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LST Gas System

LST Gas System. R. Messner May 2004 Readiness Review. Will cover a few of the items below. Gas Mix – the issue of what gas mixtures will be allowed in the LST system has been resolved FHA: O’Neill, Budnick HEEC review Gas Mixing System In leak test Want to test output flows ASAP

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LST Gas System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LST Gas System R. Messner May 2004 Readiness Review

  2. Will cover a few of the items below • Gas Mix – the issue of what gas mixtures will be allowed in the LST system has been resolved • FHA: O’Neill, Budnick • HEEC review • Gas Mixing System • In leak test • Want to test output flows ASAP • Integrate with the GIB • Gas Interrupt Box (GIB) • Finished with checkout • Had found problems with firmware; fixed • IR-2 Distribution Panels • Flow restrictor in hand, checked out • Gas Supply Manifolds • Next to be assembled • Gas Shack Safety System Expansion underway • Electrical • External Monitor System

  3. Gas Mix Instead of getting a specific mix approved, we want approval for a region of mixes

  4. Gas MixThe operating region takes into account the stability we have seen in the RPC system

  5. Mixing System Functionality A fourth mass flow meter can provide a tie-breaking vote in case of MFM/MFC disagreement Can also pick up small drifts in mixed gas flows Shut-off solenoids will close if the gas mix drifts out of the allowed region

  6. Gas Rack - in leak test

  7. Gas Rack

  8. Gas Interrupt Box Functionality

  9. GIB in checkout

  10. Overview of the IR-2 Distribution

  11. Silica tubing flow resistor

  12. Check of silica tubing flow resistance

  13. Gas Shack Layout Two new inert gas supplies; Each will have a shutoff valve, orifice, overpressure releases Construct a new isobutane supply rack and manifold; Will have two isobutane shutoff valves, orifice

  14. Summary • The loose ends involved in determining a permissible gas mix have been resolved • Very close to having a functional mixing system with its monitor system to ensure a non-flammable and a runnable mix • Use air or nitrogen, check the self consistency and stability of system • It is important to keep moving ahead; sufficient and timely technical support is critical • Want the gas rack in the gas shack before the end of May • Delayed a bit because we want to get the manifolds done first; then we can do more things in parallel • Expansion of Gas Shack safety system in progress • EPICs monitor system will be the next item to attack

  15. Spare Slides

  16. Looked at the recent performance of the RPC system Snapshots taken a week apart, a half day at a time This is a measure of the stability of the gas mixture +- 0.0005 out of 0.045 Or ~ 1.0 % of the reading

  17. Recent performance of the RPC system Isobutane Fraction in Gas Mixture

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