1 old channel to add 2 new channels) • Include some extra margin for channel flexibility • At end of transition, it is desired there be enough margin to allow 20 simultaneous CDMA signals
Recommended EIRP Limits • If an EIRP range of 2 dB is acceptable: • 1200 bps signals at 45 to 47 dBmi • 300 bps signals at 39 to 41 dBmi • CDMA signals at 38 to 40 dBmi • If an EIRP range of 4 dB is required: • 1200 bps signals at 46 to 50 dBmi • 300 bps signals at 40 to 44 dBmi • CDMA signals at 39 to 43 dBmi
Narrow Range Pro and Con • All DCPs would be able to operate with 1 to 3 dB less EIRP and therefore with less input power • Narrow range will permit twice as many CDMA channels as the wide range • Number is not known but the ratio will be about 2 for narrow v. wide EIRP limits • The EIRP will have to be adjusted on-site
DCP Power Adjustment • Some form of power adjustment is required to achieve the 2 dB EIRP range • Must have a step size of 0.5 dB or less • Remote control of the power level would be desirable but is not necessary • Access by unauthorized persons must be made reasonably difficult
DCP Power Adjustment (2) • Recommend management issue of who can control be separated from technical issue of how control is to be applied • Recommend: • Manufacturers should answer the “How?” • NOAA/STIWG should answer the “Who?”
Schedule Considerations • Current estimate for series transition is: • GOES-12 to GOES-13 ~January 2011 • GOES-11 to GOES-O ~June 2011 • (Based on remaining fuel v. consumption) • CS cannot be finalized before January 07 • Therefore there will be less than four years in which to prepare • Resolution of outstanding items is urgent
SUMMARY • There are three possibilities: • Prev. proposed levels: 300: 47-49, 1200: 50-52 • Wide EIRP range: 300: 40-44, 1200: 46-50 • Narrow EIRP range: 300: 39-41, 1200: 44-47 • The change-over could start as soon as new equipment can be built • Partly depends on range of EIRP control that is practical • Change is easiest when GOES-13 starts operations, or will need close cooperation