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Accelerating Science and Medicine: BASROC and CONFORM Workshop Overview

Explore the latest advancements in muon acceleration and hadron therapy at the BASROC and CONFORM workshop. Learn about high-energy particle applications, accelerator technologies, and the future of oncology research.

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Accelerating Science and Medicine: BASROC and CONFORM Workshop Overview

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  1. BASROC and CONFORM Roger Barlow Muon workshop 8th April 2008

  2. FFAG Fixed Field (like a cyclotron) B varies with space but not in time Particles experience greater field as energy increases (like a synchrotron) Cyclotron currents at Synchrotron energies

  3. nsFFAG Compact array of bending dipoles and focussing quadrupoles Tune varies during acceleration: resonances unavoidable. But if the acceleration is rapid enough that doesn’t matter We hope

  4. Properties and Uses Hadron therapy Muon acceleration Proton drivers Rapid acceleration DC magnets High duty cycle High Rep rate Variable energy extraction Large acceptance

  5. Proton therapy Irradiate with protons of energy 50-250 MeV such that they stop in the tumour. No exposure behind the tumour. Small exposure before tumour (Bragg peak maximum). Energy loss damages DNA Evidence that Carbon nuclei may be even more effective!

  6. BASROC • British Accelerator Science Radiation and Oncology Consortium • Universities + laboratories + hospitals + industry • Goal is establishment of UK hadron therapy centres • UK lags behind France, Germany, Switzerland, US • Difficulty with costs: proton accelerators are expensive • nsFFAG should be smaller and cheaper than conventional machines • http://www.basroc.org.uk/

  7. 1st Project: CONFORM CONFORM - the COnstruction of a Non-scaling FFAG for Oncology, Research and Medicine • Build world’s first nsFFAG: EMMA • Design an nsFFAG for hadron therapy: PAMELA • Look for other applications for nsFFAGs £5.6 M funded through the Basic Technology Programme http://www.conform.ac.uk/

  8. EMMA Electron Machine with Many Applications Accelerates electrons from 10 to 20 MeV in 16 turns 42x2 Quads Off-axis for bending Major components ordered Build starts summer 08 Commissioning Summer 09

  9. PAMELA Protons up to 250 MeV, Carbon ions up to 400 MeV/nucleon Designs being considered Goal is design we can take to MRC/NHS/Charities for funding at ~£50M

  10. Applications • Study effect of ions on cells (Surrey) • Muon accelerator for neutrino factory/muon collider • High current proton accelerators for neutron sources/ADSR • High current proton accelerators for muon sources

  11. BASROC in future • 2nd project – Instrumentation – meeting Friday • Further projects?

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