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Emotions are short-lived. Hence, one should not be carried away by any momentary emotions The raked-up emotions are temporary. They are short-lived and they will subside very soon
Emotions are short-lived Hence, one should not be carried away by any momentary emotions The raked-up emotions are temporary. They are short-lived and they will subside very soon The degree of sentiment for Statehood for Telangana is not uniform and it varies from North Telangana to South Telangana, District to District and from time to time It cannot be construed that if TRS wins there is a Telangana sentiment. Several times in the past TRS lost. Will separatists agree that there was no sentiment at that time 1
Emotions are short-lived Hence, one should not be carried away by any momentary emotions The raked-up emotions are temporary. They are short-lived and they will subside very soon The degree of sentiment for Statehood for Telangana is not uniform and it varies from North Telangana to South Telangana, District to District and from time to time It cannot be construed that if TRS wins there is a Telangana sentiment. Several times in the past TRS lost. Will separatists agree that there was no sentiment at that time 2
Began with backwardness - ended with self-Rule The separatists have started their demand in the year 2001 on the ground of economic backwardness and injustice meted out to them in the recruitments to Government jobs in the Telangana region When it was coming to the public knowledge that Telangana had indeed taken the lion’s share of the incremental economic growth and development that has taken place post 1956, they have shifted the basis of their demand for separate Telangana state to ‘self respect’ and ‘self rule’ without realizing the dangerous consequences of such narrow and parochial demand, which has the potential of disintegrating the country itself 3
Integrated Development of AP The most backward region of Hyderabad Princely State was merged with Andhra State in 1956 to form Andhra Pradesh Today AP is No.1 progressing State in the country and it is regarded as Role Model State in implementing several welfare and development schemes AP has an all time high record budgetary outlay of over Rs. one lac crore continuously for the last 4 years Recent RBI report has revealed that AP has the highest, both in ‘absolute terms’ as well ‘per capita’, development, plan, Social and capital expenditures This enviable story of development is because Telugu People are still united and the future is in the unity and not in division. 4 4
Growth in Food grains production since 1956 (in lakh tonnes) 7
Rice (80% of water resources are exploited) • in 1956, there was an acute food shortage in Telangana region and whereas, Andhra Region was food surplus • But in the last 54 years there was a miraculous turnaround of agriculture sector in Telangana region, which has registered an unprecedented growth in the annals of India. in 1956 share of Telangana in the total rice production of the AP State was only 18%, now it has been increased to 40%. • Today, Karimnager stands at No.1 position in the production of rice. It is pertinent to note that Food grain production in Telangana matches that of Karnatka and Tamilnadu • Today there are no regional disparities in regard to rice production, productivity, procurement and number of rice mills. 8 8
Major Irrigation Projectsin AP after 1956 Telangana benefits from all the three Major Irrigation Projects which are lifelines of AP State 10
Education Prior to independence, the following reasons were responsible for educational backwardness in Telangana region: • Absence of enlightened middle class • The weaker sections and also women were kept outside the educational system • Even those upper casts that confined society to feudal system when moved to Hyderabad for education they had no option but to study in Urdu medium • But, today, there are no regional imbalances in Education and also in facing competitive Exams 13 13
Education Disparities in education System and job opportunities still exist, to an extent, predominantly between • Upper Casts and weaker sections • Social groups living in the Wet lands and dry lands economic zones • Delta region and dry uplands • Rich and poor • Urban and rural • Multi-generation educated families and first generation educated • Regions of social unrest and social harmony All these reasons are common across the country 14 14
Rayalaseema(Source: Srikrishna Report) • Deprived region is Rayalaseema not Telangana • both the Telangana and Rayalaseema regions are not able to access river waters due to lack of gradient. the irrigation intensity improved to 50.4% in Telangana, and a meager 25.3% in Rayalaseema between 1956 to 2008-9. • from 1960-61 to 2008-09, No. of Primary Schools per Lac population have comedown for Rayalaseema from 104.8 to 85.9 15
Rayalaseema(Source: Srikrishna Report) • Telangana has 25.4 High Schools per lac population. Whereas, Rayalaseema has 18.6 • Most districts inTelangana are doing well on various indicators of reproductive and child health (RCH) as compared to districts of Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra • Telangana has the lowest percentage of its population below poverty line, i.e., 14% compared to 28% in Rayalaseema. 16
Self Respect or Pinning for Slavery Self-respect is a matter of perception and can never be a valid scientific reason for dividing a State The so called Telangana Movement has been instigated by dominant castes/ classes as they feel deprived because, after integration, they don’t enjoy their old feudal privileges The basic feature that dominated the socio-economic life of the people of Telangana, was the unbridled feudal exploitation . The Poor and under-privileged sections in Telangana region have not enjoyed freedom, dignity and privileges. They are only enjoying dignity and privileges after formation of Vishalandhra Before raising the slogan of self-rule, separatists have to first understand that we are not ruled by foreigners 17
River water claims With the separation of the State, all the projects under Jalayagnam will come to halt Hitherto, internal issues of Polavaram, Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme, Jurala, Devadula Projects etc., would now translate into inter State disputes Sharing of Godavari, Pranahitha Chevella and Krishna River waters will always be continuous and contentious issue forever 18 18
River water claims The fundamental principle for usage of water is FIRST IN SIGHT IS FIRST IN RIGHT. Telangana people are demanding reallocation of water on the basis of percentage of catchment area. But as per the Godavari Tribunal Award the catchment Area has no relevance in the allocation of water Except, KC Canal, Telugu Ganga Project (Drinking Water to Chennai), all Rayalaseema Projects do not have allocation of water. If the State is divided, these Projects would be denied water, as they are building on flood water without any rights. 19
Migration to Hyderabad, the capital of AP In 1956, The population of Telangana, including Hyderabad, was only 34.4% compared to total Andhra Pradesh population. As per 2011 census total population of AP is 8.47 crore. Under normal circumstances of population growth rates the population of Telangana region could have been only 2.91 crore (@34.4% to total population) But, as per 2011 census the population of Telangana is 3.53 crore (i.e, 41.7% of total population). This extra population Growth of 62 lakhs is only because of its migrations, mainly from Seemandhra region. In any case migrations from outside the State are not more than 10% of total migrations, hence, net migrations from Seemandhra region are 90% of the extra population Hence, migrations from Seemandra to Hyderabad and surrounding Districts are minimum 55 lakhs. There was 33 times growth (i.e., 3200%) in Hyderabad outskirts in the last 30 years. 20
Migration to Hyderabad, the capital of AP No. of Lok Sabha Seats of Telangana region have gone-up from 131/2 to 17 from 1956 to 2009. For every Lok Sabha Seat there is a population of around 20 lakh. Hence, increase of 31/2 Lok Sabha, means an extra population of 70 Lakh. Hence, the conclusion that a minimum migration of 55 lakh people from Seemandra region to Hyderabad and surrounding Areas is revalidated 1 Lok Sabha seat = 7 Assembly seats. Hence, 31/2 Lok Sabha Seats translates into 24 Assembly seats (shifted from Seemandhra to Telangana region) Right from daily wage earners, lower & middle class to business persons migrated to Hyderabad in search of better livelihood. everyone felt that it is their own capital. They cannot even imagine the situation, wherein they have to live as a second-class citizen in their own capital, which they have nurtured over the decades 21
Manufacturing Sector • Without the huge investments made in the city, Hyderabad would have been just a piece of land like Kurnool. What would Hyderabad be without its business, Industry, Central and State Govt Institutions, PSUs, colleges and hospitals? • Except for Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, all other Central PSUs intended for whole of Andhra Pradesh are located only in capital city Hyderabad and in the surrounding districts • A large number of Defence Research Laboratories and Defence production units have also been set up • To begin with, as the private sector was to develop essentially as ancillaries of the large Public sector units, the entire private investment also got gravitated to Hyderabad • with the result most of the Andhra and Rayalaseema Districts have remained only agrarian Districts 22
Service Sector Hyderabad city alone accounts for 90% of the software exports (Rs 35,000 crore) and also has a large share in the banking, insurance, tourism and financial services sectors The State has focused heavily on improving the educational facilities in Telangana area which was known to be very backward before 1956 Now, Hyderabad city and its surrounding districts have the best social and physical infrastructure, which is envied by many 23
Employment Opportunities All the present and future employment opportunities are concentrated only in and around Hyderabad, which will not be available to the rest of the State, if State is divided IT Industry is providing more than 3 lakhs IT professional and another 15 lakh people are depending on IT industry in the Capital But no new investment in Hyderabad has come for the new projects or expansion of the existing projects since December 2009. Brand Hyderabad and Brand AP have already been ruined. At some stage, public will definitely demand explanation from separatists Youth have already lost several opportunities in the private sector by disturbing the peace and tranquillity in the State, which resulted in exodus of companies from the State 24
Employment and Law& Order problems More than a million youth, including 2 lakhs engineers, are coming out of graduation every year in the State Separatists propaganda of jobs to every household in a new State is far from truth Promise of jobs to all, if not implemented, will lead to frustration. Hence, separatists will shift the blame on to business and industrial community, located in Hyderabad, which is from different regions of State and country, resulting into anarchy and closing down of industries They will provoke gullible youth that the Settlers are the main reason behind all their woes, which would create major Law and Order problem in the country 25 25
% of Non-Local Zonal Employees is within Limits District-wise and Zonal-wise details of Employees • if separate States are formed, 6.1 lakh existing Telangana employees would remain in the original State, i.e., Telangana. These Employees are more than sufficient to run truncated Telangana State Details of non-locals in Zone V & VI of Telangana region State Govt. employees (non-gazetted, Class IV and others in 2001) 26 26
10 Historical and Valid Scientific Reasons for United AP Business and industrial climate will be disturbed - loss of employment, if separated State revenue loss - Welfare and development will be effected One State – One Capital – Less Establishment Cost River Water claims Importance in federal setup: Inter State disputes, viz., water, irrigation projects, etc., becoming more and more complex, stronger and bigger AP State can handle better than truncated states. 27 27
5. Disastrous Consequences of separation on the basis of Sentiment • If, Telugu Bond is forcefully broken, it will not end with 2 States but as many as 5 States need to be created to start with • Tribals are demanding separate Manyaseema. Rayalaseema and Uttarandhra may demand separate States because they are the most backward regions in the State • In the long-run each District in the truncated State may ask for the separate State on the ground that they are not getting the opportunity for self-rule • It will be an unending process. Whole State will be divided into bits and pieces • Hence, it will not end with 5 States but many more unviable and ungovernable States 28
6. Consequences on the country • There are more than 22 demands for separate State in the country. There will be more and more such ‘Sentiment’ demands in future. All the separated States will be divided into bits and pieces • If we accept self-rule and self-respect as grounds for formation of a State, we will end up having more States than what we have integrated in 1947-48 • Every District may demand a separate State and consequently it may turn into demand for separate country • Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Nagaland 29
7. Political instability • If AP State is divided, the transition in State politics from the level of National and State parties to smaller and more narrowly-based sub-regional parties would become inevitable and we will only have the fractured mandate. It will not only cause a lot of political instability but also jeopardize the security and development of the region • The highest number of Seats won by the single largest Party (i.e., Congress) in Telangana was 48 out of 107 Seats in 2004 and 50 Seats out of 119 Seats in 2009 Assembly Election, which was a way below the half-way mark. No. of Seats won by the Parties in Telangana Region 30
8. Religious fundamentalism and extremist activities in a volatile and Politically Instable State The envisaged political instability, coupled with extremism in Telangana, would be a lethal combination and will act as a breeding ground for religious fundamentalism to flourish because of sharp communal divide exist in the region Telangana with or without Hyderabad would experience religious fundamentalism and extremist activities, which will be detrimental to the interest of Telangana and entire India and, more so, the neighbouring State, especially Andhra 31 31
9. Hyderabad revenues At present around 45% of the income of the State comes from Hyderabad and it has been utilized to take care of the needs of all the 23 Districts, because it is the legitimate right of all the 8.5 crore Telugus If 40% of the Population wants to take away the lion’s share of revenues, it would lead to imbalance in revenues, making the rest of the part as economically unviable. It is pertinent to note that regional disturbances have already affected growth and development in the united AP itself, which intern affects SC/ST/BC/Minorities in every District cutting across the regions. 32 32
10. How a developed region can demand for a separation? • It has been established beyond doubt that the Telangana region is more developed than other regions • If, demand of a well developed region to separate it from the underdeveloped region is agreed, then there will be more such demands elsewhere in the country • This is against the spirit of ‘inclusive and equitable growth’. 33
Way Forward • Srikrishna Committee’s only recommendation • Commission for Development of Backward areas • National Policy on Rational Reorganisation of States 34 34
Srikrishna Committee Report With the consent of all the political parties Srikrishna Committee was constituted by Govt. of India. The committee has done extensive work by interacting with all the stakeholders including those living in distant rural areas and poorest of the poor and has submitted its Report Through its appreciable efforts, the Srikrishna Committee has done justice to the task given to it and came out with a comprehensive impartial Report and has suggested 6 options, but made only one recommendation, i.e., ‘Keeping the State united’, which is the sixth option. It is pertinent to note that only at the request of all the political parties, the Committee was formed and all the political parties, except BJP, met the Committee and presented their view-point and stand. Therefore, recommendations of the Committee are binding on all the political parties. Hence, Central Govt. has to accept the obvious recommendation of the Committee and take the bold decision of keeping the State united, which, definitely, would be widely appreciated in the entire State. 35
Commission for Backward areas • Act is already in place to constitute a Commission for Development of Backward areas in Andhra Pradesh (Act 19 of 2008) • There are backward regions within the identified developed Districts and very developed regions within the backward Districts • Hence, Mandal-wise Backward Areas can be identified and a package can be announced for developing those Mandals at par with the developed Areas across the State • The Legislation can be further be amended to strengthen the powers and responsibilities of the Commission suitable for the present day requirements and necessities • constitute the Commission immediately 36
National Policy on Rational Reorganisation of States On the important issue like formation of New States under Art 3 of the Constitution of India, the Central Government must first come up with a policy of its own for future States’ reorganization instead of addressing the issues selectively as and when the agitational demands crop up There should be finality for these issues. Common people should not be put to confusion and tension 37
DuringFreedom Movement One India – One People 38 38
India in 2011 Sentiments of linguistic and cultural identity leading to unity should be encouraged. Otherwise, adhocism in organization of states can spell the beginning of the end of the Union 39 39
Future political Map of India if any new State is conceded on agitational demand Redrawing of boundaries of the State has to be on valid scientific reasons, viz., 2nd SRC, etc. if any new State is created on the basis of agitations, each District may agitate for separate State on the pretext of self-rule or self-respect Sentiments of separatism’s logical extension leads to disintegration of the country. some States may demand for separate country on the pretext that no PM was made from their home State or their culture is different from rest of the country 40 40
No-End to END: Inevitable Future of India, if 500 odd New States are Created THE END 41 41
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar “Hyderabad and Secunderabad, including Bollaram has to be made a SEPARATE STATE under Chief Commissioner and should be made as second capital of India.. Andhra Areas of Hyderabad State (Telangana) must be divided and merged with Andhra State and Andhras historical city of Wanrangal can be the Joint Capital of Andhras” - 23.4.1953. “ Babasahed Dr. Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Part 1 (T)” “The formation of linguistic States cannot be decided by hooliganism. It must be solved by cold blooded reasoning. What the SRC has created is not a mere disparity between the States by leaving UP and Bihar as they are, by adding them to a new and a bigger MP with Rajasthan, it creates a new problem of North versus South. Consolidation of the north India and balkanisation of the South is not the way”- “Thoughts on Linguistic States” by Dr Anbedkar 42
Mahatma Gandhi “If every component part of the nation claims the right of self-determination for itself, there is no one nation and there is no independence” 43