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Organs of head II. 陳建榮. http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~chenjr/index.htm. Accessory Structures of the Eye: - orbital lig. 眼眶韌帶 - periorbital membrance (periorbita) 眶骨膜或眼鞘 - orbital septum 眼眶隔 a. eyelids or palpebrae 眼臉 b. conjunctiva çµè†œ c. third eyelid 第三眼瞼 d . lacrimal apparatus 淚腺組織
Organs of head II 陳建榮 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~chenjr/index.htm
Accessory Structures of the Eye: - orbital lig.眼眶韌帶 - periorbital membrance (periorbita)眶骨膜或眼鞘 - orbital septum眼眶隔 a.eyelids or palpebrae眼臉 b. conjunctiva結膜 c. third eyelid第三眼瞼 d.lacrimal apparatus淚腺組織 e.extrinsic eye muscles
a.eyelids or palpebrae眼瞼 - palpebral fissure眼瞼裂 - palpebral commissure眼瞼連合 - palpebral ligament眼瞼韌帶 - medial palpebral lig.內眼瞼韌帶 - lateral palpebral lig.外眼瞼韌帶 - the upper eyelid levator palpebrae superioris上眼瞼舉肌 - consists of several tissues and structures - orbicularis oculi m.眼輪匝肌 - tarsal plate眼瞼板 - tarsal glands瞼板腺 b. conjunctiva結膜 - palpebral conjunctiva眼瞼結膜 - bulbar conjuncitva眼球結膜 - conjunctival fornix結膜穹窿 - conjunctival sac結膜囊
眼袋 (眼袋摘除術) 黑眼圈 Periorbita眶骨膜或眼鞘 眼眶隔
眼瞼結膜 上淚點 角膜 半月襞 淚阜 下淚點 眼球結膜
c. third eyelid第三眼瞼 - plica semilunaris 半月襞 - lymphatic nodule in bulbar surface - cartilage of third eyelid - superficial gland of the third eyelid第三眼瞼淺腺 d.lacrimal apparatus淚腺組織 - lacrimal gland淚腺 - lacrimal fossa淚腺窩 - CN VII ( pterygopalatine ganglion翼腭神經節, n. of pterygoid canal) - lacrimal caruncle淚阜 - lacrimal punctum淚點 - lacrimal sac淚囊 - nasolacrimal duct鼻淚管
Muscle of the eyelids • - M. levator palpebrae superioris上眼瞼舉肌 • - dorsal of optic canal upper eyelid • - function: lift the upper eyelid • - CN III • - Orbicularis oculi眼輪匝肌 上眼瞼舉肌 眼臉下垂
Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball • M. obliquus dorsalis (CN IV)背斜肌 • Trochea 滑車 • M. obliquus ventralis (CN III)腹斜肌 • mm. recti直肌 • M. rectus dorsalis (CN III)背直肌 • M. rectus ventralis (CN III)腹直肌 • M. rectus medialis (CN III)內直肌 • M. rectus lateralis (CN VI)外直肌 • M. retractor bulbi (CN VI)眼球縮肌
Trochea 滑車 背斜肌 背直肌 外直肌 內直肌 腹斜肌
Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball • M. obliquus ventralis (CN III)背斜肌 • M. obliquus dorsalis (CN IV)腹斜肌 • mm. recti直肌 • M. rectus dorsalis (CN III)上直肌 • M. rectus ventralis (CN III)下直肌 • M. rectus medialis (CN III)內直肌 • M. rectus lateralis (CN VI)外直肌 • M. retractor bulbi (CN VI)眼球縮肌 • Retract the eyeball • Vagina bulbi眼球鞘 眼球縮肌
眼球外在肌之作用: 上直肌 腹斜肌 內直肌 外直肌 下直肌 背斜肌 中線 內旋:上直肌及背斜肌 外旋:下直肌及腹斜肌
Development of eye • Ectoderm外胚層 • Optic vesicle視泡 - lens placode • Optic cup視杯 • Outer layer of optic cup • - pigment layer of retina • Secreted vitreous body (secondary) • Inner layer of optic cup • - other layers of retina
Anatomy of the Eyeball: a. The wall of the eyeball consists of three layers: - fibrous layer (Sclera)鞏膜 - vascular layer (Choroid)脈絡膜 - neural layer (Retina) 視網膜 b. Fibrous layer (Sclera)鞏膜: - anterior cornea角膜 - posterior sclera鞏膜 - iridocorneal angle虹膜角膜角 - pectinate lig.櫛狀韌帶 - scleral venous sinus鞏膜靜脈竇 (or canal of Schlemm) c. Vascular layer (Choroid)脈絡膜: - choroid脈絡膜 - ciliary body睫狀体 - iris 虹膜 - lens 水晶体
Iris 虹膜 • Pupil瞳孔 • Circulation m. of iris (CN III, ciliary g.) pupil ↓ • Dilation m. of iris pupil ↑ • Pigment epithelium of iris Light reflex光反射
Lens: - transparent, elastic structure - ciliary body睫狀体 (smooth m., CN III, ciliary g.) - ciliary process睫狀突 - secreted aqueous humor - zonular fibers小帶纖維 or suspensory ligaments懸狀韌帶 - anterior fibers - posterior fibers 白內障
Lens : thick thin Ciliary body contract tension of suspensory lig.↓ lens thickness ↑ Accommodation reflex適應反射
Chamber of the eye: - the lens divides the interior into two cavities: -anterior cavity眼房: - contain aqueous humor房水 - according the position of iris - anterior chamber 前眼房 - posterior chamber後眼房 - posterior (vitreous) cavity玻璃腔 vitreous body玻璃体 (contributes to intraocular pressure) vitreous body is not continuously replaced
Circulation of aqueous humor 青光眼 玻璃體混濁 (飛蚊症 )
Retina: - pars optica retinae視部網膜 - tapetum lucidum透明帶 (no pigment layer) - nontapetal area 暗帶 - pars ceca retinae盲部網膜 - pars ciliaris retinae睫狀体部網膜 - ora serrata鋸齒緣 - ciliary process - pars iridica retinae虹膜部網膜 - ciliary process - behind the iris central fovea視網膜中央窩 (macula lutea黃斑) blind spot盲點 (optic disc)
Blind spot 腦壓
Blind spot test 盲點測試
The retina has three layers of retinal neurons: -photoreceptor layer: - rods桿狀細胞 (95%) shape, night vision - cones錐狀細胞 (5%) color -bipolar cell layer雙極細胞層 -ganglion cell layer神經節細胞層 - horizontal cells水平細胞 and amacrine cells無軸索細胞
Photoreceptor cells感光細胞 (Rod or cone cells) │ ↓ Bipolar cell雙極細胞 │ ↓ Ganglion cell神經節細胞 ↓ Opitc nerve Horizontal cell modified Amacrine cell modified
Outer limiting membrane Inner limiting membrane
Cone cell Rod cell
Photoreceptor cells of dog Cone cell錐狀細胞 (5%) Color - high resolution, acute vision - spectral peaks: 429nm and 555nm Rod cell桿狀細胞 (95%) Light and dark - highly sensitive to light, poor resolution
色盲、色弱 Protanopia 赤綠色盲 (red / green) Deuteranopia 赤綠色盲 (red / green) Tritanopia 藍黃色盲 (blue / yellow) 全色盲
耳舟 Anterior 耳輪棘 緣皮囊 對輪 對珠 耳輪腳 珠間切跡 耳輪腳 耳珠
Cartilage of external ear • Auricle耳殼 • -Auricular cartilage耳殼軟骨 • -Helix耳輪 • -Medial and lateral crura of the helix內、外耳輪腳 • -Anhelix對輪 • -Scapha耳舟 • -Tragus耳珠 • -Antitragus對珠 • -Marginal cutaneous sac or pouch緣皮囊 • Scutiform cartilage楯狀軟骨 • Annular cartilage環形軟骨 • External ear canal外耳道 • -Tympanic membrane鼓膜