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Numerical experiments using MesoNH/ForeFire coupled atmospheric-fire model

Explore coupling effects between wind and fire spread in wildfire simulations using MesoNH/ForeFire model to improve forecasting and firefighting strategies. Combine front tracking and event simulation for accurate predictions. Validate the model through quantitative studies and experiments in real wildfire scenarios. Future work includes integrating additional variables for enhanced modeling accuracy.

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Numerical experiments using MesoNH/ForeFire coupled atmospheric-fire model

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  1. Numerical experiments using MesoNH/ForeFire coupled atmospheric-fire model Jean Baptiste Filippi Frédéric Bosseur SPE – CNRS UMR 6134 Céline Mari Suzanna Stradda LA – CNRS UMR 5560, OMP

  2. Motivations • Fire area simulator, such as FARSITE prove to be an usefull tool for fire fighters. • Such tools work with pre-processed wind fields, not taking into account coupled effects between fire and local meteorology. • A step to enhance those simulations would require to take into account coupled influences between wind and fire spread. • Rothermel model may not be appropriate, as wind correction is for « ambient wind ». • Use of the ForeFire/Meso-NH code and model, to have tools that would be compatible with the French operation.

  3. Integration of burning area is made on every MesoNH grid cell (shades of gray corresponds to ratio burning area / cell area). • The red shape is the actual fire front.

  4. WildFire simulation • Our approach for the simulation of spatial phenomenoncombines discrete event simulation (Zeigler 2000) and front tracking (Glimm et al.1996). • Front tracking methods are used to study interface or boundary dynamics. • In front tracking, phenomenon behaviour is represented by a polygon, which is the discrete view of the continuous front system. • In figure 1 the polygon is decomposed into front agents that represent points of the interface. To move in space and time, each agent has a displacement vector and a reference position. • The interface evolves into a domain, that contains different area (vegetation type, roads, fire breaks…) defined by polygons. The simulated interface evolves every time an agent has to move by a quantum distance, generating a collision event. • A collision event, is schedueled with a “time to advance”, that is computed explicitly using the displacement vector. • In the forest fire model, the displacement vector is computed at every collision to be normal to the front. The speed of each agent is computed by the rate of spread model using the local wind, local slope in the agent direction and local vegetation at the location of the agent. • Using this schema ensures that there is no « ghosting » effect and a total independance over time steps (no time steps).

  5. Why ? • For many years, computer models have been helping meteorologists to forecast the weather. But how can wildfire models be useful? • They can help us to understand interesting and erratic fire behaviors. Smoke creates regional haze and air pollution. Current land use practices are resulting in more people building homes in areas at a high risk for devastating fires. • Wildfires are here to stay. Understanding them and creating predictive models of how they interact with the atmosphere can help us to live more safely with wildfires. • In the future, when raging wildfires must be controlled, models may be used to predict where a fire will go and when terrain, weather, and fuel conditions can combine to produce dangerous fire behavior. • This would help fire crews position equipment on the ground so that they can minimize damage and stay safe. (Janice Coen - NCAR)

  6. Fire spread model • This physical based model has been developped to provide an analytical formulation of the propagation speed given a slope angle, wind speed, and fuel parameters. It is based on the hypothesis that the heat transfer is due to the radiation, of the front fire, assimilated to its tangent plane (figure 3). • This hypothesis leads to an analytical formulation of the Rate of spread (Ros)

  7. Results • The fire spread model has already been validated using the Lançons benchmark, a real fire occured in 2001 (figure 4). • Figure 5 shows a 3d view of TKE for a fire propagation over a canyon, fire accelerates the local wind forced in the athmospheric model providing the coupling loop. • Figure 6 shows that the coupled model can be used in a complex configuration.

  8. Future work • The main aim of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of atmospheric-fire coupling with Meso-NH. Qualitatively, the result provides a good numerical match with simple fire driven atmospheric phenomena. • Quantitative studies needs now to be performed to validate the correctness of the coupling. This quantitative study has to be performed along with experiments that will track the fire as the atmosphere during a real wild fire. • Furthermore, other variables, such as water vapour, CO², as well as a more precise schema for the burning phase has to be integrated to enhance the quality of the coupling.

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