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Chapter 40

Chapter 40. www.akbrian.net. Semi-deponent verb. audeō, audēre, ausus sum = to dare (audace, audacious, audacity). http://www.reverendfun.com/add_toon_info.php?date=20031211&language=en. Semi-deponent verb. gaudeō, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum = to rejoice, be glad (enjoy, joy, rejoice).

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Chapter 40

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 40

  2. www.akbrian.net Semi-deponent verb audeō, audēre, ausus sum = to dare (audace, audacious, audacity) http://www.reverendfun.com/add_toon_info.php?date=20031211&language=en

  3. Semi-deponent verb gaudeō, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum = to rejoice, be glad (enjoy, joy, rejoice) www.wacheva.com

  4. Semi-deponent verb www.sportstraveler.net soleō, solēre, solitus sum = to be accustomed to, be in the habit of

  5. Semi-deponent verb cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere, cōnfīsus sum = to trust in (+ dative) (bona fide, confidant, confide, infidel) www.helennelder.com

  6. Semi-deponent verb fiō, fīerī, factus/a/um sum = to become, be made (affair, affect, beneficiary, benefit,) www.hamilton.co.nz

  7. aestimō, aestimāre, aestimāvī, aestimātus/a/um = to value (aim, esteem, estimable, estimate,) Verb www.valuequotes.net

  8. Verb contemnō, contemnere, contempsī, contemptus/a/um = to despise, scorn (condemn, condemnation, contempt, damn) www.askmen.com

  9. ignōscō, ignōscere, ignōvī, ignōtus/a/um = to pardon, forgive (+ dative) (acknowledge, cognitive, ignore) Verb www.druidic.org

  10. Verb serviō, servīre, serviī, servītus/a/um = to serve (+ dative) (servant, serve, service, servitude) www.tkohl.com

  11. Verb prōficiō, prōficere, prōfēcī, prōfectus/a/um = to make progress, accomplish (affair, affect, artifact) www.nursing.emory.edu

  12. Verb suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus/a/um = to undertake, begin (accept, anticipate, capability,) commons.wikimedia.org www.answers.com

  13. Verb ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum = to use; benefit (+ ABLATIVE) (abuse, usual, usurp, utilize) www.talktofrank.com www.theonion.com sitemaker.umich.edu

  14. Noun lyra, lyrae F = lyre (Lyra, lyre, lyric, lyrist) www.mishkanministries.org

  15. Noun aerārium, aerāriīN. = treasury www.flickr.com

  16. Noun fātum, fātīN. = fate, destiny (affability, confess, fabulous, fame) music.msn.com

  17. noun respōnsum, respōnsīN. = reply, answer (correspond, despond, espousal, respond)

  18. Noun somnium, somniīN. = dream (insomniac, somnambulism, somniferous, somnolent) depts.washington.edu

  19. Adjective mīrus, mīra, mīrum = wonderful (admirer, miracle, miraculous, mirage) boingboing.net

  20. Adjective turpis, turpe = disgraceful; ugly (turpitude) www.grimmemennesker.dk

  21. Adverb posthāc = after this, hereafter (anteroposterior, postbellum, postclassical, postcript P.S.) junkgeneral.com

  22. pronoun quis, quis, quid = anyone, anything www.astro.ufl.edu

  23. Chapter 43

  24. Verb Diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum= love (Delight, delectable, diligent) commons.wikimedia.org

  25. For, fari, fatus sum=speak, say (Infamous, fated, famed) Verb blogs.guardian.co.uk

  26. Verb Nascor, nasci, natus sum=born (Postnatal, pregnancy, neonatal, nature)

  27. Verb Desum, deesse, defui+dative=fail www.tejones.net

  28. Noun Ars, artis, F=art, skill (Artifact, artifice, artificer, artificial) www.smh.com.au

  29. Noun Honor, honoris, M=honor, office (Honesty, honorableness, honorary, dishonestly) alumni.american.edu

  30. Noun Pectus, pectoris, N = breast, heart (Pectoral, pectoralis, pectoriloquy, pectorophony) www.feldmangallery.com

  31. Noun Pudor, pudoris, M=shame, modesty (Impudent, pudency, pudic, repudiator) www.roots.com

  32. Adjective Indignus,-a,-um= unworthy (of) www.jasonmaurer.com

  33. Adjective Privates,-a,-um=private (Privacy, deprive, privilege, privy)

  34. Adverb Adeo=to such an extent, so www.sewstitch.com

  35. Adverb Ita=in such a way, so, thus www.sewstitch.com

  36. Conjunction Quia=because www.links2love.com

  37. Conjunction Ut+subjunctive=that (expressing consequence or result) www.biblepicturegallery.com

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