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American Imperialism 1890 – 1914

American Imperialism 1890 – 1914. American Imperialism. Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis Settling of the American Frontier. White Man’s Burden. Expansion of Markets for American Goods. Industrial Growth. National Security and Protection of Trade Routes. Social Darwinism.

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American Imperialism 1890 – 1914

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Imperialism1890 – 1914

  2. American Imperialism

  3. Frederick Jackson Turner ThesisSettling of the American Frontier

  4. White Man’s Burden

  5. Expansion of Marketsfor AmericanGoods

  6. Industrial Growth

  7. National Security and Protection of Trade Routes

  8. Social Darwinism

  9. Commodore Perry and Japan

  10. Purchase of Alaska – “Seward’s Icebox”

  11. Hawaii – Dole Pineapples and the U.S. Fruit Company

  12. Samoa

  13. Spanish American WarTeddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

  14. Cuban Revolution

  15. Yellow Journalism

  16. U.S.S. Maine

  17. Battle of San Juan Hill, Santiago, CubaTeddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

  18. Battle of Manila Bay, Philippines

  19. Treaty of Paris 1898

  20. Caribbean and Latin America Platt Amendment

  21. Roosevelt Corollary (Big Stick)

  22. Dollar Diplomacy - Taft

  23. Moral Diplomacy - Wilson Poncho Villa wanted poster

  24. Asia and China Chinese Boxer Rebellion Nationalist Chinese attempt to rid their country of European influence. A combination of U.S. and European forces puts down the rebellion.

  25. Open Door Policy U.S. Secretary of State, John Hay convinces European Powers to keep China open to free trade. The Open Door policy in effect allows China some level of self government. The U.S. was concerned that they would be shut out of the profitable Chinese market.

  26. Philippine Rebellion U.S. forces put down a Philippine uprising led by Emilio Aguinaldo. The U.S. debates whether to maintain Philippines as a colony. This becomes the primary issue of the 1900 presidential election. The U.S. granted Independence To the Philippines in 1946.

  27. Russo Japanese War 1904-05

  28. Gentlemen’s Agreement

  29. Great White Fleet

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