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Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Panthera Onca

Explore how changing temperatures and precipitation may alter the habitat of the Jaguar, the largest American wildcat. Get insights on the potential impacts of climate change on Panthera Onca's range from 2020 to 2080.

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Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Panthera Onca

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Changing Temperatures and Precipitation may Affect the Jaguar’s Range Potential Impacts of Climate Change on PantheraOnca http://library.thinkquest.org/5053/SouthAmerica/jaguar.jpg

  2. Largest American Wildcat • Range: • Status • On United States Endangered Species List • IUCN: Near Threatened PantheraOnca http://research.biology.arizona.edu/mosquito/willott/323/project/endcats/Image5.jpg http://img2.allposters.com/images/PHO/AAGL086.jpg

  3. Project Methodology

  4. 2020

  5. 2050

  6. 2080

  7. Let’s see that again!!! 2020 2050 2080

  8. Ideas for Further Analysis • Full historical range • Habitat • Distance, cost to move • Factors not equal • Compare to other species http://www.utexas.edu/courses/bio301e/TC357CR/images/macaw4.jpg http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/vegmaps.html http://www.globalwarmingart.com/images/3/37/Golden_toad.jpg

  9. GIS DATA Anderson, E., Cherrington, E., Flores, A., Pérez, J., Carrillo, R., & Sempris, E. (2008). PotentialImpacts of ClimateChangeonBiodiversity in Central America, Mexico, and theDominicanRepublic. CATHALAC. Panama City, Panama: CATHALAC/ USAID. ERB; CCAD. (2003). Regional Strategyfot he Conservation and Sustainable Use of theBiodiversityin Mesoamerica. CCAD. Patterson, B., Ceballos, G., Sechrest, W., Tognelli, M., Brooks, T., Luna, L., et al. (2007). Digital DistributionMaps of theMammals of the Western Hemisphete. (3.0). Arlington, Virginia, USA: NatureServe. • Information Anderson, E., Cherrington, E., Flores, A., Pérez, J., Carrillo, R., & Sempris, E. (2008). PotentialImpacts of ClimateChangeonBiodiversity in Central America, Mexico, and theDominicanRepublic. CATHALAC. Panama City, Panama: CATHALAC/ USAID. Defenders of Wildlife. (2006). Jaguar. RetrievedJanuary 7, 2010, fromDefenders of Wildlife: http://www.defenders.org/ wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/jaguar.php NatureServe. (2007). PantheraOnca.RetrievedJanuary 7, 2010, fromInfoNatura: Animals and Ecosystems of LatinAmerica: http://www.natureserve.org/infornatura Sources

  10. National Science Foundation • IAGT • CATHALAC Thank you to my Sponsors http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/igert/images/logo-NSF-CMYK.GIF http://www.esf.edu/nysgisconf/2006/images/iagt_logo_final_sm.png http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/igert/images/logo-NSF-CMYK.GIF

  11. Questions? ¿Preguntas? http://www.birdquest.co.uk/tour_images/ai_1079.jpg

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