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Thinking about Instructional Design. Teachers and Instructional Design. Read Shambaugh & Magliaro p. 36 “Teacher’s perception of instructional design” and p. 39 “Summary of differences between planning and ID” and share your opinions based on what you have read for class thus far. Reminders.
Teachers and Instructional Design • Read Shambaugh & Magliaro p. 36 “Teacher’s perception of instructional design” and p. 39 “Summary of differences between planning and ID” and share your opinions based on what you have read for class thus far.
Reminders • Week 2 History and Definition and Week 3 Definition of the field are excellent resources • Your ideas for this discussion will be an excellent resource for your Definition Memo
Instructional Design Team • Please take a moment to get together in your Instructional Design Team. • Your team will be working closely to complete the projects in ETT 510 for the rest of the semester. • Please give me a list of names of your team members before the end of class.
ID Team Activity • During class you will work in your teams and share your ID Analysis Plan ideas • Please review the ID Analysis Plan guideline in the ETT 510 syllabus, the draft is due 4/3. • During class, we will pace ourselves and work together on the analysis. • Please ask me questions as any time.
Identify the Problem Statement • In your groups discuss an authentic or a hypothetical problem that you find in your work situation • In order to proceed with the course assignment, you need to find an instructional problem
Goals Analysis • What is an instructional goal? • Use Mager chapter 5 as a reference point to identify the instructional goal of your team project.
Task Analysis • How does a task analysis help you and your learners? • Use Mager chapter 6 as a reference for planning your task analysis. You will not be able to complete this today.
Learner and Context Analysis • Why would you conduct a learner and context analysis? • Use Dick, Carey, & Carey chapter 5 and Shambaugh & Magliaro p. 68-75 as a reference to conduct your learner analysis • Reading from next week that will help you Mager chapter 9 • ETT 501 readings that may help you Week 7 and 8 Learning Theories I and I readings
Reflection • Read Shambaugh & Magliaro p. 78 “Reflective teaching” section and share your thoughts • Your ideas for this discussion will be an excellent resource for your Definition Memo
Preview of Next Week • ETT 510—Mager, Smaldino et al, and Shambaugh & Magliaro, some parts may be review and other will be new ideas for helping you develop your ID plan • Mager read Chapters 7, 9, and 10 • Shambaugh & Magliaro read pages 86-89 and pages 118-122 • All other readings read entire chapters assigned
Preview of Next Week continued • ETT 501—Reiser & Dempsy Ch 26 and Reiser & Dempsy Ch 18-23 student presentations will help your Definition Memo