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後現代的文藝. 董 崇 選 中山醫大 應用外語系 教授 「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人 網址: http://dgdel.nchu.edu.tw. 後現代建築: New York, Sony Building. 後現代美術: Warhol, Readymade. 後現代藝術: Duchamp. Labyrinth: 後現代象徵. 後現代藝術: pop art. 後現代音樂: 4’33” by Cage. I. What is postmodernism?. A. Categories: 範籌 an aesthetic style,
後現代的文藝 董 崇 選 中山醫大 應用外語系 教授 「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人 網址:http://dgdel.nchu.edu.tw
Labyrinth: 後現代象徵 後現代藝術:pop art
I. What is postmodernism? A. Categories: 範籌 • an aesthetic style, • a cultural situation, • a critical practice, • an economic condition, • a political attitude, etc.
B. Characteristics 特徵 : • redemption 再生 (remotivation, refunctioning, rewriting, recycling, reframing, reterritorialization,etc.) • poste (TV), the electronic, conduction 共導(非 induction, deduction) • return topleasure, mass culture,popular taste, etc. (容易、喜愛、通俗) • the hybrid混雜(biography & criticism, fiction & history, etc.)
B. Characteristics: • appropriation, aberrant decoding, banality, bricolage, collage, consumption, chance, displacement, deconstruction, democratization, exchange value, everyday life, entropy, feminism, fashion, fetish, heterogeneity, heteroglossia, image, iterability, intertextuality, implosion, jouissance, lateness, leveling, montage, overdetermination, parody, pastiche, performance, playfulness,quotation, readymade, repetition, self-reflection, sign, textuality, volatility, etc.
C. Relations • conceptual art, computer, compact disc, dandyism, ecology, film, graffiti, happening, mechanic reproduction, media, MTV, multi-national corporations, mime, OULIPO (Workshop for Potential Literature), pop art, photography, situationists, site-specific art, television, tape recorders, word-processor, Xerox, yuppies, etc.
II. What are the postmodern works? 1. The Arcades Project 2. Finnegans Wake 3. If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, 4. V 5. “The Garden of Forking Paths” • 其他 : Glas, S/Z, Flaubert’s Parrot, Dictionary ofReceived Ideas, etc.
The Arcades Project • To be a book by Benjamin, made up entirely of quotations. • About 19th-c Paris: • Material from every cultural level: • Limited to found materials, readymades: appropriation & remotivation • Never written.
Finnegans Wake • An elaborate language of Joyce’s own devising:puns, portmanteaus, foreign words, allusions, names of people & places in Dublin, slang, phrases from newspapers, popular songs, art, sport, etc. • Different levels of meaning. • H. C. Earwicker: Here comes Everybody. • The hod-carrier Tim Finnegan. • The Phoenix Park near the River Liffrey.
Thomas Pynchon’s V. • Benny Profane & the Whole Sick Crew • Herbert Stencil & the mysterious “V.” • Stencilized chapters, two story lines converge to form a V-shape. • Victoria Wren (a young woman), Veronica (a rat), Vheissu (a place), Vera Meroving, Valletta (a place), an old or not-so-old woman crushed by a beam, one in love with a young ballerina, etc.
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler • A book about a reader trying to read a book called “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler” by Calvino. • The first chapter & each odd numbered chapter are in second person, telling you (the reader) what you are doing to get ready to read the next chapter in the book. • Even passages: first chapters of ten different novels of widely varying style, genre, and subject-matter. All are broken off.
“The Garden of Forking Paths” • Liddell Hart’s History of World War I, p. 22: 1916, 7/24 changed to 7/29. • Dr. Yu Tsun • Captain Richard Madden • Dr. Stephen Albert • Ts’ui Pên: A Labyrinth ( a garden of forking paths) and a novel better than 《紅樓夢》
III. Who are the postmodernists? • Ashbery, Bakhtin, Barthes, • Barthelme, Baudrillard, Benjamin, • Borges, Cage, Calvino, • Derrida, Duchamp, Godard, • Jameson, Lacan, Lyotard, • Rauschenberg, Sirk, • Warhol, etc.
IV. When did postmodernism begin? • 1836, the Parisian La Presse • 1850, Flaubert’s Dictionary of Received Ideas • 1852, the Bon Marchè opened in Paris • 1913, Duchamp’s “readymade” • 1946, Toynbee referred to “post-modern historical age”
IV. When did postmodernism begin? • 1952, the Lettrist International disrupted Charles Chaplin’s Ritz Hotel press conference • 1962, Andy Warhol produced his first Campbell Soup Cans • 1971, Barry Commoner’s The Closing Circle • 1972, the percentage of Americans employed in service industries reached twice that in manufacturing
V. When will postmodernism end? • ? • ?? • ???? • ??????? • ??????????? • ???????????????? • ??????????????????