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Maslow's hierarchy of need

Maslow's hierarchy of need. Physiological Needs.

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Maslow's hierarchy of need

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  1. Maslow's hierarchy of need

  2. Physiological Needs • Before learning can start basic physiological needs must be met (air, food, water, shelter, sleep, opportunities to perform basic self-hygiene). Snack time, mirrors, flannels, combs, juice provide these regular reliable experiences in the Nurture group

  3. Safety and Security • Before learning can start the child must feel safe and secure. This is replicated in the nurture group through use of two reliable adults who provide a highly structured, predictable, stable environment

  4. Love and Belongingness • Children must believe, and adults must communicate that the child is loved, belongs and is accepted in the Nurture Group. Through this they learn that it is possible to be loved, belong and be accepted in the world

  5. Self Esteem • Children, through careful differentiation, should have regular, high quality opportunities to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition for their work and good behaviour. Work in the Nurture Group takes specific care to scaffold the child’s learning to promote and preserve self-esteem

  6. Self-Actualisation • Children achieving self-actualisation show vitality, creativity, self-sufficiency, authenticity, playfulness, meaningfulness – all the things we hope for all children. Through this they find self-fulfilment and realise their potential

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